
Day: All | Mon | Thu
Range: All | Today | Future | Past
Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Mon Jan 9
8:15 pm
Empire N Double Rainbow! 8 12 Macho Sidewinders
Empire N ERR'DAY 8 11 Weenie Huck Jr.
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! 21 9 Monday Hat Intermediate
Empire N Nap Life 14 10 Frisbros
Empire S BeerOclock 9 20 Full Send Cat
Empire S Flamingos at Bingo 18 12 No Height and White
Empire S Hot Dog Stock Market 12 17 HammerCo x Smash
Empire S Sports 14 6 WeSportz
Jericho W Abeers Aquatic Animals 21 8 dingo bros
Jericho W GXCCI GXNG 21 2 Hangry Flickers
Jericho W Mid at Best 21 8 Tea Time
Jericho W Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 14 Immortal
Memorial SW Darts YVR 21 13 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Memorial SW Disc Monkeys 17 11 DUMP truckers
Memorial SW Good Vibrations 21 5 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Memorial SW Sheesh Team 7 21 Disconnect
Trillium E Discin' Around 7 15 Cold Cuts
Trillium E Hotpot 9 11 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 16 9 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Trillium W Dragon Sound 13 4 Panic! Hat The Disco
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 14 4 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W The Perogies 12 8 Tsunami
9:10 pm Empire N Double Rainbow! 21 10 Monday Hat Intermediate
Empire N ERR'DAY 15 18 Frisbros
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! 11 12 Macho Sidewinders
Empire N Nap Life 16 21 Weenie Huck Jr.
Empire S BeerOclock 18 11 WeSportz
Empire S Flamingos at Bingo 15 10 HammerCo x Smash
Empire S Hot Dog Stock Market 16 21 No Height and White
Empire S Sports 15 13 Full Send Cat
Jericho W Abeers Aquatic Animals 21 13 Hangry Flickers
Jericho W GXCCI GXNG 21 9 dingo bros
Jericho W Mid at Best 21 14 Immortal
Jericho W Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 10 Tea Time
Memorial SW Darts YVR 21 14 Disconnect
Memorial SW Disc Monkeys 10 13 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Memorial SW Good Vibrations 21 7 DUMP truckers
Memorial SW Sheesh Team 15 12 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Trillium E Hotpot 14 17 Cold Cuts
Trillium E National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 12 13 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 17 17 Discin' Around
Trillium W Dragon Sound 10 21 Tsunami
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 21 15 The Perogies
Trillium W Mildly Threatening 11 13 Panic! Hat The Disco
Mon Jan 16
8:15 pm
Empire N Disc Monkeys 6 12 Darts YVR
Empire N DUMP truckers 19 14 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Empire N Good Vibrations 21 6 Sheesh Team
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 16 19 Disconnect
Empire S Immortal 21 15 Hangry Flickers
Empire S Mid at Best 21 13 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Empire S Old dogs, scoob tricks 14 15 GXCCI GXNG
Empire S Tea Time 12 10 dingo bros
Jericho W Flamingos at Bingo 13 16 Sports
Jericho W HammerCo x Smash 14 17 Full Send Cat
Jericho W Hot Dog Stock Market 21 9 BeerOclock
Jericho W No Height and White 21 9 WeSportz
Memorial SW Hotpot 16 9 Discin' Around
Memorial SW National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 3 21 Cold Cuts
Memorial SW Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 14 13 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Double Rainbow! 21 9 Nap Life
Trillium E Huck If You Want Me! 14 15 ERR'DAY
Trillium E Macho Sidewinders 19 17 Frisbros
Trillium E Monday Hat Intermediate 5 21 Weenie Huck Jr.
Trillium W Dragon Sound 11 17 The Perogies
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 15 14 Panic! Hat The Disco
Trillium W Mildly Threatening 7 20 Tsunami
9:10 pm Empire N Disc Monkeys 21 5 Sheesh Team
Empire N DUMP truckers 17 13 Disconnect
Empire N Good Vibrations 21 15 Darts YVR
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 9 16 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Empire S Immortal 14 11 dingo bros
Empire S Mid at Best 21 14 GXCCI GXNG
Empire S Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 7 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Empire S Tea Time 17 10 Hangry Flickers
Jericho W Flamingos at Bingo 20 13 BeerOclock
Jericho W HammerCo x Smash 15 17 WeSportz
Jericho W Hot Dog Stock Market 13 21 Sports
Jericho W No Height and White 15 17 Full Send Cat
Memorial SW Discin' Around 12 10 92% Chance of Rain
Memorial SW Hotpot 21 4 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Memorial SW Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 12 21 Cold Cuts
Trillium E Double Rainbow! 21 18 ERR'DAY
Trillium E Huck If You Want Me! 19 17 Nap Life
Trillium E Macho Sidewinders 17 19 Weenie Huck Jr.
Trillium E Monday Hat Intermediate 10 21 Frisbros
Trillium W Dragon Sound 16 4 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 12 21 Tsunami
Trillium W The Perogies 19 15 Panic! Hat The Disco
Mon Jan 23
8:15 pm
Empire N Cold Cuts 21 13 92% Chance of Rain
Empire N Discin' Around 21 6 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Empire N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 21 Hotpot
Empire S Flamingos at Bingo 17 12 WeSportz
Empire S HammerCo x Smash 17 16 BeerOclock
Empire S Hot Dog Stock Market 11 21 Full Send Cat
Empire S No Height and White Sports
Jericho W Double Rainbow! 18 19 Frisbros
Jericho W Huck If You Want Me! 20 17 Weenie Huck Jr.
Jericho W Macho Sidewinders 16 15 Nap Life
Jericho W Monday Hat Intermediate 8 21 ERR'DAY
Memorial SW Disc Monkeys 19 5 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Memorial SW DUMP truckers 16 21 Darts YVR
Memorial SW Good Vibrations 21 11 Disconnect
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit 21 13 Sheesh Team
Trillium E Immortal 18 21 GXCCI GXNG
Trillium E Mid at Best 21 10 dingo bros
Trillium E Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 7 Hangry Flickers
Trillium E Tea Time 20 21 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 21 14 Dragon Sound
Trillium W The Perogies 21 16 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W Tsunami 20 6 Panic! Hat The Disco
9:10 pm Empire N Discin' Around 16 10 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Empire N Hotpot 21 11 92% Chance of Rain
Empire N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 12 21 Cold Cuts
Empire S Flamingos at Bingo 11 14 Full Send Cat
Empire S HammerCo x Smash 12 17 Sports
Empire S Hot Dog Stock Market 11 14 WeSportz
Empire S No Height and White 16 14 BeerOclock
Jericho W Double Rainbow! 13 21 Weenie Huck Jr.
Jericho W Huck If You Want Me! 15 14 Frisbros
Jericho W Macho Sidewinders 20 21 ERR'DAY
Jericho W Monday Hat Intermediate 6 21 Nap Life
Memorial SW Disc Monkeys 9 12 Disconnect
Memorial SW DUMP truckers 21 10 Sheesh Team
Memorial SW Good Vibrations 21 3 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit 13 17 Darts YVR
Trillium E Immortal 20 21 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Trillium E Mid at Best 21 10 Hangry Flickers
Trillium E Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 7 dingo bros
Trillium E Tea Time 16 21 GXCCI GXNG
Trillium W Dragon Sound 10 9 Panic! Hat The Disco
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 18 19 Tsunami
Trillium W The Perogies 21 9 Mildly Threatening
Mon Jan 30
8:15 pm
Empire N Dragon Sound 10 14 The Perogies
Empire N Freshly Laundered 19 4 Panic! Hat The Disco
Empire N Mildly Threatening 9 20 Tsunami
Empire S Double Rainbow! 17 19 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire S Frisbros 16 18 Weenie Huck Jr.
Empire S Macho Sidewinders 21 8 Monday Hat Intermediate
Empire S Nap Life 7 14 ERR'DAY
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 6 Sheesh Team
Jericho W Disc Monkeys 15 19 Good Vibrations
Jericho W DUMP truckers 13 17 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W Vinter Vodka Lyge 11 19 Disconnect
Memorial SW GXCCI GXNG 21 14 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Memorial SW Hangry Flickers 12 21 dingo bros
Memorial SW Immortal 15 21 Tea Time
Memorial SW Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 16 Mid at Best
Trillium E BeerOclock 15 21 Sports
Trillium E Full Send Cat 10 21 WeSportz
Trillium E HammerCo x Smash 20 18 No Height and White
Trillium E Hot Dog Stock Market 17 21 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium W Hotpot 12 15 Discin' Around
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 8 21 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 21 92% Chance of Rain
9:10 pm Empire N Dragon Sound 9 21 Tsunami
Empire N Freshly Laundered 16 17 The Perogies
Empire N Mildly Threatening 7 21 Panic! Hat The Disco
Empire S Double Rainbow! 21 18 Macho Sidewinders
Empire S ERR'DAY 15 16 Weenie Huck Jr.
Empire S Huck If You Want Me! 21 7 Monday Hat Intermediate
Empire S Nap Life 16 21 Frisbros
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 14 Vinter Vodka Lyge
Jericho W Disc Monkeys 14 11 DUMP truckers
Jericho W Good Vibrations 21 12 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W Sheesh Team 10 21 Disconnect
Memorial SW Abeers Aquatic Animals 21 12 dingo bros
Memorial SW GXCCI GXNG 21 10 Hangry Flickers
Memorial SW Mid at Best 21 18 Tea Time
Memorial SW Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 15 Immortal
Trillium E BeerOclock 19 21 Full Send Cat
Trillium E Flamingos at Bingo 20 18 No Height and White
Trillium E Hot Dog Stock Market 12 21 HammerCo x Smash
Trillium E Sports 21 11 WeSportz
Trillium W Hotpot 7 21 Cold Cuts
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 13 21 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 11 22 Discin' Around
Mon Feb 6
8:15 pm
Empire N GXCCI GXNG 17 21 Old dogs, scoob tricks
Empire N Immortal 21 14 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire N Mid at Best 21 17 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Empire N Tea Time 16 21 Sports
Empire S National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 9 13 Panic! Hat The Disco
Empire S Sheesh Team 6 12 Dragon Sound
Empire S Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 15 15 Mildly Threatening
Jericho W 92% Chance of Rain 8 16 Tsunami
Jericho W Monday Hat Intermediate 11 21 Discin' Around
Jericho W The Perogies 17 12 Freshly Laundered
Jericho W Vinter Vodka Lyge 7 17 Hotpot
Memorial SW dingo bros 11 12 HammerCo x Smash
Memorial SW Full Send Cat 18 20 No Height and White
Memorial SW Weenie Huck Jr. 14 18 Good Vibrations
Memorial SW WeSportz 11 16 Huck If You Want Me!
Trillium E BeerOclock 14 11 Macho Sidewinders
Trillium E ERR'DAY 12 11 Darts YVR
Trillium E Frisbros 12 16 Double Rainbow!
Trillium E Hangry Flickers 10 20 Hot Dog Stock Market
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 10 7 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Disconnect 15 9 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life 14 12 Hammer Beats Rabbit
9:10 pm Empire N GXCCI GXNG 20 15 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Empire N Immortal Sports
Empire N Mid at Best 21 9 Old dogs, scoob tricks
Empire N Tea Time 11 10 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Dragon Sound 14 8 Mildly Threatening
Empire S Sheesh Team 15 6 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Empire S Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 11 Panic! Hat The Disco
Jericho W 92% Chance of Rain 13 14 Freshly Laundered
Jericho W Monday Hat Intermediate 9 14 Hotpot
Jericho W The Perogies 15 8 Tsunami
Jericho W Vinter Vodka Lyge 5 21 Discin' Around
Memorial SW dingo bros 21 10 No Height and White
Memorial SW Full Send Cat 14 15 HammerCo x Smash
Memorial SW Weenie Huck Jr. 18 15 Huck If You Want Me!
Memorial SW WeSportz 16 20 Good Vibrations
Trillium E BeerOclock 15 12 Hot Dog Stock Market
Trillium E ERR'DAY 16 9 Double Rainbow!
Trillium E Frisbros 7 16 Darts YVR
Trillium E Hangry Flickers 8 15 Macho Sidewinders
Trillium W Disconnect 14 9 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 8 12 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life 6 5 Disc Monkeys
Mon Feb 13
8:15 pm
Empire N dingo bros 5 10 WeSportz
Empire N Full Send Cat 8 13 Weenie Huck Jr.
Empire N HammerCo x Smash 13 14 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire N No Height and White 9 18 Good Vibrations
Empire S Discin' Around 8 4 Tsunami
Empire S Hotpot 21 5 Freshly Laundered
Empire S Monday Hat Intermediate 13 7 92% Chance of Rain
Empire S Vinter Vodka Lyge 11 19 The Perogies
Jericho W Dragon Sound 5 12 Panic! Hat The Disco
Jericho W Sheesh Team 18 4 Mildly Threatening
Jericho W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 6 8 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Memorial SW BeerOclock 11 11 ERR'DAY
Memorial SW Hangry Flickers 15 12 Frisbros
Memorial SW Hot Dog Stock Market 21 8 Double Rainbow!
Memorial SW Macho Sidewinders 7 12 Darts YVR
Trillium E Abeers Aquatic Animals 20 14 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium E GXCCI GXNG 21 8 Tea Time
Trillium E Mid at Best Immortal
Trillium E Old dogs, scoob tricks 11 9 Sports
Trillium W Disconnect 7 6 Disc Monkeys
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 6 11 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Nap Life 8 11 Cold Cuts
9:10 pm Empire N dingo bros 14 9 Weenie Huck Jr.
Empire N Full Send Cat 14 15 WeSportz
Empire N HammerCo x Smash 11 18 Good Vibrations
Empire N No Height and White 13 12 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire S Discin' Around 19 7 Freshly Laundered
Empire S Hotpot 13 11 Tsunami
Empire S Monday Hat Intermediate 13 16 The Perogies
Empire S Vinter Vodka Lyge 6 12 92% Chance of Rain
Jericho W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 3 4 Mildly Threatening
Jericho W Sheesh Team 13 5 Panic! Hat The Disco
Jericho W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 11 8 Dragon Sound
Memorial SW BeerOclock 17 13 Frisbros
Memorial SW Hangry Flickers 18 15 ERR'DAY
Memorial SW Hot Dog Stock Market 12 13 Darts YVR
Memorial SW Macho Sidewinders 13 8 Double Rainbow!
Trillium E Abeers Aquatic Animals 16 16 Sports
Trillium E GXCCI GXNG 20 18 Immortal
Trillium E Mid at Best 21 9 Tea Time
Trillium E Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 9 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 7 15 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Disconnect 10 9 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium W Nap Life 12 10 DUMP truckers
Mon Feb 20
8:15 pm
Empire N BeerOclock 13 21 Darts YVR
Empire N Hangry Flickers 16 16 Double Rainbow!
Empire N Hot Dog Stock Market 21 13 Frisbros
Empire N Macho Sidewinders 20 14 ERR'DAY
Empire S National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 6 14 Dragon Sound
Empire S Panic! Hat The Disco Default Mildly Threatening
Empire S Sheesh Team 15 14 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Jericho W Abeers Aquatic Animals 21 13 Immortal
Jericho W GXCCI GXNG 13 6 Sports
Jericho W Mid at Best 21 2 Flamingos at Bingo
Jericho W Old dogs, scoob tricks 15 8 Tea Time
Memorial SW dingo bros 18 11 Huck If You Want Me!
Memorial SW Full Send Cat 19 20 Good Vibrations
Memorial SW HammerCo x Smash 10 21 WeSportz
Memorial SW No Height and White Forfeited Weenie Huck Jr.
Trillium E Discin' Around Default 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Hotpot 6 4 The Perogies
Trillium E Monday Hat Intermediate 12 8 Tsunami
Trillium E Vinter Vodka Lyge 5 11 Freshly Laundered
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 11 10 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium W DUMP truckers 14 11 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life 13 15 Disconnect
9:10 pm Empire N BeerOclock 14 17 Double Rainbow!
Empire N Hangry Flickers 9 17 Darts YVR
Empire N Hot Dog Stock Market 16 21 ERR'DAY
Empire N Macho Sidewinders 12 9 Frisbros
Empire S National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team Forfeited Mildly Threatening
Empire S Sheesh Team Default Panic! Hat The Disco
Empire S Technicolour Narwhal Explosion Cancelled Dragon Sound
Jericho W Abeers Aquatic Animals Tea Time
Jericho W GXCCI GXNG 18 13 Flamingos at Bingo
Jericho W Mid at Best 21 5 Sports
Jericho W Old dogs, scoob tricks 16 10 Immortal
Memorial SW dingo bros 11 15 Good Vibrations
Memorial SW Full Send Cat 21 10 Huck If You Want Me!
Memorial SW HammerCo x Smash 14 12 Weenie Huck Jr.
Memorial SW No Height and White Forfeited WeSportz
Trillium E Discin' Around Default The Perogies
Trillium E Hotpot 11 3 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Monday Hat Intermediate 12 17 Freshly Laundered
Trillium E Vinter Vodka Lyge 4 12 Tsunami
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 5 10 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Disconnect 8 4 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life 12 20 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Mon Feb 27
8:15 pm
Empire N Double Rainbow! Cancelled Darts YVR
Empire N Frisbros Cancelled ERR'DAY
Empire N Hangry Flickers Cancelled BeerOclock
Empire N Hot Dog Stock Market Cancelled Macho Sidewinders
Empire S GXCCI GXNG Cancelled Mid at Best
Empire S Old dogs, scoob tricks Cancelled Abeers Aquatic Animals
Empire S Sports Cancelled Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Tea Time Cancelled Immortal
Jericho W dingo bros Cancelled Full Send Cat
Jericho W HammerCo x Smash Cancelled No Height and White
Jericho W Huck If You Want Me! Cancelled Good Vibrations
Jericho W WeSportz Cancelled Weenie Huck Jr.
Memorial SW 92% Chance of Rain Cancelled The Perogies
Memorial SW Discin' Around Cancelled Hotpot
Memorial SW Monday Hat Intermediate Vinter Vodka Lyge
Memorial SW Tsunami Cancelled Freshly Laundered
Trillium E Dragon Sound Cancelled Panic! Hat The Disco
Trillium E Sheesh Team Mildly Threatening
Trillium E Technicolour Narwhal Explosion Cancelled National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Trillium W Disconnect Cancelled Disc Monkeys
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit Cancelled DUMP truckers
Trillium W Nap Life Cancelled Cold Cuts
9:10 pm Empire N BeerOclock Cancelled Macho Sidewinders
Empire N ERR'DAY Cancelled Darts YVR
Empire N Frisbros Cancelled Double Rainbow!
Empire N Hangry Flickers Cancelled Hot Dog Stock Market
Empire S GXCCI GXNG Cancelled Old dogs, scoob tricks
Empire S Immortal Cancelled Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Mid at Best Cancelled Abeers Aquatic Animals
Empire S Tea Time Cancelled Sports
Jericho W dingo bros Cancelled HammerCo x Smash
Jericho W Full Send Cat Cancelled No Height and White
Jericho W Weenie Huck Jr. Cancelled Good Vibrations
Jericho W WeSportz Cancelled Huck If You Want Me!
Memorial SW 92% Chance of Rain Cancelled Tsunami
Memorial SW Monday Hat Intermediate Cancelled Discin' Around
Memorial SW The Perogies Cancelled Freshly Laundered
Memorial SW Vinter Vodka Lyge Cancelled Hotpot
Trillium E Dragon Sound Mildly Threatening
Trillium E Sheesh Team Cancelled National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Trillium E Technicolour Narwhal Explosion Cancelled Panic! Hat The Disco
Trillium W Disconnect Cancelled DUMP truckers
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit Cancelled Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life Cancelled Disc Monkeys
Mon Mar 6
8:15 pm
Empire N 92% Chance of Rain 10 21 Tsunami
Empire N Monday Hat Intermediate 13 21 Discin' Around
Empire N The Perogies 16 11 Freshly Laundered
Empire N Vinter Vodka Lyge Hotpot
Empire S dingo bros 14 13 HammerCo x Smash
Empire S Full Send Cat No Height and White
Empire S Weenie Huck Jr. 11 18 Good Vibrations
Empire S WeSportz Huck If You Want Me!
Jericho W BeerOclock 14 18 Macho Sidewinders
Jericho W ERR'DAY 13 21 Darts YVR
Jericho W Frisbros Double Rainbow!
Jericho W Hangry Flickers 18 21 Hot Dog Stock Market
Memorial SW National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 9 11 Panic! Hat The Disco
Memorial SW Sheesh Team 13 13 Dragon Sound
Memorial SW Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 15 15 Mildly Threatening
Trillium E GXCCI GXNG 21 19 Old dogs, scoob tricks
Trillium E Immortal 20 17 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium E Mid at Best 21 14 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Trillium E Tea Time 13 16 Sports
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 13 19 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Disconnect 17 15 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life 17 18 Hammer Beats Rabbit
9:10 pm Empire N 92% Chance of Rain 17 14 Freshly Laundered
Empire N Monday Hat Intermediate Hotpot
Empire N The Perogies 12 12 Tsunami
Empire N Vinter Vodka Lyge Discin' Around
Empire S dingo bros 10 21 No Height and White
Empire S Full Send Cat 17 14 HammerCo x Smash
Empire S Weenie Huck Jr. 17 17 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire S WeSportz 11 14 Good Vibrations
Jericho W BeerOclock 21 15 Hot Dog Stock Market
Jericho W ERR'DAY 15 21 Double Rainbow!
Jericho W Frisbros Darts YVR
Jericho W Hangry Flickers 21 12 Macho Sidewinders
Memorial SW Dragon Sound 11 21 Mildly Threatening
Memorial SW Sheesh Team 15 15 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Memorial SW Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 14 10 Panic! Hat The Disco
Trillium E GXCCI GXNG 20 21 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Trillium E Immortal 18 16 Sports
Trillium E Mid at Best 21 16 Old dogs, scoob tricks
Trillium E Tea Time 21 13 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium W Disconnect 17 9 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 13 16 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Nap Life 16 6 Disc Monkeys
Mon Mar 13
8:15 pm
Empire N Disc Monkeys (E101) Sheesh Team
Empire N Discin' Around 21 12 Freshly Laundered
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 15 17 Monday Hat Intermediate
Empire N Tsunami 14 10 92% Chance of Rain
Empire S Full Send Cat 21 7 Hot Dog Stock Market
Empire S HammerCo x Smash 14 13 Disconnect
Empire S Huck If You Want Me! 21 20 ERR'DAY
Empire S Macho Sidewinders 20 11 BeerOclock
Jericho W Cold Cuts 11 16 Nap Life
Jericho W Double Rainbow! 14 11 Hotpot
Jericho W Frisbros 19 10 DUMP truckers
Jericho W Hangry Flickers 16 8 The Perogies
Memorial SW GXCCI GXNG (A102) Immortal
Memorial SW Mid at Best 21 10 Good Vibrations
Memorial SW Old dogs, scoob tricks 21 15 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Trillium E Flamingos at Bingo 18 7 Weenie Huck Jr.
Trillium E Sports 21 20 Darts YVR
Trillium E Tea Time 17 14 No Height and White
Trillium E WeSportz 16 15 dingo bros
Trillium W Mildly Threatening 12 9 Dragon Sound
Trillium W Panic! Hat The Disco 14 9 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Trillium W Vinter Vodka Lyge 10 16 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
9:10 pm Empire N L: E107 (E107) 92% Chance of Rain
Empire N Disc Monkeys 17 12 Tsunami
Empire N Discin' Around 21 8 Monday Hat Intermediate
Empire N Freshly Laundered 21 18 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire S Disconnect 21 14 BeerOclock
Empire S Full Send Cat 21 18 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire S HammerCo x Smash 15 16 Macho Sidewinders
Empire S Hot Dog Stock Market 20 21 ERR'DAY
Jericho W DUMP truckers 10 14 Hotpot
Jericho W Frisbros 13 7 Double Rainbow!
Jericho W Hangry Flickers 15 9 Nap Life
Jericho W The Perogies 13 8 Cold Cuts
Memorial SW W: A105 (A105) Old dogs, scoob tricks
Memorial SW Good Vibrations 19 21 Immortal
Memorial SW Mid at Best 21 17 Abeers Aquatic Animals
Trillium E Darts YVR 15 17 dingo bros
Trillium E Flamingos at Bingo 13 18 Tea Time
Trillium E Sports 21 12 WeSportz
Trillium E Weenie Huck Jr. 19 21 No Height and White
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 9 17 Dragon Sound
Trillium W Panic! Hat The Disco 16 18 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W Vinter Vodka Lyge 16 17 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Mon Mar 20
8:15 pm
Empire N Abeers Aquatic Animals (A108) Immortal
Empire N Good Vibrations (A109) L: A109
Empire N Mid at Best (A107) Old dogs, scoob tricks
Empire S Cold Cuts 21 15 DUMP truckers
Empire S Hangry Flickers 21 16 Frisbros
Empire S Nap Life 14 21 Double Rainbow!
Empire S The Perogies 19 11 Hotpot
Jericho W L: E112 (E112) Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W 92% Chance of Rain 21 20 Freshly Laundered
Jericho W Disc Monkeys (E109) Discin' Around
Jericho W Tsunami (E110) Monday Hat Intermediate
Memorial SW Darts YVR (B112) Weenie Huck Jr.
Memorial SW dingo bros (B111) No Height and White
Memorial SW Sports (B109) Tea Time
Memorial SW WeSportz 20 19 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium E BeerOclock (C112) Hot Dog Stock Market
Trillium E Disconnect (C111) ERR'DAY
Trillium E HammerCo x Smash (C110) Huck If You Want Me!
Trillium E Macho Sidewinders (C109) Full Send Cat
Trillium W Dragon Sound 21 15 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 15 21 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Trillium W Vinter Vodka Lyge (F109) Panic! Hat The Disco