
Day: All | Mon | Thu
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Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Thu Sep 14
8:15 pm
Empire N Darts YVR 17 21 The Frizzles
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 15 14 Discord
Empire N Super Silly Squirtle Squad 14 20 The Marauders
Empire N U-Haulers 11 18 NightHucks_
Empire S Dill Flickles 6 21 2nami
Empire S Disk Horse 10 21 The Gino Odj-discs
Empire S Not in the Face 15 13 Gen Z(oom)
Empire S The Side Flicks 15 16 Flick It To Ride
Jericho W Fire Ferrets 18 9 Thrower Uppers
Jericho W Forest Dump 7 18 Disconnect
Jericho W Scoober-Dooby-Doo 10 10 Huck It
Jericho W Spinister Motives 9 16 Piper Palooza
Memorial SW Le Vibes 10 21 Also Sports
Memorial SW Live Slow 21 20 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial SW Surrey 20 21 Downpour of Manbo
Memorial SW TTFY 21 17 Too Old To Fold
Trillium E Friends of Henry 12 19 Duckies
Trillium E Friends with Beneflicks 5 10 Friz Nasty
Trillium E Soccer team 12 13 CAB JAMS
Trillium E Solicited Disc Pics 1 11 The Airbenders
Trillium W Basura Gang 11 14 Paper Rings
Trillium W Ruby & Friends 13 19 Hotpot
Trillium W Turf Smurfs 21 16 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W WeSportz 21 16 zoi
9:10 pm Empire N Darts YVR 21 17 Discord
Empire N Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 21 13 The Frizzles
Empire N Super Silly Squirtle Squad 6 21 NightHucks_
Empire N U-Haulers 19 13 The Marauders
Empire S Dill Flickles 14 21 The Gino Odj-discs
Empire S Disk Horse 7 21 2nami
Empire S Not in the Face 20 16 Flick It To Ride
Empire S The Side Flicks 7 21 Gen Z(oom)
Jericho W Fire Ferrets 20 16 Piper Palooza
Jericho W Forest Dump 4 16 Huck It
Jericho W Scoober-Dooby-Doo 9 21 Disconnect
Jericho W Spinister Motives 15 11 Thrower Uppers
Memorial SW Le Vibes 15 17 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial SW Live Slow 21 19 Also Sports
Memorial SW Surrey 18 20 Too Old To Fold
Memorial SW TTFY 21 16 Downpour of Manbo
Trillium E Friends of Henry 21 6 Friz Nasty
Trillium E Friends with Beneflicks 3 21 Duckies
Trillium E Soccer team 12 14 The Airbenders
Trillium E Solicited Disc Pics 5 13 CAB JAMS
Trillium W Basura Gang 17 21 Hotpot
Trillium W Ruby & Friends 8 18 Paper Rings
Trillium W Turf Smurfs 21 11 zoi
Trillium W WeSportz 21 14 The Hucking Fooligans
Thu Sep 21
8:15 pm
Empire N The Hucking Fooligans 16 21 Hotpot
Empire N Turf Smurfs 21 12 Ruby & Friends
Empire N WeSportz 14 17 Basura Gang
Empire N zoi 17 11 Paper Rings
Empire S Duckies 16 8 The Airbenders
Empire S Friends of Henry 21 1 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire S Friends with Beneflicks 10 8 Soccer team
Empire S Friz Nasty 12 14 CAB JAMS
Jericho W 2nami 21 8 Gen Z(oom)
Jericho W Dill Flickles 8 21 Not in the Face
Jericho W Disk Horse 21 5 The Side Flicks
Jericho W The Gino Odj-discs 21 7 Flick It To Ride
Memorial SW NightHucks_ 20 11 The Frizzles
Memorial SW Super Silly Squirtle Squad 6 21 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial SW The Marauders 21 7 Discord
Memorial SW U-Haulers 21 12 Darts YVR
Trillium E Downpour of Manbo 19 21 Also Sports
Trillium E Surrey 9 21 Le Vibes
Trillium E Too Old To Fold 10 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium E TTFY 18 21 Live Slow
Trillium W Fire Ferrets 14 5 Forest Dump
Trillium W Piper Palooza 21 7 Huck It
Trillium W Spinister Motives 16 17 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W Thrower Uppers 8 21 Disconnect
9:10 pm Empire N The Hucking Fooligans 21 14 Paper Rings
Empire N Turf Smurfs 20 16 Basura Gang
Empire N WeSportz 21 6 Ruby & Friends
Empire N zoi 21 20 Hotpot
Empire S Duckies 21 18 CAB JAMS
Empire S Friends of Henry 21 5 Soccer team
Empire S Friends with Beneflicks 11 6 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire S Friz Nasty 10 11 The Airbenders
Jericho W 2nami 21 5 Flick It To Ride
Jericho W Dill Flickles 15 14 The Side Flicks
Jericho W Disk Horse 11 15 Not in the Face
Jericho W The Gino Odj-discs 20 16 Gen Z(oom)
Memorial SW NightHucks_ 20 21 Discord
Memorial SW Super Silly Squirtle Squad 21 18 Darts YVR
Memorial SW The Marauders 21 19 The Frizzles
Memorial SW U-Haulers 16 15 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Downpour of Manbo 12 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium E Surrey 13 21 Live Slow
Trillium E Too Old To Fold 15 21 Also Sports
Trillium E TTFY 21 20 Le Vibes
Trillium W Fire Ferrets 21 16 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W Piper Palooza 12 21 Disconnect
Trillium W Spinister Motives 14 9 Forest Dump
Trillium W Thrower Uppers 13 17 Huck It
Thu Sep 28
8:15 pm
Empire N Fire Ferrets 12 21 Disconnect
Empire N Piper Palooza 18 20 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire N Spinister Motives 10 17 Huck It
Empire N Thrower Uppers 9 20 Forest Dump
Empire S Downpour of Manbo 21 16 Le Vibes
Empire S Surrey 4 21 Also Sports
Empire S Too Old To Fold 9 21 Live Slow
Empire S TTFY 17 17 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Jericho W Duckies 17 4 Solicited Disc Pics
Jericho W Friends of Henry 17 12 The Airbenders
Jericho W Friends with Beneflicks 19 8 CAB JAMS
Jericho W Friz Nasty 18 7 Soccer team
Memorial SW The Hucking Fooligans 21 11 Ruby & Friends
Memorial SW Turf Smurfs 21 17 Hotpot
Memorial SW WeSportz 21 8 Paper Rings
Memorial SW zoi 17 17 Basura Gang
Trillium E NightHucks_ 13 20 Darts YVR
Trillium E Super Silly Squirtle Squad 8 21 Discord
Trillium E The Marauders 15 19 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E U-Haulers 16 21 The Frizzles
Trillium W 2nami 18 20 Not in the Face
Trillium W Dill Flickles 5 21 Gen Z(oom)
Trillium W Disk Horse 15 7 Flick It To Ride
Trillium W The Gino Odj-discs 14 10 The Side Flicks
9:10 pm Empire N Fire Ferrets 21 9 Huck It
Empire N Piper Palooza 21 7 Forest Dump
Empire N Spinister Motives 9 19 Disconnect
Empire N Thrower Uppers 7 21 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire S Downpour of Manbo 17 21 Live Slow
Empire S Surrey 15 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S Too Old To Fold 13 21 Le Vibes
Empire S TTFY 18 21 Also Sports
Jericho W Duckies 15 7 Soccer team
Jericho W Friends of Henry 21 7 CAB JAMS
Jericho W Friends with Beneflicks 7 13 The Airbenders
Jericho W Friz Nasty 19 9 Solicited Disc Pics
Memorial SW The Hucking Fooligans 15 21 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Turf Smurfs 21 13 Paper Rings
Memorial SW WeSportz 17 15 Hotpot
Memorial SW zoi 21 9 Ruby & Friends
Trillium E NightHucks_ 12 16 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Super Silly Squirtle Squad 14 21 The Frizzles
Trillium E The Marauders 15 21 Darts YVR
Trillium E U-Haulers 14 18 Discord
Trillium W 2nami 16 6 The Side Flicks
Trillium W Dill Flickles 16 15 Flick It To Ride
Trillium W Disk Horse 16 15 Gen Z(oom)
Trillium W The Gino Odj-discs 15 21 Not in the Face
Thu Oct 5
8:15 pm
Empire N Disk Horse 15 8 Dill Flickles
Empire N Flick It To Ride 5 21 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N The Gino Odj-discs 13 21 2nami
Empire N The Side Flicks 7 18 Not in the Face
Empire S Darts YVR Forfeited Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Empire S NightHucks_ 15 13 The Marauders
Empire S The Frizzles 21 16 Discord
Empire S U-Haulers 14 11 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Jericho W Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 13 21 Also Sports
Jericho W Live Slow 19 12 Le Vibes
Jericho W Too Old To Fold 11 21 Downpour of Manbo
Jericho W TTFY 18 21 Surrey
Memorial SW Disconnect 13 10 Huck It
Memorial SW Fire Ferrets 21 8 Spinister Motives
Memorial SW Forest Dump 6 21 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Memorial SW Thrower Uppers 11 19 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Basura Gang 21 6 Ruby & Friends
Trillium E Paper Rings 8 14 Hotpot
Trillium E WeSportz 21 14 Turf Smurfs
Trillium E zoi 11 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W Duckies 17 14 Friz Nasty
Trillium W Friends of Henry 18 11 Friends with Beneflicks
Trillium W Solicited Disc Pics 4 17 Soccer team
Trillium W The Airbenders 15 14 CAB JAMS
9:10 pm Empire N Dill Flickles 5 21 2nami
Empire N Disk Horse 10 19 The Gino Odj-discs
Empire N Not in the Face 18 18 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N The Side Flicks 12 21 Flick It To Ride
Empire S Darts YVR Forfeited The Frizzles
Empire S Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 16 12 Discord
Empire S Super Silly Squirtle Squad 12 20 The Marauders
Empire S U-Haulers 18 17 NightHucks_
Jericho W Le Vibes 11 18 Also Sports
Jericho W Live Slow 18 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Jericho W Surrey 19 21 Downpour of Manbo
Jericho W TTFY 21 10 Too Old To Fold
Memorial SW Fire Ferrets 21 4 Thrower Uppers
Memorial SW Forest Dump 6 21 Disconnect
Memorial SW Scoober-Dooby-Doo 21 13 Huck It
Memorial SW Spinister Motives 13 21 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Basura Gang 19 16 Paper Rings
Trillium E Ruby & Friends 8 21 Hotpot
Trillium E Turf Smurfs 15 21 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium E WeSportz 21 16 zoi
Trillium W Friends of Henry 17 14 Duckies
Trillium W Friends with Beneflicks 20 11 Friz Nasty
Trillium W Soccer team 13 15 CAB JAMS
Trillium W Solicited Disc Pics 8 16 The Airbenders
Thu Oct 12
8:15 pm
Empire N CAB JAMS 7 16 Soccer team
Empire N Dill Flickles 6 9 The Airbenders
Empire N Friz Nasty 7 21 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire N The Side Flicks 16 11 Friends with Beneflicks
Empire S Super Silly Squirtle Squad 15 17 Hotpot
Empire S The Hucking Fooligans 17 21 Disconnect
Empire S Turf Smurfs 17 13 Basura Gang
Empire S zoi 18 13 Fire Ferrets
Jericho W Darts YVR 14 21 WeSportz
Jericho W Surrey 19 18 NightHucks_
Jericho W The Marauders 15 13 Discord
Jericho W Too Old To Fold 14 16 U-Haulers
Memorial SW Flick It To Ride 16 17 Duckies
Memorial SW Forest Dump 12 13 The Gino Odj-discs
Memorial SW Gen Z(oom) 13 17 Friends of Henry
Memorial SW Thrower Uppers 9 17 Disk Horse
Trillium E Huck It 15 16 Not in the Face
Trillium E Paper Rings 14 16 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium E Ruby & Friends 10 16 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Spinister Motives 11 19 2nami
Trillium W Also Sports 21 17 TTFY
Trillium W Downpour of Manbo 19 12 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium W Le Vibes 21 15 The Frizzles
Trillium W Live Slow 21 16 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
9:10 pm Empire N CAB JAMS 12 21 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire N Dill Flickles 18 16 Friends with Beneflicks
Empire N Friz Nasty 10 18 Soccer team
Empire N The Side Flicks 15 12 The Airbenders
Empire S Super Silly Squirtle Squad 13 21 Basura Gang
Empire S The Hucking Fooligans 19 19 Fire Ferrets
Empire S Turf Smurfs 18 15 Hotpot
Empire S zoi 21 14 Disconnect
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 16 Discord
Jericho W Surrey 16 10 U-Haulers
Jericho W The Marauders 20 14 WeSportz
Jericho W Too Old To Fold 21 12 NightHucks_
Memorial SW Flick It To Ride 8 21 Friends of Henry
Memorial SW Forest Dump 17 15 Disk Horse
Memorial SW Gen Z(oom) 21 7 Duckies
Memorial SW Thrower Uppers 9 19 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium E Huck It 7 15 2nami
Trillium E Paper Rings 15 16 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Ruby & Friends 13 21 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium E Spinister Motives 10 21 Not in the Face
Trillium W Also Sports 21 15 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium W Downpour of Manbo 21 11 The Frizzles
Trillium W Le Vibes 21 13 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium W Live Slow 16 21 TTFY
Thu Oct 19
8:15 pm
Empire N Also Sports 20 19 Le Vibes
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 12 15 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Empire N Live Slow 21 17 Downpour of Manbo
Empire N TTFY 21 10 The Frizzles
Empire S Paper Rings 15 3 Huck It
Empire S Piper Palooza 20 17 2nami
Empire S Ruby & Friends 16 13 Spinister Motives
Empire S Scoober-Dooby-Doo 18 15 Not in the Face
Jericho W Basura Gang 21 12 Fire Ferrets
Jericho W Hotpot 12 21 Disconnect
Jericho W Super Silly Squirtle Squad 21 20 The Hucking Fooligans
Jericho W Turf Smurfs 17 18 zoi
Memorial SW Dill Flickles 18 14 CAB JAMS
Memorial SW Friends with Beneflicks 19 18 Solicited Disc Pics
Memorial SW The Airbenders 14 12 Soccer team
Memorial SW The Side Flicks 17 16 Friz Nasty
Trillium E Disk Horse 21 10 Duckies
Trillium E Forest Dump 11 19 Gen Z(oom)
Trillium E The Gino Odj-discs 18 11 Friends of Henry
Trillium E Thrower Uppers 21 15 Flick It To Ride
Trillium W NightHucks_ 13 16 WeSportz
Trillium W Surrey 16 21 Darts YVR
Trillium W Too Old To Fold 12 21 The Marauders
Trillium W U-Haulers 21 13 Discord
9:10 pm Empire N Also Sports 21 11 Downpour of Manbo
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 21 12 The Frizzles
Empire N Live Slow 21 16 Le Vibes
Empire N TTFY 21 9 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Empire S Paper Rings 19 9 Spinister Motives
Empire S Piper Palooza 15 10 Not in the Face
Empire S Ruby & Friends 21 7 Huck It
Empire S Scoober-Dooby-Doo 14 16 2nami
Jericho W Basura Gang 14 20 Disconnect
Jericho W Hotpot 12 20 Fire Ferrets
Jericho W Super Silly Squirtle Squad 14 15 zoi
Jericho W Turf Smurfs 18 14 The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial SW Dill Flickles 18 9 Friz Nasty
Memorial SW Friends with Beneflicks 19 13 Soccer team
Memorial SW The Airbenders 17 9 Solicited Disc Pics
Memorial SW The Side Flicks 19 15 CAB JAMS
Trillium E Disk Horse 17 13 Friends of Henry
Trillium E Forest Dump 11 14 Flick It To Ride
Trillium E The Gino Odj-discs 19 21 Duckies
Trillium E Thrower Uppers 12 21 Gen Z(oom)
Trillium W NightHucks_ 18 13 Discord
Trillium W Surrey 21 15 The Marauders
Trillium W Too Old To Fold 13 21 Darts YVR
Trillium W U-Haulers 21 15 WeSportz
Thu Oct 26
8:15 pm
Empire N NightHucks_ 15 21 Darts YVR
Empire N Surrey 10 21 WeSportz
Empire N Too Old To Fold 12 21 Discord
Empire N U-Haulers 15 12 The Marauders
Empire S Disk Horse 21 16 Flick It To Ride
Empire S Forest Dump 12 13 Friends of Henry
Empire S The Gino Odj-discs Gen Z(oom)
Empire S Thrower Uppers 9 10 Duckies
Jericho W Paper Rings 21 8 Not in the Face
Jericho W Piper Palooza 16 15 Spinister Motives
Jericho W Ruby & Friends 9 17 2nami
Jericho W Scoober-Dooby-Doo 21 5 Huck It
Memorial SW Also Sports 21 10 The Frizzles
Memorial SW Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 15 19 Downpour of Manbo
Memorial SW Live Slow 21 7 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial SW TTFY 16 19 Le Vibes
Trillium E Dill Flickles 14 8 Soccer team
Trillium E Friends with Beneflicks 9 13 Friz Nasty
Trillium E The Airbenders 12 21 CAB JAMS
Trillium E The Side Flicks 19 13 Solicited Disc Pics
Trillium W Basura Gang 15 21 zoi
Trillium W Hotpot 18 18 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W Super Silly Squirtle Squad 17 16 Disconnect
Trillium W Turf Smurfs 14 15 Fire Ferrets
9:10 pm Empire N NightHucks_ 14 21 The Marauders
Empire N Surrey 15 21 Discord
Empire N Too Old To Fold 10 14 WeSportz
Empire N U-Haulers 17 13 Darts YVR
Empire S Disk Horse 10 16 Gen Z(oom)
Empire S Forest Dump 10 10 Duckies
Empire S The Gino Odj-discs 19 21 Flick It To Ride
Empire S Thrower Uppers 16 10 Friends of Henry
Jericho W Paper Rings 12 13 2nami
Jericho W Piper Palooza 18 8 Huck It
Jericho W Ruby & Friends 10 13 Not in the Face
Jericho W Scoober-Dooby-Doo 15 13 Spinister Motives
Memorial SW Also Sports 21 9 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial SW Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 17 21 Le Vibes
Memorial SW Live Slow 21 11 The Frizzles
Memorial SW TTFY 16 17 Downpour of Manbo
Trillium E Dill Flickles 21 15 Solicited Disc Pics
Trillium E Friends with Beneflicks 17 15 CAB JAMS
Trillium E The Airbenders 17 15 Friz Nasty
Trillium E The Side Flicks 21 6 Soccer team
Trillium W Basura Gang 21 13 The Hucking Fooligans
Trillium W Hotpot 15 19 zoi
Trillium W Super Silly Squirtle Squad 14 17 Fire Ferrets
Trillium W Turf Smurfs 20 13 Disconnect
Thu Nov 2
8:15 pm
Empire N Disconnect 17 8 Fire Ferrets
Empire N Hotpot 14 21 Basura Gang
Empire N Super Silly Squirtle Squad 19 17 Turf Smurfs
Empire N The Hucking Fooligans 18 21 zoi
Empire S CAB JAMS 13 12 Friz Nasty
Empire S Dill Flickles 17 12 The Side Flicks
Empire S Soccer team 13 7 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire S The Airbenders 11 13 Friends with Beneflicks
Jericho W Forest Dump 16 9 Thrower Uppers
Jericho W Friends of Henry 18 10 Duckies
Jericho W Gen Z(oom) 21 7 Flick It To Ride
Jericho W The Gino Odj-discs 21 18 Disk Horse
Memorial SW Discord 11 21 WeSportz
Memorial SW The Marauders 16 21 Darts YVR
Memorial SW Too Old To Fold 19 17 Surrey
Memorial SW U-Haulers 21 15 NightHucks_
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 21 11 The Frizzles
Trillium E Downpour of Manbo 12 21 Le Vibes
Trillium E Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 15 14 TTFY
Trillium E Live Slow 14 21 Also Sports
Trillium W Huck It 14 11 Spinister Motives
Trillium W Not in the Face 17 14 2nami
Trillium W Paper Rings 16 11 Ruby & Friends
Trillium W Scoober-Dooby-Doo 11 21 Piper Palooza
9:10 pm Empire N Super Silly Squirtle Squad 21 17 Hotpot
Empire N The Hucking Fooligans 13 17 Disconnect
Empire N Turf Smurfs 21 19 Basura Gang
Empire N zoi 17 19 Fire Ferrets
Empire S CAB JAMS 18 6 Soccer team
Empire S Dill Flickles 12 14 The Airbenders
Empire S Friz Nasty 13 8 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire S The Side Flicks 11 12 Friends with Beneflicks
Jericho W Flick It To Ride 13 7 Duckies
Jericho W Forest Dump 7 20 The Gino Odj-discs
Jericho W Gen Z(oom) 21 14 Friends of Henry
Jericho W Thrower Uppers 16 16 Disk Horse
Memorial SW Darts YVR 18 19 WeSportz
Memorial SW Surrey 16 21 NightHucks_
Memorial SW The Marauders 21 16 Discord
Memorial SW Too Old To Fold 6 21 U-Haulers
Trillium E Also Sports 21 16 TTFY
Trillium E Downpour of Manbo 19 17 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium E Le Vibes 21 14 The Frizzles
Trillium E Live Slow 14 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Trillium W Huck It 18 10 Not in the Face
Trillium W Paper Rings 18 12 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium W Ruby & Friends 18 19 Piper Palooza
Trillium W Spinister Motives 12 21 2nami
Thu Nov 9
8:15 pm
Empire N Hotpot 19 11 Not in the Face
Empire N Paper Rings 13 10 The Gino Odj-discs
Empire N Scoober-Dooby-Doo 11 10 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N The Hucking Fooligans Ruby & Friends
Empire S Also Sports 21 15 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S Downpour of Manbo 21 6 U-Haulers
Empire S Le Vibes 19 21 TTFY
Empire S Live Slow 14 9 WeSportz
Jericho W Flick It To Ride 17 10 Soccer team
Jericho W Friends with Beneflicks 14 17 Friz Nasty
Jericho W The Airbenders 19 5 Solicited Disc Pics
Jericho W Thrower Uppers 17 13 CAB JAMS
Memorial SW Disconnect 21 14 Piper Palooza
Memorial SW Fire Ferrets 12 13 2nami
Memorial SW Too Old To Fold 16 14 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Turf Smurfs 19 18 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Trillium E Darts YVR 8 13 Discord
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 21 14 Surrey
Trillium E The Frizzles 12 9 NightHucks_
Trillium E The Marauders 21 10 zoi
Trillium W Disk Horse 15 9 Dill Flickles
Trillium W Friends of Henry 14 10 The Side Flicks
Trillium W Huck It 14 12 Duckies
Trillium W Spinister Motives Forest Dump
9:10 pm Empire N Hotpot Ruby & Friends
Empire N Paper Rings 6 10 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N Scoober-Dooby-Doo 19 14 The Gino Odj-discs
Empire N The Hucking Fooligans 21 6 Not in the Face
Empire S Also Sports 21 16 TTFY
Empire S Downpour of Manbo 12 11 WeSportz
Empire S Le Vibes 18 17 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Empire S Live Slow 14 10 U-Haulers
Jericho W Flick It To Ride 12 15 CAB JAMS
Jericho W Friends with Beneflicks 15 9 Solicited Disc Pics
Jericho W The Airbenders 17 11 Friz Nasty
Jericho W Thrower Uppers 16 12 Soccer team
Memorial SW Disconnect 21 6 2nami
Memorial SW Fire Ferrets 13 9 Piper Palooza
Memorial SW Too Old To Fold 15 19 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Memorial SW Turf Smurfs 18 16 Basura Gang
Trillium E Darts YVR 11 21 zoi
Trillium E Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 16 14 NightHucks_
Trillium E The Frizzles 10 19 Surrey
Trillium E The Marauders Discord
Trillium W Disk Horse 13 12 The Side Flicks
Trillium W Friends of Henry 17 12 Dill Flickles
Trillium W Huck It Forest Dump
Trillium W Spinister Motives 14 15 Duckies
Thu Nov 16
8:15 pm
Empire N Disk Horse 10 14 Duckies
Empire N Friends of Henry Forest Dump
Empire N Huck It 17 7 Dill Flickles
Empire N Spinister Motives 16 12 The Side Flicks
Empire S Darts YVR 21 20 Surrey
Empire S Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 19 14 Discord
Empire S The Frizzles 12 19 zoi
Empire S The Marauders 21 19 NightHucks_
Jericho W Also Sports 21 12 U-Haulers
Jericho W Downpour of Manbo 20 21 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Jericho W Le Vibes 16 6 WeSportz
Jericho W Live Slow 21 18 TTFY
Memorial SW Hotpot 12 15 Gen Z(oom)
Memorial SW Paper Rings 14 16 Ruby & Friends
Memorial SW Scoober-Dooby-Doo 21 8 Not in the Face
Memorial SW The Hucking Fooligans 22 11 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium E Disconnect 19 13 Basura Gang
Trillium E Fire Ferrets 18 12 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Trillium E Too Old To Fold 20 10 Piper Palooza
Trillium E Turf Smurfs 21 19 2nami
Trillium W Flick It To Ride 9 12 Friz Nasty
Trillium W Friends with Beneflicks 14 7 Soccer team
Trillium W The Airbenders 16 13 CAB JAMS
Trillium W Thrower Uppers 21 4 Solicited Disc Pics
9:10 pm Empire N Disk Horse Forest Dump
Empire N Friends of Henry 14 9 Duckies
Empire N Huck It 17 17 The Side Flicks
Empire N Spinister Motives 21 15 Dill Flickles
Empire S Darts YVR 21 19 NightHucks_
Empire S Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 21 10 zoi
Empire S The Frizzles 21 12 Discord
Empire S The Marauders 21 18 Surrey
Jericho W Also Sports 15 8 WeSportz
Jericho W Downpour of Manbo 13 15 TTFY
Jericho W Le Vibes 21 16 U-Haulers
Jericho W Live Slow Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial SW Hotpot 20 15 The Gino Odj-discs
Memorial SW Paper Rings 18 12 Not in the Face
Memorial SW Scoober-Dooby-Doo 17 11 Ruby & Friends
Memorial SW The Hucking Fooligans 21 20 Gen Z(oom)
Trillium E Disconnect 20 14 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Trillium E Fire Ferrets 21 14 Basura Gang
Trillium E Too Old To Fold 21 13 2nami
Trillium E Turf Smurfs 19 18 Piper Palooza
Trillium W Flick It To Ride 18 6 Solicited Disc Pics
Trillium W Friends with Beneflicks 21 12 CAB JAMS
Trillium W The Airbenders 21 5 Soccer team
Trillium W Thrower Uppers 21 9 Friz Nasty
Thu Nov 23
8:15 pm
Empire N Dill Flickles 21 2 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire N Flick It To Ride 19 8 Friz Nasty
Empire N Friends with Beneflicks (F102) CAB JAMS
Empire N The Side Flicks 21 9 Soccer team
Empire S Discord 19 18 The Hucking Fooligans
Empire S Fire Ferrets 14 20 Basura Gang
Empire S Too Old To Fold 13 15 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Empire S Turf Smurfs 21 18 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Jericho W The Frizzles 5 21 Darts YVR
Jericho W U-Haulers 18 15 Disconnect
Jericho W WeSportz 21 9 NightHucks_
Jericho W zoi 19 16 Surrey
Memorial SW Disk Horse 18 19 Thrower Uppers
Memorial SW Duckies (E102) Forest Dump
Memorial SW Friends of Henry 14 15 Spinister Motives
Memorial SW Not in the Face 21 9 The Airbenders
Trillium E 2nami 21 7 Huck It
Trillium E Gen Z(oom) 18 14 Paper Rings
Trillium E Hotpot 21 12 Ruby & Friends
Trillium E Piper Palooza 15 16 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium W Also Sports 19 17 Live Slow
Trillium W Downpour of Manbo 15 21 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Trillium W Le Vibes 21 10 The Marauders
Trillium W TTFY (A102) Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
9:10 pm Empire N Flick It To Ride 14 12 Dill Flickles
Empire N Friz Nasty 13 8 Solicited Disc Pics
Empire N Soccer team 13 20 Friends with Beneflicks
Empire N The Side Flicks 15 21 CAB JAMS
Empire S Basura Gang (C106) Turf Smurfs
Empire S Discord 14 19 Super Silly Squirtle Squad
Empire S Fire Ferrets (C108) Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Empire S The Hucking Fooligans 18 21 Too Old To Fold
Jericho W Disconnect 18 13 The Frizzles
Jericho W Surrey 21 15 NightHucks_
Jericho W U-Haulers 9 21 Darts YVR
Jericho W zoi 11 18 WeSportz
Memorial SW Friends of Henry 16 18 Disk Horse
Memorial SW Not in the Face (E105) Forest Dump
Memorial SW Spinister Motives 9 18 Thrower Uppers
Memorial SW The Airbenders 8 18 Duckies
Trillium E 2nami (D105) Gen Z(oom)
Trillium E Hotpot 14 16 The Gino Odj-discs
Trillium E Huck It (D107) Paper Rings
Trillium E Ruby & Friends 21 20 Piper Palooza
Trillium W Also Sports (A105) TTFY
Trillium W Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back (A106) Le Vibes
Trillium W Downpour of Manbo 21 14 The Marauders
Trillium W Live Slow 21 15 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Thu Nov 30
8:15 pm
Empire N Also Sports (A109) W: A109
Empire N Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 21 12 The Marauders
Empire N Live Slow Forfeited Downpour of Manbo
Empire N TTFY (A110) Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Empire S 2nami 21 7 The Gino Odj-discs
Empire S Gen Z(oom) (D110) Hotpot
Empire S Huck It (D112) Piper Palooza
Empire S Paper Rings (D111) Ruby & Friends
Jericho W Discord 21 10 Basura Gang
Jericho W Super Silly Squirtle Squad (C109) Turf Smurfs
Jericho W The Hucking Fooligans (C112) Fire Ferrets
Jericho W Too Old To Fold (C111) Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Memorial SW CAB JAMS (F109) Flick It To Ride
Memorial SW Friends with Beneflicks 21 19 Friz Nasty
Memorial SW Soccer team 14 13 Solicited Disc Pics
Memorial SW The Side Flicks (F110) Dill Flickles
Trillium E Duckies 9 21 Disk Horse
Trillium E Forest Dump (E110) Spinister Motives
Trillium E Not in the Face 21 10 Thrower Uppers
Trillium E The Airbenders (E112) Friends of Henry
Trillium W Darts YVR 16 21 WeSportz
Trillium W Disconnect 19 21 Surrey
Trillium W The Frizzles 11 21 NightHucks_
Trillium W U-Haulers 19 7 zoi