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Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Mon Sep 30
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Accounts Receivable 21 10 Dream Ponies
Andy Livingstone E Clarifiers 15 9 Get Lucky
Andy Livingstone E Neon Thunder 9 21 Good Units
Andy Livingstone E Perfect Cups 7 15 Throws of Passion
Van Tech Turf Breaking Badly 7 9 Drinking Irish
Van Tech Turf Chuckanut Drivers 16 8 Lord of the Flings
Van Tech Turf Dementors 14 13 Ex-lion tamers
Van Tech Turf Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 11 9 Too Drunk To Huck
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Accounts Receivable 10 21 Get Lucky
Andy Livingstone E Clarifiers 21 6 Dream Ponies
Andy Livingstone E Neon Thunder 8 21 Throws of Passion
Andy Livingstone E Perfect Cups 13 20 Good Units
Trillium E The Puffy Jackets 15 21 Paddle Sore
Trillium E Wrecking Balls 16 21 Penny Royalty
Trillium W Applauders 15 21 SADS Sufferers
Trillium W Berzerkers 20 20 Radioactive
Trillium W Blurred Lines 21 18 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Trillium W Macaroon 5 21 7 Holy Geisters
Van Tech Turf Breaking Badly 15 14 Too Drunk To Huck
Van Tech Turf Chuckanut Drivers 21 17 Ex-lion tamers
Van Tech Turf Dementors 21 13 Lord of the Flings
Van Tech Turf Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 14 12 Drinking Irish
9:00 pm Trillium E The Puffy Jackets 21 17 Penny Royalty
Trillium E Wrecking Balls 19 21 Paddle Sore
Trillium W Applauders 19 16 Radioactive
Trillium W Berzerkers 12 21 SADS Sufferers
Trillium W Blurred Lines 20 13 Holy Geisters
Trillium W Macaroon 5 21 14 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Thu Oct 3
8:00 pm
Jericho W Chest Flyers 21 9 Russian Twisters
Jericho W Glute Activators 17 14 Yoga Poseurs
Jericho W Not Them Again! 21 13 Dolphin Plank
Jericho W Thigh Masters 12 17 Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium E Hanging Pikes 21 7 Otis Up
Trillium E Jazz Hands 9 15 Whiskey Shivers
Trillium E Landmine 180s 14 20 Giblets of Fire
9:00 pm Jericho W Chest Flyers 21 12 Half Lords of the Fish
Jericho W Glute Activators 16 10 Dolphin Plank
Jericho W Not Them Again! 14 16 Yoga Poseurs
Jericho W Thigh Masters 21 19 Russian Twisters
Trillium E Hanging Pikes 21 7 Landmine 180s
Trillium E Jazz Hands 9 17 Giblets of Fire
Trillium E Otis Up 15 18 Whiskey Shivers
Mon Oct 7
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Paddle Sore 14 21 Blurred Lines
Andy Livingstone E Penny Royalty 21 19 Macaroon 5
Van Tech Turf Holy Geisters 18 18 Berzerkers
Van Tech Turf Radioactive 21 19 Wrecking Balls
Van Tech Turf SADS Sufferers 21 18 The Puffy Jackets
Van Tech Turf Technicolour Bunny Skittles 17 21 Applauders
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Paddle Sore 23 21 Macaroon 5
Andy Livingstone E Penny Royalty 15 21 Blurred Lines
Memorial SW Accounts Receivable 21 6 Neon Thunder
Memorial SW Clarifiers 15 9 Perfect Cups
Memorial SW Dream Ponies 13 16 Good Units
Memorial SW Get Lucky 13 19 Throws of Passion
Trillium E Chuckanut Drivers 15 14 Breaking Badly
Trillium E Dementors 13 4 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Trillium E Ex-lion tamers 21 4 Too Drunk To Huck
Trillium E Lord of the Flings 15 16 Drinking Irish
Van Tech Turf Holy Geisters 6 21 Applauders
Van Tech Turf Radioactive 8 21 The Puffy Jackets
Van Tech Turf SADS Sufferers 21 17 Wrecking Balls
Van Tech Turf Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 15 Berzerkers
9:00 pm Memorial SW Accounts Receivable 21 15 Perfect Cups
Memorial SW Clarifiers 21 5 Neon Thunder
Memorial SW Dream Ponies 13 16 Throws of Passion
Memorial SW Get Lucky 19 9 Good Units
Trillium E Chuckanut Drivers 21 11 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Trillium E Dementors 21 6 Breaking Badly
Trillium E Ex-lion tamers 17 16 Drinking Irish
Trillium E Lord of the Flings 14 13 Too Drunk To Huck
Thu Oct 10
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Hanging Pikes 21 15 Whiskey Shivers
Memorial SW Jazz Hands 17 18 Landmine 180s
Memorial SW Otis Up 6 21 Giblets of Fire
Trillium W Chest Flyers 20 17 Not Them Again!
Trillium W Half Lords of the Fish 21 19 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium W Russian Twisters 21 5 Dolphin Plank
Trillium W Thigh Masters 17 21 Glute Activators
9:00 pm Memorial SW Hanging Pikes 18 21 Giblets of Fire
Memorial SW Jazz Hands 21 9 Otis Up
Memorial SW Landmine 180s 19 21 Whiskey Shivers
Trillium W Chest Flyers 21 19 Glute Activators
Trillium W Half Lords of the Fish 21 13 Dolphin Plank
Trillium W Russian Twisters 19 21 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium W Thigh Masters 20 22 Not Them Again!
Thu Oct 17
8:00 pm
Jericho W Giblets of Fire 18 12 Whiskey Shivers
Jericho W Hanging Pikes 21 4 Jazz Hands
Jericho W Landmine 180s 20 6 Otis Up
Trillium E Chest Flyers 21 9 Dolphin Plank
Trillium E Half Lords of the Fish 21 13 Glute Activators
Trillium E Russian Twisters 21 10 Not Them Again!
Trillium E Thigh Masters 21 6 Yoga Poseurs
9:00 pm Jericho W Hanging Pikes 21 5 Otis Up
Jericho W Jazz Hands 10 21 Whiskey Shivers
Jericho W Landmine 180s 21 18 Giblets of Fire
Trillium E Chest Flyers 21 16 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium E Half Lords of the Fish 9 17 Not Them Again!
Trillium E Russian Twisters 21 14 Glute Activators
Trillium E Thigh Masters 21 9 Dolphin Plank
Mon Oct 21
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Chuckanut Drivers 19 8 Drinking Irish
Andy Livingstone E Dementors 21 6 Too Drunk To Huck
Andy Livingstone E Ex-lion tamers 21 7 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Andy Livingstone E Lord of the Flings 8 19 Breaking Badly
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Chuckanut Drivers 21 9 Too Drunk To Huck
Andy Livingstone E Dementors 21 8 Drinking Irish
Andy Livingstone E Ex-lion tamers 17 19 Breaking Badly
Andy Livingstone E Lord of the Flings 16 14 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Memorial SW The Puffy Jackets 21 15 Applauders
Memorial SW Wrecking Balls 18 21 Berzerkers
Trillium E Blurred Lines 10 16 SADS Sufferers
Trillium E Macaroon 5 18 21 Radioactive
Trillium E Paddle Sore 13 21 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Trillium E Penny Royalty 21 11 Holy Geisters
Trillium W Accounts Receivable 12 10 Good Units
Trillium W Clarifiers 15 20 Throws of Passion
Trillium W Dream Ponies 11 16 Neon Thunder
Trillium W Get Lucky 17 10 Perfect Cups
9:00 pm Memorial SW The Puffy Jackets 21 15 Berzerkers
Memorial SW Wrecking Balls 15 19 Applauders
Trillium E Blurred Lines 21 10 Radioactive
Trillium E Macaroon 5 22 21 SADS Sufferers
Trillium E Paddle Sore 21 11 Holy Geisters
Trillium E Penny Royalty 10 21 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Trillium W Accounts Receivable 19 21 Throws of Passion
Trillium W Clarifiers 19 21 Good Units
Trillium W Dream Ponies 10 21 Perfect Cups
Trillium W Get Lucky 21 16 Neon Thunder
Thu Oct 24
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Jazz Hands 13 11 Otis Up
Memorial SW Russian Twisters 12 7 Landmine 180s
Memorial SW Yoga Poseurs 21 13 Dolphin Plank
Trillium E Chest Flyers 21 9 Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium E Glute Activators Thigh Masters
Trillium W Not Them Again! 21 16 Hanging Pikes
Trillium W Whiskey Shivers Giblets of Fire
9:00 pm Memorial SW Landmine 180s 21 13 Dolphin Plank
Memorial SW Russian Twisters 21 5 Jazz Hands
Memorial SW Yoga Poseurs 21 10 Otis Up
Trillium E Chest Flyers Thigh Masters
Trillium E Glute Activators 19 21 Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium W Not Them Again! Giblets of Fire
Trillium W Whiskey Shivers Hanging Pikes
Mon Oct 28
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Paddle Sore 15 21 Applauders
Andy Livingstone E Paddle Sore 15 21 Applauders
Andy Livingstone E SADS Sufferers 21 14 Blurred Lines
Andy Livingstone E SADS Sufferers 21 14 Blurred Lines
Andy Livingstone E The Puffy Jackets 17 21 Macaroon 5
Van Tech Turf Berzerkers 2 21 Wrecking Balls
Van Tech Turf Penny Royalty 18 15 Radioactive
Van Tech Turf Penny Royalty 18 15 Radioactive
Van Tech Turf Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 6 Holy Geisters
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Applauders 21 19 Macaroon 5
Andy Livingstone E Applauders 21 19 Macaroon 5
Andy Livingstone E Paddle Sore 21 14 SADS Sufferers
Andy Livingstone E Paddle Sore 21 14 SADS Sufferers
Andy Livingstone E The Puffy Jackets 21 9 Blurred Lines
Trillium E Clarifiers 12 21 Ex-lion tamers
Trillium E Dementors 16 17 Chuckanut Drivers
Trillium E Good Units Get Lucky
Trillium E Good Units 12 16 Get Lucky
Trillium E Throws of Passion Accounts Receivable
Trillium E Throws of Passion 21 9 Accounts Receivable
Trillium W Dream Ponies 12 11 Too Drunk To Huck
Trillium W Lord of the Flings 14 21 Breaking Badly
Trillium W Neon Thunder 9 19 Drinking Irish
Trillium W Perfect Cups 21 6 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Van Tech Turf Penny Royalty 21 17 Berzerkers
Van Tech Turf Radioactive 21 4 Holy Geisters
Van Tech Turf Radioactive 21 4 Holy Geisters
Van Tech Turf Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 19 Wrecking Balls
9:00 pm Trillium E Clarifiers 9 21 Get Lucky
Trillium E Dementors 21 18 Accounts Receivable
Trillium E Good Units 4 21 Ex-lion tamers
Trillium E Throws of Passion 21 5 Chuckanut Drivers
Trillium W Dream Ponies 19 8 Drinking Irish
Trillium W Lord of the Flings 16 15 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Trillium W Neon Thunder 8 16 Too Drunk To Huck
Trillium W Perfect Cups 18 19 Breaking Badly
Thu Oct 31
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Chest Flyers 21 13 Not Them Again!
Memorial SW Glute Activators 19 17 Whiskey Shivers
Trillium E Half Lords of the Fish Forfeited Hanging Pikes
Trillium E Thigh Masters 21 16 Giblets of Fire
Trillium W Landmine 180s Otis Up
Trillium W Russian Twisters 21 19 Dolphin Plank
Trillium W Yoga Poseurs 21 10 Jazz Hands
9:00 pm Memorial SW Chest Flyers 21 14 Whiskey Shivers
Memorial SW Glute Activators 13 16 Not Them Again!
Trillium E Half Lords of the Fish 21 11 Giblets of Fire
Trillium E Thigh Masters Cancelled Hanging Pikes
Trillium W Jazz Hands 21 12 Dolphin Plank
Trillium W Russian Twisters Cancelled Otis Up
Trillium W Yoga Poseurs Forfeited Landmine 180s
Mon Nov 4
7:00 pm
Van Tech Turf Breaking Badly 20 16 Too Drunk To Huck
Van Tech Turf Lord of the Flings 19 13 Dream Ponies
Van Tech Turf Perfect Cups 21 5 Neon Thunder
Van Tech Turf Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 6 19 Drinking Irish
8:00 pm Memorial SW Applauders 21 9 Blurred Lines
Memorial SW Paddle Sore 15 21 Macaroon 5
Memorial SW The Puffy Jackets 21 16 SADS Sufferers
Trillium E Penny Royalty 21 6 Holy Geisters
Trillium E Radioactive 12 21 Wrecking Balls
Trillium E Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 9 Berzerkers
Trillium W Accounts Receivable 13 21 Get Lucky
Trillium W Chuckanut Drivers 21 22 Ex-lion tamers
Trillium W Dementors 14 21 Clarifiers
Trillium W Throws of Passion 21 8 Good Units
Van Tech Turf Breaking Badly 14 16 Drinking Irish
Van Tech Turf Lord of the Flings 21 5 Neon Thunder
Van Tech Turf Perfect Cups 21 14 Dream Ponies
Van Tech Turf Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 21 17 Too Drunk To Huck
9:00 pm Memorial SW Paddle Sore 21 17 Blurred Lines
Memorial SW SADS Sufferers 21 10 Macaroon 5
Memorial SW The Puffy Jackets 21 19 Applauders
Trillium E Berzerkers 21 13 Holy Geisters
Trillium E Penny Royalty 21 18 Wrecking Balls
Trillium E Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 10 Radioactive
Trillium W Accounts Receivable 21 17 Ex-lion tamers
Trillium W Chuckanut Drivers 20 20 Get Lucky
Trillium W Dementors 21 11 Good Units
Trillium W Throws of Passion 21 16 Clarifiers
Thu Nov 7
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Half Lords of the Fish 13 21 Not Them Again!
Memorial SW Thigh Masters Whiskey Shivers
Trillium E Landmine 180s 21 10 Jazz Hands
Trillium E Otis Up 16 15 Dolphin Plank
Trillium E Yoga Poseurs 21 18 Russian Twisters
Trillium W Chest Flyers 16 14 Hanging Pikes
Trillium W Glute Activators 21 15 Giblets of Fire
9:00 pm Memorial SW Half Lords of the Fish Whiskey Shivers
Memorial SW Thigh Masters 14 21 Not Them Again!
Trillium E Dolphin Plank 14 21 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium E Jazz Hands 15 10 Otis Up
Trillium E Russian Twisters 14 6 Landmine 180s
Trillium W Chest Flyers 21 15 Giblets of Fire
Trillium W Glute Activators 21 16 Hanging Pikes
Mon Nov 11
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Radioactive 18 14 Berzerkers
Andy Livingstone E Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 10 Penny Royalty
Andy Livingstone E Wrecking Balls 21 10 Holy Geisters
Van Tech Turf Accounts Receivable 10 21 Good Units
Van Tech Turf Chuckanut Drivers 18 16 Clarifiers
Van Tech Turf Dementors 21 13 Ex-lion tamers
Van Tech Turf Throws of Passion 21 8 Get Lucky
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Berzerkers 11 21 Wrecking Balls
Andy Livingstone E Holy Geisters 7 21 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Andy Livingstone E Penny Royalty 21 17 Radioactive
Trillium E Breaking Badly 21 9 Dream Ponies
Trillium E Lord of the Flings 21 14 Too Drunk To Huck
Trillium E Perfect Cups 16 21 Drinking Irish
Trillium E Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 17 16 Neon Thunder
Trillium W Applauders 16 15 SADS Sufferers
Trillium W Blurred Lines 21 16 Macaroon 5
Trillium W The Puffy Jackets 21 14 Paddle Sore
Van Tech Turf Accounts Receivable 5 21 Clarifiers
Van Tech Turf Chuckanut Drivers 21 14 Good Units
Van Tech Turf Dementors 23 25 Get Lucky
Van Tech Turf Throws of Passion 21 14 Ex-lion tamers
9:00 pm Trillium E Breaking Badly 19 14 Neon Thunder
Trillium E Lord of the Flings 21 14 Drinking Irish
Trillium E Perfect Cups 21 11 Too Drunk To Huck
Trillium E Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 21 16 Dream Ponies
Trillium W Macaroon 5 15 21 The Puffy Jackets
Trillium W Paddle Sore 21 16 Applauders
Trillium W SADS Sufferers 6 21 Blurred Lines
Thu Nov 14
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Giblets of Fire 17 13 Dolphin Plank
Memorial SW Landmine 180s 21 8 Jazz Hands
Memorial SW Russian Twisters 17 8 Otis Up
Trillium E Chest Flyers 4 21 Whiskey Shivers
Trillium E Glute Activators 15 16 Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium W Not Them Again! Hanging Pikes
Trillium W Thigh Masters 21 16 Yoga Poseurs
9:00 pm Memorial SW Dolphin Plank 17 21 Jazz Hands
Memorial SW Giblets of Fire 21 17 Russian Twisters
Memorial SW Landmine 180s 21 8 Otis Up
Trillium E Chest Flyers 21 15 Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium E Glute Activators 12 21 Whiskey Shivers
Trillium W Not Them Again! 21 16 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium W Thigh Masters 16 17 Hanging Pikes
Mon Nov 18
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Applauders 15 21 The Puffy Jackets
Andy Livingstone E Penny Royalty 21 12 Paddle Sore
Andy Livingstone E Technicolour Bunny Skittles 15 21 SADS Sufferers
Van Tech Turf Berzerkers 13 21 Blurred Lines
Van Tech Turf Macaroon 5 17 21 Radioactive
Van Tech Turf Wrecking Balls 21 7 Holy Geisters
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Applauders 8 21 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Andy Livingstone E Penny Royalty 11 21 SADS Sufferers
Andy Livingstone E The Puffy Jackets 21 18 Paddle Sore
Trillium E Clarifiers 21 17 Good Units
Trillium E Get Lucky 21 15 Ex-lion tamers
Trillium E Lord of the Flings 17 14 Chuckanut Drivers
Trillium E Throws of Passion 19 13 Dementors
Trillium W Accounts Receivable 8 17 Dream Ponies
Trillium W Breaking Badly 18 13 Too Drunk To Huck
Trillium W Drinking Irish 21 9 Perfect Cups
Trillium W Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 17 12 Neon Thunder
Van Tech Turf Berzerkers 9 21 Macaroon 5
Van Tech Turf Blurred Lines 21 6 Holy Geisters
Van Tech Turf Wrecking Balls 12 17 Radioactive
9:00 pm Trillium E Clarifiers 19 17 Chuckanut Drivers
Trillium E Get Lucky 21 5 Dementors
Trillium E Lord of the Flings 21 13 Good Units
Trillium E Throws of Passion 21 13 Ex-lion tamers
Trillium W Accounts Receivable 9 21 Perfect Cups
Trillium W Breaking Badly 21 7 Neon Thunder
Trillium W Drinking Irish 21 7 Dream Ponies
Trillium W Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 21 11 Too Drunk To Huck
Thu Nov 21
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Chest Flyers 18 21 Not Them Again!
Memorial SW Glute Activators 20 17 Thigh Masters
Trillium E Half Lords of the Fish 18 21 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium E Whiskey Shivers 17 15 Hanging Pikes
Trillium W Dolphin Plank 21 14 Otis Up
Trillium W Giblets of Fire 21 12 Jazz Hands
Trillium W Landmine 180s 16 17 Russian Twisters
9:00 pm Memorial SW Chest Flyers 12 14 Thigh Masters
Memorial SW Glute Activators 13 14 Not Them Again!
Trillium E Half Lords of the Fish 21 14 Hanging Pikes
Trillium E Whiskey Shivers 13 21 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium W Giblets of Fire 21 16 Otis Up
Trillium W Landmine 180s 17 14 Dolphin Plank
Trillium W Russian Twisters 21 14 Jazz Hands
Mon Nov 25
7:00 pm
Van Tech Turf Accounts Receivable 21 12 Breaking Badly
Van Tech Turf Dream Ponies 17 21 Too Drunk To Huck
Van Tech Turf Drinking Irish 21 11 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Van Tech Turf Perfect Cups 17 16 Neon Thunder
8:00 pm Memorial SW Applauders 9 21 Penny Royalty
Memorial SW SADS Sufferers 23 21 Paddle Sore
Memorial SW Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 20 The Puffy Jackets
Trillium E Berzerkers 11 18 Holy Geisters
Trillium E Blurred Lines 21 10 Radioactive
Trillium E Wrecking Balls Macaroon 5
Trillium W Dementors 12 7 Good Units
Trillium W Ex-lion tamers 21 13 Chuckanut Drivers
Trillium W Get Lucky 13 10 Lord of the Flings
Trillium W Throws of Passion 21 16 Clarifiers
Van Tech Turf Accounts Receivable 21 13 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Van Tech Turf Dream Ponies 21 16 Neon Thunder
Van Tech Turf Drinking Irish 21 15 Breaking Badly
Van Tech Turf Perfect Cups 21 14 Too Drunk To Huck
9:00 pm Memorial SW Paddle Sore 14 21 Applauders
Memorial SW Penny Royalty 17 9 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Memorial SW The Puffy Jackets 14 17 SADS Sufferers
Trillium E Berzerkers 11 16 Radioactive
Trillium E Macaroon 5 Holy Geisters
Trillium E Wrecking Balls 14 21 Blurred Lines
Trillium W Dementors 7 21 Chuckanut Drivers
Trillium W Ex-lion tamers 15 14 Good Units
Trillium W Get Lucky 21 18 Clarifiers
Trillium W Throws of Passion 21 18 Lord of the Flings
Thu Nov 28
8:00 pm
Memorial SW Not Them Again! 21 8 Whiskey Shivers
Memorial SW Thigh Masters 17 21 Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium E Giblets of Fire 14 21 Landmine 180s
Trillium E Otis Up 15 21 Jazz Hands
Trillium E Russian Twisters 21 9 Dolphin Plank
Trillium W Chest Flyers 18 16 Hanging Pikes
Trillium W Glute Activators 10 21 Yoga Poseurs
9:00 pm Memorial SW Not Them Again! 21 12 Half Lords of the Fish
Memorial SW Thigh Masters 21 12 Whiskey Shivers
Trillium E Dolphin Plank 17 21 Otis Up
Trillium E Jazz Hands 16 21 Giblets of Fire
Trillium E Landmine 180s 16 21 Russian Twisters
Trillium W Chest Flyers 16 21 Yoga Poseurs
Trillium W Glute Activators 16 21 Hanging Pikes
Mon Dec 2
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Blurred Lines 12 21 Macaroon 5
Andy Livingstone E Radioactive 15 7 Holy Geisters
Andy Livingstone E Wrecking Balls 21 7 Berzerkers
Van Tech Turf Dementors 21 10 Clarifiers
Van Tech Turf Ex-lion tamers 15 16 Lord of the Flings
Van Tech Turf Get Lucky 21 13 Chuckanut Drivers
Van Tech Turf Throws of Passion 19 14 Good Units
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E Berzerkers 5 21 Blurred Lines
Andy Livingstone E Holy Geisters 10 21 Wrecking Balls
Andy Livingstone E Macaroon 5 21 16 Radioactive
Memorial SW Accounts Receivable Too Drunk To Huck
Memorial SW Dream Ponies 17 15 Breaking Badly
Memorial SW Drinking Irish 21 6 Neon Thunder
Memorial SW Perfect Cups 20 10 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Trillium W Applauders 21 8 Paddle Sore
Trillium W Penny Royalty 17 21 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Trillium W The Puffy Jackets 21 6 SADS Sufferers
Van Tech Turf Dementors 16 21 Lord of the Flings
Van Tech Turf Ex-lion tamers 21 15 Clarifiers
Van Tech Turf Get Lucky 18 15 Good Units
Van Tech Turf Throws of Passion 21 14 Chuckanut Drivers
9:00 pm Memorial SW Accounts Receivable Neon Thunder
Memorial SW Dream Ponies 16 16 Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8
Memorial SW Drinking Irish 21 17 Too Drunk To Huck
Memorial SW Perfect Cups 18 9 Breaking Badly
Trillium W Applauders 21 8 SADS Sufferers
Trillium W Penny Royalty 13 21 The Puffy Jackets
Trillium W Technicolour Bunny Skittles 21 10 Paddle Sore
Thu Dec 5
8:00 pm
Trillium E Chest Flyers 21 17 Glute Activators
Trillium E Hanging Pikes (R202) Whiskey Shivers
Trillium E Not Them Again! (R101) Thigh Masters
Trillium E Yoga Poseurs (R102) Half Lords of the Fish
Trillium W Dolphin Plank (R401) Otis Up
Trillium W Landmine 180s (R302) Jazz Hands
Trillium W Russian Twisters (R301) Giblets of Fire
9:00 pm Trillium E W: R103 (R103) W: R103
Trillium E L: R104 (R104) L: R104
Trillium E Chest Flyers (R203) W: R203
Trillium E Glute Activators (R204) L: R204
Trillium W W: R303 (R303) W: R303
Trillium W Giblets of Fire (R304) L: R304
Mon Dec 9
7:00 pm
Andy Livingstone E Chuckanut Drivers (M502) Lord of the Flings
Andy Livingstone E Dementors (M501) Good Units
Andy Livingstone E Dream Ponies (M602) Perfect Cups
Andy Livingstone E Drinking Irish 21 14 Breaking Badly
Van Tech Turf Too Drunk To Huck (M702) Accounts Receivable
Van Tech Turf Union of Carnival Clowns Local 8 (M701) Neon Thunder
8:00 pm Andy Livingstone E W: M503 (M503) W: M503
Andy Livingstone E L: M504 (M504) L: M504
Andy Livingstone E Breaking Badly (M604) L: M604
Andy Livingstone E Drinking Irish (M603) W: M603
Trillium E Paddle Sore (M202) Wrecking Balls
Trillium E Penny Royalty 19 17 Blurred Lines
Trillium E SADS Sufferers (M102) Applauders
Trillium E The Puffy Jackets 3 21 Technicolour Bunny Skittles
Trillium W Get Lucky 21 7 Clarifiers
Trillium W Macaroon 5 (M302) Holy Geisters
Trillium W Radioactive 21 7 Berzerkers
Trillium W Throws of Passion 19 20 Ex-lion tamers
Van Tech Turf W: M703 (M703) W: M703
Van Tech Turf L: M704 (M704) L: M704
9:00 pm Trillium E Blurred Lines (M204) L: M204
Trillium E Penny Royalty (M203) W: M203
Trillium E Technicolour Bunny Skittles (M103) W: M103
Trillium E The Puffy Jackets (M104) L: M104
Trillium W Berzerkers 9 21 Holy Geisters
Trillium W Clarifiers 8 11 Throws of Passion
Trillium W Get Lucky (M403) Ex-lion tamers
Trillium W Radioactive (M303) W: M303