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Jobs & Volunteering

Help Ultimate thrive in Vancouver! Apply now for any of our permanent, contract or volunteer positions.

New Job Opportunities

Regional Coordinator - Adult Programs

The VUL is looking to grow our program offerings in the Municipalities of Surrey, Burnaby, and New Westminster, and is looking for someone who lives in that part of Metro Vancouver to lead our efforts.  This person needs to be someone who is passionate about the sport of Ultimate, but also engaged in the local communities to help run our existing programs, and also to help grow the sport.

Click to view the full  Job Description

Please apply by March 15th to lm@vul.bc.ca

Lead Coach - Adult Beginner Club

The VUL is introducing a new program this Summer aimed at improving the experience of our new and beginner adult players.  The Adult Beginner Club is designed to provide new players with consistent practices, coaching, and knowledge development so they can become more comfortable in other VUL programs faster.  

The Adult Beginner Club Lead Coach will develop the curriculum and lesson plans for this club which lasts from May until August, and then lead the execution of those lesson plans on the field to help create life-long Ultimate players

Click to view the full  Job Description

Please apply by March 15th to lm@vul.bc.ca

Coaching Opportunities

There are multiple opportunities to coach and support players in Greater Vancouver.


Camp & Clinic Instructors

We offer multiple programs that ensure youth have fun while learning to play! These include week-long Day Camps in the summer and over Spring Break for ages 8-14, and 8-week Skills Series that run in all seasons (U14 and U19). 

Experienced teaching youth is desired. Applications are accepted year-round. Contact us for more information or to apply.

Club Team Coaches

We run competitive club programs for high-school students: Misfit Ultimate in Vancouver, Vortex Ultimate in Surrey, Canyon Ultimate in the North Shore, and Reign Ultimate in Richmond​.

We need dozens of coaches every year to prepare teams for Provincial and National Championships. Coaching experience is helpful, but each team has multiple coaches so new coaches are encouraged to apply, as well. Click here to learn more and to apply.


Competitive Club Coaching

The VUL also supports adult club teams every year. To contact teams directly, see the list of active clubs.

VUL Committees

The VUL is always searching for volunteers for its committees. Don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested in volunteering for a committee or would like more information.

Art Hawkins Great Canadian Game FUNDraiser

This committee leads the yearly delivery of our annual fundraiser for the Art Hawkins Development Fund.


This committee supports the Board in improving governance practices. It provides guidance for Board operation, supports ongoing renewal with new candidates, facilitates Board self-evaluation, and encourages best practices for all Board activities.

Strategic Planning

This committee supports the Board with strategic direction and planning, including monitoring progress on the current strategic plan.


This committee supports the Board in providing financial oversight for the society. This includes budgeting, reporting, policies, controls, and risk management.


This committee leads the yearly delivery of our annual awards event(s), which includes the Hall of Fame.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

This committee supports the Board in meeting its EDI commitments through the development of delivery of initiatives and campaigns.

Spirit of the Game

This committee promotes a shared understanding of Spirit of The Game across all programs and at all levels through the development of delivery of initiatives and campaigns.

Player Experience

This committee supports the senior staff by identifying opportunities to positively impact a player's experience in the VUL.