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Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Thu Jan 11
8:15 pm
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back Cancelled The Marauders
Empire N Discl3xia! Cancelled What the Huck
Empire N Hammerco x Snaccs Cancelled Jason's Kittens
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Cancelled Dinoz
Empire S 2nami Cancelled Friends of Henry
Empire S 4 Winds Cancelled Piper Palooza
Empire S Fire Ferrets Cancelled Hot Sauced
Empire S Thrower Uppers Cancelled Dill Flickles
Jericho W Hammer Beats Rabbit Cancelled Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Jericho W Hotpot Cancelled Absolute Zeroes
Jericho W Spinister Motives Cancelled Basura Gang
Jericho W Team Adequate Cancelled The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial SW Blackbeard Cancelled Pipe Line
Memorial SW Good Vibration Cancelled Pipe Dream
Memorial SW poisson et amis Cancelled Atmospheric river rafting
Memorial SW Stickdog Cancelled Pipe Cleaners
Trillium E Cloud9 Black Cancelled Family Discgrace
Trillium E Disk Horse Cancelled Not in the Face
Trillium E Gen Z(oom) Cancelled Chicago Pulls
Trillium E The Airbenders Cancelled Dim Summers
Trillium W Darts YVR Cancelled NightHugs4Warmth
Trillium W Disconnect Cancelled WeSports
Trillium W Grumpy Dog Cancelled Discord
Trillium W The Frizzles Cancelled zoi
9:10 pm Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back Cancelled What the Huck
Empire N Discl3xia! Cancelled The Marauders
Empire N Hammerco x Snaccs Cancelled Dinoz
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Cancelled Jason's Kittens
Empire S 2nami Cancelled Piper Palooza
Empire S 4 Winds Friends of Henry
Empire S Fire Ferrets Cancelled Dill Flickles
Empire S Thrower Uppers Cancelled Hot Sauced
Jericho W Hammer Beats Rabbit Cancelled The Hucking Fooligans
Jericho W Hotpot Cancelled Basura Gang
Jericho W Spinister Motives Cancelled Absolute Zeroes
Jericho W Team Adequate Cancelled Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Memorial SW Blackbeard Cancelled Pipe Dream
Memorial SW Good Vibration Cancelled Pipe Line
Memorial SW poisson et amis Cancelled Pipe Cleaners
Memorial SW Stickdog Cancelled Atmospheric river rafting
Trillium E Cloud9 Black Cancelled Not in the Face
Trillium E Disk Horse Cancelled Family Discgrace
Trillium E Gen Z(oom) Cancelled Dim Summers
Trillium E The Airbenders Cancelled Chicago Pulls
Trillium W Darts YVR Cancelled WeSports
Trillium W Disconnect Cancelled NightHugs4Warmth
Trillium W Grumpy Dog Cancelled zoi
Trillium W The Frizzles Cancelled Discord
Thu Jan 18
8:15 pm
Empire N Discord Cancelled NightHugs4Warmth
Empire N Grumpy Dog Cancelled Darts YVR
Empire N The Frizzles Cancelled Disconnect
Empire N zoi Cancelled WeSports
Empire S Cloud9 Black Cancelled Gen Z(oom)
Empire S Disk Horse Cancelled The Airbenders
Empire S Family Discgrace Cancelled Chicago Pulls
Empire S Not in the Face Cancelled Dim Summers
Jericho W 2nami Cancelled Thrower Uppers
Jericho W 4 Winds Cancelled Fire Ferrets
Jericho W Friends of Henry Cancelled Dill Flickles
Jericho W Piper Palooza Cancelled Hot Sauced
Memorial SW Dinoz Cancelled The Marauders
Memorial SW Hammerco x Snaccs Cancelled Discl3xia!
Memorial SW Jason's Kittens Cancelled What the Huck
Memorial SW Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Cancelled Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Atmospheric river rafting Cancelled Pipe Dream
Trillium E Pipe Cleaners Cancelled Pipe Line
Trillium E poisson et amis Cancelled Good Vibration
Trillium E Stickdog Cancelled Blackbeard
Trillium W Absolute Zeroes Cancelled Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W Basura Gang Cancelled The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W Hotpot Cancelled Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium W Spinister Motives Cancelled Team Adequate
9:10 pm Empire N Discord Cancelled WeSports
Empire N Grumpy Dog Cancelled Disconnect
Empire N The Frizzles Cancelled Darts YVR
Empire N zoi Cancelled NightHugs4Warmth
Empire S Cloud9 Black Cancelled The Airbenders
Empire S Disk Horse Cancelled Gen Z(oom)
Empire S Family Discgrace Cancelled Dim Summers
Empire S Not in the Face Cancelled Chicago Pulls
Jericho W 2nami Cancelled Fire Ferrets
Jericho W 4 Winds Cancelled Thrower Uppers
Jericho W Friends of Henry Hot Sauced
Jericho W Piper Palooza Cancelled Dill Flickles
Memorial SW Dinoz Cancelled What the Huck
Memorial SW Hammerco x Snaccs Cancelled Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial SW Jason's Kittens Cancelled The Marauders
Memorial SW Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Cancelled Discl3xia!
Trillium E Atmospheric river rafting Cancelled Pipe Line
Trillium E Pipe Cleaners Cancelled Pipe Dream
Trillium E poisson et amis Cancelled Blackbeard
Trillium E Stickdog Cancelled Good Vibration
Trillium W Absolute Zeroes Cancelled The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W Basura Gang Cancelled Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W Hotpot Cancelled Team Adequate
Trillium W Spinister Motives Cancelled Hammer Beats Rabbit
Thu Jan 25
8:15 pm
Empire N Absolute Zeroes 21 13 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire N Basura Gang 17 7 Team Adequate
Empire N Hotpot 15 20 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire N Spinister Motives 9 19 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire S Atmospheric river rafting 18 14 Good Vibration
Empire S Pipe Cleaners 18 13 Blackbeard
Empire S poisson et amis 21 17 Pipe Dream
Empire S Stickdog 21 12 Pipe Line
Jericho W Cloud9 Black 10 11 Chicago Pulls
Jericho W Disk Horse 13 7 Dim Summers
Jericho W Family Discgrace 9 13 Gen Z(oom)
Jericho W Not in the Face 12 3 The Airbenders
Memorial SW Discord 13 11 Darts YVR
Memorial SW Grumpy Dog 21 11 NightHugs4Warmth
Memorial SW The Frizzles 10 21 WeSports
Memorial SW zoi 16 9 Disconnect
Trillium E Dinoz 16 14 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Hammerco x Snaccs 21 9 What the Huck
Trillium E Jason's Kittens 20 19 Discl3xia!
Trillium E Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 21 15 The Marauders
Trillium W 2nami 21 11 Dill Flickles
Trillium W 4 Winds 21 6 Hot Sauced
Trillium W Friends of Henry 20 8 Thrower Uppers
Trillium W Piper Palooza 10 21 Fire Ferrets
9:10 pm Empire N Absolute Zeroes 21 7 Team Adequate
Empire N Basura Gang 21 10 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire N Hotpot 19 16 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire N Spinister Motives 8 19 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire S Atmospheric river rafting 21 10 Blackbeard
Empire S Pipe Cleaners 17 15 Good Vibration
Empire S poisson et amis 21 17 Pipe Line
Empire S Stickdog 21 16 Pipe Dream
Jericho W Cloud9 Black 13 8 Dim Summers
Jericho W Disk Horse 7 16 Chicago Pulls
Jericho W Family Discgrace 11 10 The Airbenders
Jericho W Not in the Face 21 6 Gen Z(oom)
Memorial SW Discord 15 17 Disconnect
Memorial SW Grumpy Dog 9 11 WeSports
Memorial SW The Frizzles 9 20 NightHugs4Warmth
Memorial SW zoi 19 16 Darts YVR
Trillium E Dinoz 19 13 Discl3xia!
Trillium E Hammerco x Snaccs 13 21 The Marauders
Trillium E Jason's Kittens 21 19 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 21 10 What the Huck
Trillium W 2nami Hot Sauced
Trillium W 4 Winds 18 14 Dill Flickles
Trillium W Friends of Henry 13 21 Fire Ferrets
Trillium W Piper Palooza 21 6 Thrower Uppers
Thu Feb 1
8:15 pm
Empire N 4 Winds 20 11 2nami
Empire N Fire Ferrets 21 3 Thrower Uppers
Empire N Hot Sauced 7 20 Dill Flickles
Empire N Piper Palooza 18 13 Friends of Henry
Empire S Discl3xia! 7 20 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Empire S Hammerco x Snaccs Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S Jason's Kittens 16 21 Dinoz
Empire S What the Huck 10 17 The Marauders
Jericho W Atmospheric river rafting 21 14 Pipe Cleaners
Jericho W Good Vibration 18 17 Blackbeard
Jericho W Pipe Dream 21 13 Pipe Line
Jericho W poisson et amis 21 14 Stickdog
Memorial SW Absolute Zeroes 8 17 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit 19 9 Team Adequate
Memorial SW Hotpot 20 7 Spinister Motives
Memorial SW Scoober-Dooby-Doo 21 16 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium E Darts YVR 19 16 Disconnect
Trillium E Discord 13 12 zoi
Trillium E Grumpy Dog 21 13 The Frizzles
Trillium E NightHugs4Warmth 8 21 WeSports
Trillium W Dim Summers 7 14 Chicago Pulls
Trillium W Disk Horse 17 15 Cloud9 Black
Trillium W Not in the Face 17 10 Family Discgrace
Trillium W The Airbenders 9 14 Gen Z(oom)
9:10 pm Empire N 2nami 15 10 Friends of Henry
Empire N 4 Winds 19 14 Piper Palooza
Empire N Fire Ferrets 21 4 Hot Sauced
Empire N Thrower Uppers 3 21 Dill Flickles
Empire S Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 17 9 The Marauders
Empire S Discl3xia! 17 14 What the Huck
Empire S Hammerco x Snaccs 21 17 Jason's Kittens
Empire S Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Dinoz
Jericho W Blackbeard 17 17 Pipe Line
Jericho W Good Vibration 11 17 Pipe Dream
Jericho W poisson et amis Atmospheric river rafting
Jericho W Stickdog 21 11 Pipe Cleaners
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit 15 19 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Memorial SW Hotpot 12 18 Absolute Zeroes
Memorial SW Spinister Motives 8 21 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Team Adequate 14 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium E Darts YVR 21 14 NightHugs4Warmth
Trillium E Disconnect 11 15 WeSports
Trillium E Grumpy Dog 17 19 Discord
Trillium E The Frizzles 13 21 zoi
Trillium W Cloud9 Black 13 16 Family Discgrace
Trillium W Disk Horse 10 18 Not in the Face
Trillium W Gen Z(oom) 11 9 Chicago Pulls
Trillium W The Airbenders 13 8 Dim Summers
Thu Feb 8
8:15 pm
Empire N Cloud9 Black 16 6 Dim Summers
Empire N Disk Horse 14 15 The Airbenders
Empire N Hot Sauced 14 21 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N Thrower Uppers 18 16 Family Discgrace
Empire S Discl3xia! 21 17 Discord
Empire S Grumpy Dog 18 11 Basura Gang
Empire S Scoober-Dooby-Doo 14 19 Fire Ferrets
Empire S What the Huck 17 21 Darts YVR
Jericho W Blackbeard 21 13 The Marauders
Jericho W Hammerco x Snaccs 16 10 WeSports
Jericho W Jason's Kittens 21 18 zoi
Jericho W Pipe Line 13 13 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial SW Friends of Henry 20 21 Chicago Pulls
Memorial SW Piper Palooza 21 14 Not in the Face
Memorial SW Spinister Motives 9 17 Dill Flickles
Memorial SW Team Adequate 15 20 2nami
Trillium E Disconnect 16 15 The Frizzles
Trillium E Hotpot 15 10 4 Winds
Trillium E NightHugs4Warmth 8 21 Absolute Zeroes
Trillium E The Hucking Fooligans 18 20 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium W Atmospheric river rafting 14 21 Stickdog
Trillium W Good Vibration 18 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium W Pipe Dream 12 21 Dinoz
Trillium W poisson et amis 21 20 Pipe Cleaners
9:10 pm Empire N Cloud9 Black 10 14 The Airbenders
Empire N Disk Horse 21 7 Dim Summers
Empire N Hot Sauced 14 18 Family Discgrace
Empire N Thrower Uppers 13 17 Gen Z(oom)
Empire S Discl3xia! 21 16 Darts YVR
Empire S Grumpy Dog 14 17 Fire Ferrets
Empire S Scoober-Dooby-Doo 15 14 Basura Gang
Empire S What the Huck 13 15 Discord
Jericho W Blackbeard 19 17 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Jericho W Hammerco x Snaccs 21 15 zoi
Jericho W Jason's Kittens 21 15 WeSports
Jericho W Pipe Line 18 16 The Marauders
Memorial SW Friends of Henry 16 21 Not in the Face
Memorial SW Piper Palooza 21 7 Chicago Pulls
Memorial SW Spinister Motives 14 20 2nami
Memorial SW Team Adequate 15 20 Dill Flickles
Trillium E Disconnect 14 13 Absolute Zeroes
Trillium E Hotpot 21 11 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium E NightHugs4Warmth 15 14 The Frizzles
Trillium E The Hucking Fooligans 10 18 4 Winds
Trillium W Atmospheric river rafting 21 17 Pipe Cleaners
Trillium W Good Vibration 18 19 Dinoz
Trillium W Pipe Dream 21 17 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium W poisson et amis 17 21 Stickdog
Thu Feb 15
8:15 pm
Empire N Atmospheric river rafting 21 20 Pipe Dream
Empire N Pipe Cleaners 15 19 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire N poisson et amis 9 21 Good Vibration
Empire N Stickdog Dinoz
Empire S Absolute Zeroes 20 15 4 Winds
Empire S Disconnect 19 16 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire S NightHugs4Warmth 13 9 Hotpot
Empire S The Frizzles 21 13 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W Darts YVR 17 21 Fire Ferrets
Jericho W Discl3xia! 13 18 Grumpy Dog
Jericho W Discord 20 13 Basura Gang
Jericho W What the Huck 18 20 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Memorial SW Family Discgrace 10 13 Dim Summers
Memorial SW Gen Z(oom) 19 6 The Airbenders
Memorial SW Hot Sauced 4 21 Disk Horse
Memorial SW Thrower Uppers 15 16 Cloud9 Black
Trillium E 2nami 20 12 Not in the Face
Trillium E Dill Flickles 17 11 Chicago Pulls
Trillium E Spinister Motives 11 21 Friends of Henry
Trillium E Team Adequate 21 13 Piper Palooza
Trillium W Blackbeard 18 19 Hammerco x Snaccs
Trillium W Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 21 12 zoi
Trillium W Pipe Line 13 21 Jason's Kittens
Trillium W The Marauders 19 15 WeSports
9:10 pm Empire N Atmospheric river rafting 21 20 Good Vibration
Empire N Pipe Cleaners Dinoz
Empire N poisson et amis 16 21 Pipe Dream
Empire N Stickdog 21 17 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S Absolute Zeroes 21 16 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire S Disconnect 21 8 Hotpot
Empire S NightHugs4Warmth 18 8 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire S The Frizzles 16 15 4 Winds
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 15 Basura Gang
Jericho W Discl3xia! 11 18 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Jericho W Discord 14 17 Fire Ferrets
Jericho W What the Huck 14 19 Grumpy Dog
Memorial SW Family Discgrace 15 12 The Airbenders
Memorial SW Gen Z(oom) 17 11 Dim Summers
Memorial SW Hot Sauced Cloud9 Black
Memorial SW Thrower Uppers 17 20 Disk Horse
Trillium E 2nami 17 13 Chicago Pulls
Trillium E Dill Flickles 13 21 Not in the Face
Trillium E Spinister Motives 8 21 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Team Adequate 21 11 Friends of Henry
Trillium W Blackbeard 19 19 Jason's Kittens
Trillium W Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 21 15 WeSports
Trillium W Pipe Line 16 16 Hammerco x Snaccs
Trillium W The Marauders 21 12 zoi
Thu Feb 22
8:15 pm
Empire N Blackbeard 17 15 WeSports
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 14 19 Jason's Kittens
Empire N Pipe Line 21 14 zoi
Empire N The Marauders 19 21 Hammerco x Snaccs
Empire S 2nami 15 17 Piper Palooza
Empire S Dill Flickles 14 21 Friends of Henry
Empire S Spinister Motives 12 21 Chicago Pulls
Empire S Team Adequate 12 13 Not in the Face
Jericho W Absolute Zeroes 13 19 Hotpot
Jericho W Disconnect 18 9 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W NightHugs4Warmth 15 11 4 Winds
Jericho W The Frizzles 12 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial SW Atmospheric river rafting Dinoz
Memorial SW Pipe Cleaners 17 18 Good Vibration
Memorial SW poisson et amis 21 19 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial SW Stickdog 18 21 Pipe Dream
Trillium E Family Discgrace 16 14 Cloud9 Black
Trillium E Gen Z(oom) 12 14 Disk Horse
Trillium E Hot Sauced 5 20 The Airbenders
Trillium E Thrower Uppers 12 13 Dim Summers
Trillium W Darts YVR 21 18 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W Discl3xia! 21 8 Basura Gang
Trillium W Discord 15 21 Grumpy Dog
Trillium W What the Huck 9 17 Fire Ferrets
9:10 pm Empire N Blackbeard 21 12 zoi
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 18 14 Hammerco x Snaccs
Empire N Pipe Line 21 10 WeSports
Empire N The Marauders 16 21 Jason's Kittens
Empire S 2nami 21 11 Friends of Henry
Empire S Dill Flickles 13 19 Piper Palooza
Empire S Spinister Motives 12 20 Not in the Face
Empire S Team Adequate 21 8 Chicago Pulls
Jericho W Absolute Zeroes 12 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Jericho W Disconnect 15 12 4 Winds
Jericho W NightHugs4Warmth 20 15 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W The Frizzles 11 19 Hotpot
Memorial SW Atmospheric river rafting 9 18 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial SW Pipe Cleaners 20 17 Pipe Dream
Memorial SW poisson et amis Dinoz
Memorial SW Stickdog 18 21 Good Vibration
Trillium E Family Discgrace 14 7 Disk Horse
Trillium E Gen Z(oom) 20 10 Cloud9 Black
Trillium E Hot Sauced 6 20 Dim Summers
Trillium E Thrower Uppers 12 21 The Airbenders
Trillium W Darts YVR 21 16 Grumpy Dog
Trillium W Discl3xia! 20 21 Fire Ferrets
Trillium W Discord 13 21 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W What the Huck 10 12 Basura Gang
Thu Feb 29
8:15 pm
Empire N Basura Gang 10 20 Fire Ferrets
Empire N Discl3xia! 21 9 What the Huck
Empire N Discord 10 21 Darts YVR
Empire N Grumpy Dog 14 15 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire S Disk Horse 10 17 Cloud9 Black
Empire S Gen Z(oom) 11 13 Family Discgrace
Empire S Hot Sauced 9 13 Thrower Uppers
Empire S The Airbenders 12 6 Dim Summers
Jericho W 2nami 21 12 Dill Flickles
Jericho W Not in the Face 21 11 Chicago Pulls
Jericho W Piper Palooza 18 12 Friends of Henry
Jericho W Team Adequate 9 15 Spinister Motives
Memorial SW Blackbeard 14 21 Pipe Line
Memorial SW Hammerco x Snaccs 19 21 Jason's Kittens
Memorial SW The Marauders 21 12 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial SW WeSports 14 13 zoi
Trillium E Atmospheric river rafting poisson et amis
Trillium E Dinoz Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium E Pipe Dream 17 21 Good Vibration
Trillium E Stickdog Pipe Cleaners
Trillium W Disconnect 16 9 NightHugs4Warmth
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 15 16 4 Winds
Trillium W The Frizzles 14 14 Absolute Zeroes
Trillium W The Hucking Fooligans 21 11 Hotpot
9:10 pm Empire N Discl3xia! 21 3 Discord
Empire N Grumpy Dog 14 13 Basura Gang
Empire N Scoober-Dooby-Doo 17 12 Fire Ferrets
Empire N What the Huck 12 14 Darts YVR
Empire S Cloud9 Black 12 6 Dim Summers
Empire S Disk Horse 7 13 The Airbenders
Empire S Hot Sauced 7 15 Gen Z(oom)
Empire S Thrower Uppers 7 15 Family Discgrace
Jericho W Friends of Henry 18 18 Chicago Pulls
Jericho W Piper Palooza 10 17 Not in the Face
Jericho W Spinister Motives 19 7 Dill Flickles
Jericho W Team Adequate 17 12 2nami
Memorial SW Blackbeard 17 20 The Marauders
Memorial SW Hammerco x Snaccs 21 13 WeSports
Memorial SW Jason's Kittens 21 15 zoi
Memorial SW Pipe Line 19 17 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Atmospheric river rafting Stickdog
Trillium E Good Vibration 12 14 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium E Pipe Dream Dinoz
Trillium E poisson et amis 14 6 Pipe Cleaners
Trillium W Disconnect 14 9 The Frizzles
Trillium W Hotpot 13 11 4 Winds
Trillium W NightHugs4Warmth 12 13 Absolute Zeroes
Trillium W The Hucking Fooligans 18 16 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Thu Mar 7
8:15 pm
Empire N Absolute Zeroes 15 9 4 Winds
Empire N Disconnect 15 12 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire N NightHugs4Warmth 8 14 Hotpot
Empire N The Frizzles 17 12 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire S Atmospheric river rafting 18 13 Pipe Dream
Empire S Pipe Cleaners 14 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S poisson et amis 21 16 Good Vibration
Empire S Stickdog Dinoz
Jericho W Family Discgrace 11 12 Dim Summers
Jericho W Gen Z(oom) 17 10 The Airbenders
Jericho W Hot Sauced 5 19 Disk Horse
Jericho W Thrower Uppers 15 14 Cloud9 Black
Memorial SW Darts YVR 21 14 Fire Ferrets
Memorial SW Discl3xia! 21 14 Grumpy Dog
Memorial SW Discord 20 21 Basura Gang
Memorial SW What the Huck 11 17 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium E Blackbeard 14 18 Hammerco x Snaccs
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 19 18 zoi
Trillium E Pipe Line 14 21 Jason's Kittens
Trillium E The Marauders 16 19 WeSports
Trillium W 2nami 12 5 Not in the Face
Trillium W Dill Flickles 14 13 Chicago Pulls
Trillium W Spinister Motives 10 15 Friends of Henry
Trillium W Team Adequate 13 15 Piper Palooza
9:10 pm Empire N Absolute Zeroes 21 6 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire N Disconnect 21 10 Hotpot
Empire N NightHugs4Warmth 9 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire N The Frizzles 12 17 4 Winds
Empire S Atmospheric river rafting 21 19 Good Vibration
Empire S Pipe Cleaners Dinoz
Empire S poisson et amis 21 18 Pipe Dream
Empire S Stickdog 21 18 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Jericho W Family Discgrace 13 11 The Airbenders
Jericho W Gen Z(oom) 14 12 Dim Summers
Jericho W Hot Sauced 12 20 Cloud9 Black
Jericho W Thrower Uppers 11 13 Disk Horse
Memorial SW Darts YVR 21 16 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Discl3xia! 21 14 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Memorial SW Discord 10 21 Fire Ferrets
Memorial SW What the Huck 12 18 Grumpy Dog
Trillium E Blackbeard 14 21 Jason's Kittens
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back WeSports
Trillium E Pipe Line 21 20 Hammerco x Snaccs
Trillium E The Marauders 21 12 zoi
Trillium W 2nami Forfeited Chicago Pulls
Trillium W Dill Flickles 11 17 Not in the Face
Trillium W Spinister Motives 13 20 Piper Palooza
Trillium W Team Adequate 13 14 Friends of Henry
Thu Mar 14
8:15 pm
Empire N 2nami 19 16 Chicago Pulls
Empire N Friends of Henry 20 15 Dill Flickles
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 14 21 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N Not in the Face 15 17 Team Adequate
Empire S Hammerco x Snaccs 21 10 Blackbeard
Empire S Pipe Cleaners 21 9 Darts YVR
Empire S Pipe Line 21 9 WeSports
Empire S The Marauders 14 17 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Jericho W Atmospheric river rafting (A104) Dinoz
Jericho W Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 18 14 Good Vibration
Jericho W poisson et amis 21 16 Pipe Dream
Jericho W Stickdog 15 21 Jason's Kittens
Memorial SW Absolute Zeroes 15 21 4 Winds
Memorial SW Hotpot 10 21 The Frizzles
Memorial SW NightHugs4Warmth 19 18 The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial SW What the Huck 18 16 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Discl3xia! 13 20 Grumpy Dog
Trillium E Fire Ferrets 21 14 Discord
Trillium E Scoober-Dooby-Doo 17 15 Basura Gang
Trillium E zoi 14 17 Disconnect
Trillium W Disk Horse 18 10 Dim Summers
Trillium W Family Discgrace 21 7 Thrower Uppers
Trillium W Spinister Motives 21 16 Hot Sauced
Trillium W The Airbenders 14 15 Cloud9 Black
9:10 pm Empire N Gen Z(oom) 18 20 Friends of Henry
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 21 16 Dill Flickles
Empire N Not in the Face 20 16 Chicago Pulls
Empire N Team Adequate 16 15 2nami
Empire S Blackbeard 12 13 WeSports
Empire S Darts YVR 15 18 The Marauders
Empire S Hammerco x Snaccs 15 16 Pipe Line
Empire S Pipe Cleaners 18 9 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Jericho W Jason's Kittens 21 14 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Jericho W Pipe Dream (A108) Dinoz
Jericho W poisson et amis 10 21 Atmospheric river rafting
Jericho W Stickdog 21 16 Good Vibration
Memorial SW Hotpot 9 19 Absolute Zeroes
Memorial SW Piper Palooza 12 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial SW The Frizzles 16 21 4 Winds
Memorial SW What the Huck 6 16 NightHugs4Warmth
Trillium E Basura Gang 21 14 Discord
Trillium E Disconnect 18 16 Grumpy Dog
Trillium E Scoober-Dooby-Doo 16 21 Fire Ferrets
Trillium E zoi (C107) Discl3xia!
Trillium W Dim Summers 19 8 Thrower Uppers
Trillium W Disk Horse 9 14 Family Discgrace
Trillium W Hot Sauced 8 14 The Airbenders
Trillium W Spinister Motives 14 21 Cloud9 Black
Thu Mar 21
8:15 pm
Empire N Cloud9 Black (F109) Family Discgrace
Empire N Hot Sauced (F112) Thrower Uppers
Empire N Spinister Motives 21 15 Disk Horse
Empire N The Airbenders 18 19 Dim Summers
Empire S Discl3xia! (C112) Discord
Empire S Disconnect (C109) Fire Ferrets
Empire S Grumpy Dog (C110) Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire S zoi 21 15 Basura Gang
Jericho W Darts YVR (B112) Blackbeard
Jericho W Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back (B110) Hammerco x Snaccs
Jericho W Pipe Cleaners (B109) Pipe Line
Jericho W The Marauders 21 8 WeSports
Memorial SW Dill Flickles 15 21 Chicago Pulls
Memorial SW Friends of Henry (E109) Team Adequate
Memorial SW Gen Z(oom) 21 16 2nami
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit 14 21 Not in the Face
Trillium E NightHugs4Warmth (D109) 4 Winds
Trillium E Piper Palooza 21 13 Hotpot
Trillium E The Hucking Fooligans (D111) Absolute Zeroes
Trillium E What the Huck 15 21 The Frizzles
Trillium W Good Vibration (A112) Pipe Dream
Trillium W Jason's Kittens (A109) Atmospheric river rafting
Trillium W Little Lebowski Urban Achievers (A110) poisson et amis
Trillium W Stickdog (A111) Dinoz