
Day: All | Mon | Thu
Range: All | Today | Future | Past
Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Mon Sep 12
8:15 pm
Empire N ERR’DAY Cancelled Nap Life
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! Cancelled Basura Gang
Empire N Ruby & Friends Cancelled Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Empire N Significant Otters Cancelled gian and friends
Empire S Bees! Cancelled No D(isc) No Life
Empire S Dogs in Space Cancelled The Perogies
Empire S Fall Fireball League Cancelled One Hat Wonders
Empire S Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics Cancelled Mildly Threatening
Jericho W great clipz Cancelled LeVibes
Jericho W Midnight Monday Cancelled Payday
Jericho W Sports Cancelled Macaroni with the chicken strips
Jericho W Tea Time Cancelled Mastadon Fall
Memorial SW Cold Cuts Cancelled Discin' Around
Memorial SW Disc Monkeys Cancelled Dragon Sound
Memorial SW Disconnect Cancelled Darts YVR
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit Cancelled Spirit Foul
Trillium E DUMP truckers Cancelled Tsunami
Trillium E Freshly Laundered Cancelled Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium E Frisbros Cancelled Flight Club
Trillium E National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team Cancelled 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium W #Sportss Cancelled Full Send Cat
Trillium W Flickin' Freezin' Monday Hat Team Competitive
Trillium W Hangry Flickers Plaid to the Bone
Trillium W W SMASH Cancelled Flamingos at Bingo
9:10 pm Empire N ERR’DAY Cancelled gian and friends
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! Cancelled Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Empire N Ruby & Friends Cancelled Basura Gang
Empire N Significant Otters Cancelled Nap Life
Empire S Bees! Cancelled Mildly Threatening
Empire S Dogs in Space Cancelled One Hat Wonders
Empire S Fall Fireball League The Perogies
Empire S Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics Cancelled No D(isc) No Life
Jericho W great clipz Cancelled Mastadon Fall
Jericho W Midnight Monday Cancelled Macaroni with the chicken strips
Jericho W Sports Cancelled Payday
Jericho W Tea Time Cancelled LeVibes
Memorial SW Cold Cuts Cancelled Dragon Sound
Memorial SW Disc Monkeys Cancelled Discin' Around
Memorial SW Disconnect Cancelled Spirit Foul
Memorial SW Hammer Beats Rabbit Cancelled Darts YVR
Trillium E DUMP truckers Cancelled Flight Club
Trillium E Freshly Laundered Cancelled 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Frisbros Cancelled Tsunami
Trillium E National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team Cancelled Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium W #Sportss Cancelled Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium W Flickin' Freezin' Plaid to the Bone
Trillium W Hangry Flickers Monday Hat Team Competitive
Trillium W W SMASH Cancelled Full Send Cat
Mon Sep 19
8:15 pm
Empire N Darts YVR 15 14 Dragon Sound
Empire N Disconnect 19 10 Disc Monkeys
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 15 21 Cold Cuts
Empire N Spirit Foul 12 13 Discin' Around
Empire S great clipz 20 21 Midnight Monday
Empire S LeVibes Cancelled Payday
Empire S Mastadon Fall Cancelled Macaroni with the chicken strips
Empire S Tea Time 14 21 Sports
Jericho W Flickin' Freezin' 16 21 W SMASH
Jericho W Hangry Flickers 21 17 #Sportss
Jericho W Monday Hat Team Competitive 2 21 Flamingos at Bingo
Jericho W Plaid to the Bone 7 21 Full Send Cat
Memorial SW 92% Chance of Rain 21 7 Flight Club
Memorial SW Freshly Laundered 18 15 DUMP truckers
Memorial SW National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 4 21 Frisbros
Memorial SW Panic with the disc(o) 20 16 Tsunami
Trillium E Dogs in Space 18 6 Bees!
Trillium E Fall Fireball League 21 4 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium E One Hat Wonders 21 2 Mildly Threatening
Trillium E The Perogies 15 8 No D(isc) No Life
Trillium W ERR’DAY 7 7 Huck If You Want Me!
Trillium W gian and friends 15 17 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Trillium W Nap Life 10 21 Basura Gang
Trillium W Significant Otters 12 21 Ruby & Friends
9:10 pm Empire N Darts YVR 7 21 Discin' Around
Empire N Disconnect 17 16 Cold Cuts
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 10 16 Disc Monkeys
Empire N Spirit Foul 11 8 Dragon Sound
Empire S great clipz Cancelled Sports
Empire S LeVibes 21 17 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Empire S Mastadon Fall 20 21 Payday
Empire S Tea Time Cancelled Midnight Monday
Jericho W Flickin' Freezin' 17 18 #Sportss
Jericho W Hangry Flickers 16 20 W SMASH
Jericho W Monday Hat Team Competitive 2 21 Full Send Cat
Jericho W Plaid to the Bone 8 21 Flamingos at Bingo
Memorial SW 92% Chance of Rain 16 16 Tsunami
Memorial SW Freshly Laundered 9 21 Frisbros
Memorial SW National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 15 18 DUMP truckers
Memorial SW Panic with the disc(o) 21 5 Flight Club
Trillium E Dogs in Space 20 11 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium E Fall Fireball League 21 2 Bees!
Trillium E One Hat Wonders 13 13 No D(isc) No Life
Trillium E The Perogies 21 12 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W ERR’DAY 21 19 Ruby & Friends
Trillium W gian and friends 3 21 Basura Gang
Trillium W Nap Life 21 14 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Trillium W Significant Otters 16 21 Huck If You Want Me!
Mon Sep 26
8:15 pm
Empire N 92% Chance of Rain 9 21 Frisbros
Empire N Freshly Laundered 5 21 Tsunami
Empire N National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 15 9 Flight Club
Empire N Panic with the disc(o) 21 15 DUMP truckers
Empire S Flickin' Freezin' 21 14 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Hangry Flickers 14 21 Full Send Cat
Empire S Monday Hat Team Competitive 11 21 W SMASH
Empire S Plaid to the Bone 20 19 #Sportss
Jericho W ERR’DAY 14 18 Basura Gang
Jericho W gian and friends 18 17 Ruby & Friends
Jericho W Nap Life 14 20 Huck If You Want Me!
Jericho W Significant Otters 21 11 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Memorial SW Dogs in Space 9 13 No D(isc) No Life
Memorial SW Fall Fireball League 17 6 Mildly Threatening
Memorial SW One Hat Wonders 21 2 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Memorial SW The Perogies 21 5 Bees!
Trillium E great clipz 21 15 Payday
Trillium E LeVibes 11 21 Midnight Monday
Trillium E Mastadon Fall 14 21 Sports
Trillium E Tea Time 21 12 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Trillium W Darts YVR 21 16 Disc Monkeys
Trillium W Disconnect 20 5 Dragon Sound
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 20 19 Discin' Around
Trillium W Spirit Foul 15 18 Cold Cuts
9:10 pm Empire N 92% Chance of Rain 8 21 DUMP truckers
Empire N Freshly Laundered 15 5 Flight Club
Empire N National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 12 17 Tsunami
Empire N Panic with the disc(o) 15 21 Frisbros
Empire S Flickin' Freezin' 13 21 Full Send Cat
Empire S Hangry Flickers 17 21 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Monday Hat Team Competitive 3 21 #Sportss
Empire S Plaid to the Bone 15 16 W SMASH
Jericho W ERR’DAY 21 8 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Jericho W gian and friends 13 21 Huck If You Want Me!
Jericho W Nap Life 10 21 Ruby & Friends
Jericho W Significant Otters 11 21 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Dogs in Space 15 5 Mildly Threatening
Memorial SW Fall Fireball League 14 21 No D(isc) No Life
Memorial SW One Hat Wonders 21 8 Bees!
Memorial SW The Perogies 15 8 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium E great clipz 18 15 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Trillium E LeVibes 21 17 Sports
Trillium E Mastadon Fall 17 22 Midnight Monday
Trillium E Tea Time 21 7 Payday
Trillium W Darts YVR 18 21 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Disconnect 20 12 Discin' Around
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 21 8 Dragon Sound
Trillium W Spirit Foul 10 21 Disc Monkeys
Mon Oct 3
8:15 pm
Empire N Fall Fireball League 16 16 Dogs in Space
Empire N Mildly Threatening 9 17 No D(isc) No Life
Empire N One Hat Wonders 13 21 The Perogies
Empire N Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics 19 8 Bees!
Empire S Basura Gang 21 3 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Empire S ERR’DAY 19 21 Significant Otters
Empire S Huck If You Want Me! 13 21 Ruby & Friends
Empire S Nap Life 10 21 gian and friends
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 7 Spirit Foul
Jericho W Disc Monkeys 14 16 Cold Cuts
Jericho W Disconnect 21 7 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W Dragon Sound 8 14 Discin' Around
Memorial SW great clipz 21 16 Tea Time
Memorial SW LeVibes 21 11 Mastadon Fall
Memorial SW Midnight Monday 21 14 Sports
Memorial SW Payday 15 11 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Trillium E Flamingos at Bingo 14 21 Full Send Cat
Trillium E Flickin' Freezin' 21 14 Hangry Flickers
Trillium E Monday Hat Team Competitive 10 21 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium E W SMASH 13 21 #Sportss
Trillium W 92% Chance of Rain 9 21 Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium W Flight Club 7 18 Tsunami
Trillium W Frisbros 21 10 DUMP truckers
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 14 21 Freshly Laundered
9:10 pm Empire N Bees! 6 21 No D(isc) No Life
Empire N Dogs in Space 12 20 The Perogies
Empire N Fall Fireball League 15 11 One Hat Wonders
Empire N Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics 13 15 Mildly Threatening
Empire S ERR’DAY 21 10 Nap Life
Empire S Huck If You Want Me! 8 21 Basura Gang
Empire S Ruby & Friends 21 5 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Empire S Significant Otters 21 13 gian and friends
Jericho W Cold Cuts 17 17 Discin' Around
Jericho W Disc Monkeys 14 10 Dragon Sound
Jericho W Disconnect 18 21 Darts YVR
Jericho W Hammer Beats Rabbit 16 17 Spirit Foul
Memorial SW great clipz 20 21 LeVibes
Memorial SW Midnight Monday 21 16 Payday
Memorial SW Sports 21 18 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Memorial SW Tea Time 21 12 Mastadon Fall
Trillium E #Sportss 12 21 Full Send Cat
Trillium E Flickin' Freezin' 21 4 Monday Hat Team Competitive
Trillium E Hangry Flickers 21 20 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium E W SMASH 17 21 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium W DUMP truckers 15 17 Tsunami
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 8 21 Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium W Frisbros 21 6 Flight Club
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 12 21 92% Chance of Rain
Mon Oct 10
8:15 pm
Empire N LeVibes 10 21 Sports
Empire N Midnight Monday great clipz
Empire N Payday 17 15 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire N Tea Time 8 21 Full Send Cat
Empire S Disc Monkeys 9 11 Frisbros
Empire S Hammer Beats Rabbit 12 20 Panic with the disc(o)
Empire S Nap Life 8 11 Darts YVR
Empire S Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 14 16 Discin' Around
Jericho W Dragon Sound 11 11 92% Chance of Rain
Jericho W DUMP truckers Forfeited Fall Fireball League
Jericho W Spirit Foul Forfeited Tsunami
Jericho W The Perogies 21 7 One Hat Wonders
Memorial SW #Sportss 14 11 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Hangry Flickers 21 7 Ruby & Friends
Memorial SW Macaroni with the chicken strips 17 21 W SMASH
Memorial SW Mastadon Fall 8 21 Flickin' Freezin'
Trillium E gian and friends 11 10 Cold Cuts
Trillium E Monday Hat Team Competitive 7 13 ERR’DAY
Trillium E Plaid to the Bone Cancelled Huck If You Want Me!
Trillium E Significant Otters 11 5 Disconnect
Trillium W Dogs in Space 15 4 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium W Freshly Laundered Forfeited Flight Club
Trillium W Mildly Threatening Forfeited Bees!
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 15 7 No D(isc) No Life
9:10 pm Empire N LeVibes great clipz
Empire N Midnight Monday 21 19 Sports
Empire N Payday 14 21 Full Send Cat
Empire N Tea Time 18 18 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Disc Monkeys 4 14 Panic with the disc(o)
Empire S Hammer Beats Rabbit 12 16 Frisbros
Empire S Nap Life 20 17 Discin' Around
Empire S Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 15 14 Darts YVR
Jericho W Dragon Sound 10 9 Tsunami
Jericho W DUMP truckers Forfeited One Hat Wonders
Jericho W Spirit Foul Forfeited 92% Chance of Rain
Jericho W The Perogies Forfeited Fall Fireball League
Memorial SW #Sportss 14 16 Ruby & Friends
Memorial SW Hangry Flickers 21 13 Basura Gang
Memorial SW Macaroni with the chicken strips 15 21 Flickin' Freezin'
Memorial SW Mastadon Fall 12 14 W SMASH
Trillium E gian and friends 8 14 Disconnect
Trillium E Monday Hat Team Competitive Forfeited Huck If You Want Me!
Trillium E Plaid to the Bone 19 6 ERR’DAY
Trillium E Significant Otters 13 4 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Dogs in Space Forfeited Bees!
Trillium W Freshly Laundered Forfeited No D(isc) No Life
Trillium W Mildly Threatening 7 7 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 16 4 Flight Club
Mon Oct 17
8:15 pm
Empire N Flickin' Freezin' 21 11 Ruby & Friends
Empire N Macaroni with the chicken strips 14 16 #Sportss
Empire N Mastadon Fall 15 21 Hangry Flickers
Empire N W SMASH 18 18 Basura Gang
Empire S 92% Chance of Rain 21 10 One Hat Wonders
Empire S Dragon Sound 10 21 The Perogies
Empire S Spirit Foul 14 18 DUMP truckers
Empire S Tsunami 21 13 Fall Fireball League
Jericho W Flight Club 13 12 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Jericho W Freshly Laundered 19 11 Dogs in Space
Jericho W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 17 4 Mildly Threatening
Jericho W No D(isc) No Life 21 3 Bees!
Memorial SW ERR’DAY 21 20 Cold Cuts
Memorial SW Huck If You Want Me! 17 21 Disconnect
Memorial SW Monday Hat Team Competitive 11 14 gian and friends
Memorial SW Plaid to the Bone 20 10 Significant Otters
Trillium E Darts YVR 21 9 Frisbros
Trillium E Discin' Around 14 21 Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium E Nap Life 17 17 Disc Monkeys
Trillium E Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 15 21 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium W great clipz Full Send Cat
Trillium W LeVibes 21 19 Payday
Trillium W Midnight Monday 21 19 Tea Time
Trillium W Sports 21 18 Flamingos at Bingo
9:10 pm Empire N Flickin' Freezin' 20 11 Basura Gang
Empire N Macaroni with the chicken strips 21 9 Hangry Flickers
Empire N Mastadon Fall 21 16 #Sportss
Empire N W SMASH 21 12 Ruby & Friends
Empire S 92% Chance of Rain 21 6 Fall Fireball League
Empire S Dragon Sound 18 19 DUMP truckers
Empire S Spirit Foul 9 21 The Perogies
Empire S Tsunami 21 12 One Hat Wonders
Jericho W Flight Club 18 5 Bees!
Jericho W Freshly Laundered 21 5 Mildly Threatening
Jericho W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 16 14 Dogs in Space
Jericho W No D(isc) No Life 21 5 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Memorial SW ERR’DAY 21 15 Disconnect
Memorial SW Huck If You Want Me! 21 12 Cold Cuts
Memorial SW Monday Hat Team Competitive 14 17 Significant Otters
Memorial SW Plaid to the Bone 21 11 gian and friends
Trillium E Darts YVR 20 14 Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium E Discin' Around 11 18 Frisbros
Trillium E Nap Life 20 15 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Trillium E Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 12 19 Disc Monkeys
Trillium W great clipz Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium W LeVibes 21 19 Tea Time
Trillium W Midnight Monday 21 18 Payday
Trillium W Sports 21 16 Full Send Cat
Mon Oct 24
8:15 pm
Empire N ERR’DAY 21 4 gian and friends
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! 6 11 Significant Otters
Empire N Monday Hat Team Competitive 10 12 Cold Cuts
Empire N Plaid to the Bone 10 15 Disconnect
Empire S Flight Club Forfeited Dogs in Space
Empire S Freshly Laundered Forfeited Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Empire S National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 21 5 Bees!
Empire S No D(isc) No Life 21 3 Mildly Threatening
Jericho W great clipz Forfeited Tea Time
Jericho W LeVibes 15 14 Flamingos at Bingo
Jericho W Midnight Monday 11 8 Full Send Cat
Jericho W Sports 21 10 Payday
Memorial SW Darts YVR 18 12 Disc Monkeys
Memorial SW Discin' Around 14 12 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Memorial SW Nap Life 15 18 Frisbros
Memorial SW Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 10 21 Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium E 92% Chance of Rain 17 9 The Perogies
Trillium E Dragon Sound 7 11 One Hat Wonders
Trillium E Spirit Foul 11 8 Fall Fireball League
Trillium E Tsunami 16 11 DUMP truckers
Trillium W Flickin' Freezin' 21 7 Hangry Flickers
Trillium W Macaroni with the chicken strips 11 8 Basura Gang
Trillium W Mastadon Fall 21 11 Ruby & Friends
Trillium W W SMASH 12 10 #Sportss
9:10 pm Empire N ERR’DAY 13 9 Significant Otters
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! 21 4 gian and friends
Empire N Monday Hat Team Competitive 8 17 Disconnect
Empire N Plaid to the Bone 21 8 Cold Cuts
Empire S Flight Club 9 11 Mildly Threatening
Empire S Freshly Laundered 21 3 Bees!
Empire S National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team Forfeited Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Empire S No D(isc) No Life Default Dogs in Space
Jericho W great clipz Default Payday
Jericho W LeVibes 14 15 Full Send Cat
Jericho W Midnight Monday 21 14 Flamingos at Bingo
Jericho W Sports 15 16 Tea Time
Memorial SW Darts YVR 21 9 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Memorial SW Discin' Around 7 12 Disc Monkeys
Memorial SW Nap Life 10 17 Panic with the disc(o)
Memorial SW Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 4 21 Frisbros
Trillium E 92% Chance of Rain 9 20 DUMP truckers
Trillium E Dragon Sound 6 10 Fall Fireball League
Trillium E Spirit Foul 8 4 One Hat Wonders
Trillium E Tsunami 15 7 The Perogies
Trillium W Flickin' Freezin' 13 12 #Sportss
Trillium W Macaroni with the chicken strips 15 20 Ruby & Friends
Trillium W Mastadon Fall 16 15 Basura Gang
Trillium W W SMASH 15 14 Hangry Flickers
Mon Oct 31
8:15 pm
Empire N Darts YVR 21 8 Discin' Around
Empire N Disc Monkeys Forfeited Hammer Beats Rabbit
Empire N Frisbros 18 14 Panic with the disc(o)
Empire N Nap Life 16 12 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Empire S Full Send Cat 21 15 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S great clipz Sports
Empire S Midnight Monday 21 13 LeVibes
Empire S Tea Time 21 10 Payday
Jericho W #Sportss 21 16 Hangry Flickers
Jericho W Basura Gang Cancelled Ruby & Friends
Jericho W Macaroni with the chicken strips 18 21 Mastadon Fall
Jericho W W SMASH 21 15 Flickin' Freezin'
Memorial SW DUMP truckers 19 14 The Perogies
Memorial SW Fall Fireball League Forfeited One Hat Wonders
Memorial SW Spirit Foul 21 8 Dragon Sound
Memorial SW Tsunami 16 13 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium E Dogs in Space 17 11 Mildly Threatening
Trillium E Flight Club 9 21 No D(isc) No Life
Trillium E Freshly Laundered Forfeited National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Trillium E Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics Forfeited Bees!
Trillium W Disconnect 21 10 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Huck If You Want Me! 15 12 ERR’DAY
Trillium W Plaid to the Bone 20 12 Monday Hat Team Competitive
Trillium W Significant Otters 20 11 gian and friends
9:10 pm Empire N Disc Monkeys 6 15 Frisbros
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit Forfeited Panic with the disc(o)
Empire N Nap Life 14 21 Darts YVR
Empire N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 12 15 Discin' Around
Empire S LeVibes 20 21 Sports
Empire S Midnight Monday great clipz
Empire S Payday 21 18 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Tea Time 16 15 Full Send Cat
Jericho W #Sportss Forfeited Basura Gang
Jericho W Hangry Flickers Forfeited Ruby & Friends
Jericho W Macaroni with the chicken strips 16 15 W SMASH
Jericho W Mastadon Fall 19 21 Flickin' Freezin'
Memorial SW Dragon Sound 9 18 92% Chance of Rain
Memorial SW DUMP truckers Default Fall Fireball League
Memorial SW Spirit Foul 13 18 Tsunami
Memorial SW The Perogies 20 15 One Hat Wonders
Trillium E Dogs in Space Forfeited Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium E Freshly Laundered 21 11 Flight Club
Trillium E Mildly Threatening 21 12 Bees!
Trillium E National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team Forfeited No D(isc) No Life
Trillium W gian and friends 21 18 Cold Cuts
Trillium W Monday Hat Team Competitive 5 21 ERR’DAY
Trillium W Plaid to the Bone 16 20 Huck If You Want Me!
Trillium W Significant Otters 16 17 Disconnect
Mon Nov 7
8:15 pm
Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 14 19 The Perogies
Empire N No D(isc) No Life 17 9 Freshly Laundered
Empire N Spirit Foul 19 13 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Empire N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 14 21 DUMP truckers
Empire S #Sportss 21 8 ERR’DAY
Empire S great clipz 15 10 Hangry Flickers
Empire S Macaroni with the chicken strips 17 20 Plaid to the Bone
Empire S W SMASH 8 12 Mastadon Fall
Jericho W Basura Gang 16 12 Significant Otters
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 18 Panic with the disc(o)
Jericho W Huck If You Want Me! 18 13 Frisbros
Jericho W Ruby & Friends 21 17 Disconnect
Memorial SW Dragon Sound 15 8 Dogs in Space
Memorial SW Flight Club 11 14 Bees!
Memorial SW Mildly Threatening 11 6 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Memorial SW One Hat Wonders 21 15 Fall Fireball League
Trillium E LeVibes 19 21 Flickin' Freezin'
Trillium E Midnight Monday 16 18 Full Send Cat
Trillium E Payday 12 21 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium E Sports 21 15 Tea Time
Trillium W Cold Cuts 12 13 Nap Life
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 10 18 Tsunami
Trillium W Discin' Around 15 14 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium W gian and friends 17 13 Monday Hat Team Competitive
9:10 pm Empire N Hammer Beats Rabbit 11 19 DUMP truckers
Empire N No D(isc) No Life 12 14 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Empire N Spirit Foul 16 11 Freshly Laundered
Empire N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 10 21 The Perogies
Empire S #Sportss 19 15 Plaid to the Bone
Empire S great clipz 18 15 Mastadon Fall
Empire S Macaroni with the chicken strips 16 11 ERR’DAY
Empire S W SMASH 15 12 Hangry Flickers
Jericho W Basura Gang 15 10 Disconnect
Jericho W Darts YVR 21 18 Frisbros
Jericho W Huck If You Want Me! 20 17 Panic with the disc(o)
Jericho W Ruby & Friends 11 13 Significant Otters
Memorial SW Dragon Sound 21 12 Fall Fireball League
Memorial SW Flight Club 15 9 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Memorial SW Mildly Threatening 11 4 Bees!
Memorial SW One Hat Wonders 14 14 Dogs in Space
Trillium E LeVibes 11 17 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium E Midnight Monday 21 17 Tea Time
Trillium E Payday 10 11 Flickin' Freezin'
Trillium E Sports 21 15 Full Send Cat
Trillium W Cold Cuts 10 11 Monday Hat Team Competitive
Trillium W Disc Monkeys 12 8 92% Chance of Rain
Trillium W Discin' Around 6 17 Tsunami
Trillium W gian and friends 12 16 Nap Life
Mon Nov 14
8:15 pm
Empire N Dogs in Space Forfeited Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Empire N Dragon Sound 21 7 Mildly Threatening
Empire N Fall Fireball League 21 8 Bees!
Empire N One Hat Wonders 16 5 Flight Club
Empire S Basura Gang 14 21 Darts YVR
Empire S Disconnect 15 16 Frisbros
Empire S Ruby & Friends 9 21 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire S Significant Otters 21 16 Panic with the disc(o)
Jericho W Cold Cuts 19 14 Discin' Around
Jericho W gian and friends 11 13 Disc Monkeys
Jericho W Monday Hat Team Competitive 17 14 Tsunami
Jericho W Nap Life 21 11 92% Chance of Rain
Memorial SW Full Send Cat 19 9 Flamingos at Bingo
Memorial SW Midnight Monday 18 21 Payday
Memorial SW Sports 18 21 LeVibes
Memorial SW Tea Time 16 21 Flickin' Freezin'
Trillium E great clipz 21 14 #Sportss
Trillium E Hangry Flickers 18 13 ERR’DAY
Trillium E Mastadon Fall 18 14 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium E W SMASH 11 21 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Trillium W DUMP truckers 21 12 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 21 9 No D(isc) No Life
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 10 21 Spirit Foul
Trillium W The Perogies 19 14 Freshly Laundered
9:10 pm Empire N Dogs in Space 21 6 Bees!
Empire N Dragon Sound 21 6 Flight Club
Empire N Fall Fireball League 21 6 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Empire N One Hat Wonders 21 6 Mildly Threatening
Empire S Basura Gang 12 21 Huck If You Want Me!
Empire S Disconnect 15 16 Panic with the disc(o)
Empire S Ruby & Friends 21 15 Darts YVR
Empire S Significant Otters Frisbros
Jericho W Cold Cuts 15 13 Disc Monkeys
Jericho W gian and friends 17 21 Discin' Around
Jericho W Monday Hat Team Competitive 15 9 92% Chance of Rain
Jericho W Nap Life 21 12 Tsunami
Memorial SW Full Send Cat 21 16 Flickin' Freezin'
Memorial SW Midnight Monday 19 21 LeVibes
Memorial SW Sports 21 13 Payday
Memorial SW Tea Time 20 13 Flamingos at Bingo
Trillium E great clipz 13 14 Macaroni with the chicken strips
Trillium E Hangry Flickers 21 10 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium E Mastadon Fall 21 19 ERR’DAY
Trillium E W SMASH 17 21 #Sportss
Trillium W DUMP truckers 20 10 Freshly Laundered
Trillium W Hammer Beats Rabbit 21 14 Spirit Foul
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 18 16 No D(isc) No Life
Trillium W The Perogies 16 15 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Mon Nov 21
8:15 pm
Empire N Flamingos at Bingo 21 19 LeVibes
Empire N Flickin' Freezin' 11 21 Midnight Monday
Empire N Full Send Cat 21 13 Tea Time
Empire N Sports 21 10 Payday
Empire S Cold Cuts 11 13 Disc Monkeys
Empire S Disconnect 21 12 DUMP truckers
Empire S Monday Hat Team Competitive Forfeited gian and friends
Empire S Tsunami 7 14 Discin' Around
Jericho W 92% Chance of Rain 20 15 One Hat Wonders
Jericho W Hammer Beats Rabbit 13 15 No D(isc) No Life
Jericho W Spirit Foul 17 16 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Jericho W The Perogies 21 4 Dragon Sound
Memorial SW #Sportss 21 10 Plaid to the Bone
Memorial SW great clipz 21 18 Huck If You Want Me!
Memorial SW Hangry Flickers 18 21 Mastadon Fall
Memorial SW Macaroni with the chicken strips 16 15 W SMASH
Trillium E Basura Gang 13 12 Frisbros
Trillium E Darts YVR 14 19 Ruby & Friends
Trillium E ERR’DAY 21 8 Nap Life
Trillium E Significant Otters 18 15 Panic with the disc(o)
Trillium W Dogs in Space 21 2 Flight Club
Trillium W Fall Fireball League 21 11 Mildly Threatening
Trillium W Freshly Laundered 20 6 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 21 9 Bees!
9:10 pm Empire N Flickin' Freezin' 14 21 Tea Time
Empire N Midnight Monday 21 14 Full Send Cat
Empire N Payday 21 19 LeVibes
Empire N Sports 19 17 Flamingos at Bingo
Empire S Disconnect 21 6 Disc Monkeys
Empire S DUMP truckers 9 21 Cold Cuts
Empire S gian and friends Forfeited Tsunami
Empire S Monday Hat Team Competitive 10 14 Discin' Around
Jericho W 92% Chance of Rain 9 21 No D(isc) No Life
Jericho W National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team 11 14 Dragon Sound
Jericho W One Hat Wonders 11 21 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Jericho W Spirit Foul 14 21 The Perogies
Memorial SW great clipz 22 20 Mastadon Fall
Memorial SW Huck If You Want Me! 12 21 Hangry Flickers
Memorial SW Macaroni with the chicken strips 14 9 #Sportss
Memorial SW W SMASH 20 15 Plaid to the Bone
Trillium E ERR’DAY 14 15 Basura Gang
Trillium E Nap Life 21 12 Frisbros
Trillium E Panic with the disc(o) 12 13 Darts YVR
Trillium E Significant Otters 19 16 Ruby & Friends
Trillium W Bees! 13 17 Flight Club
Trillium W Fall Fireball League 9 21 Freshly Laundered
Trillium W Mildly Threatening 16 13 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 14 19 Dogs in Space
Mon Nov 28
8:15 pm
Empire N great clipz (B109) Macaroni with the chicken strips
Empire N Hangry Flickers 21 11 W SMASH
Empire N Huck If You Want Me! (B112) Plaid to the Bone
Empire N Mastadon Fall 21 16 #Sportss
Empire S 92% Chance of Rain 8 21 Spirit Foul
Empire S Hammer Beats Rabbit 21 16 Dragon Sound
Empire S No D(isc) No Life (E109) The Perogies
Empire S One Hat Wonders 20 21 National Ajerbak Shuffleball Team
Jericho W Bees! 13 21 Yacht Rock Brewing Athletics
Jericho W Dogs in Space 19 21 Freshly Laundered
Jericho W Flight Club (F111) Mildly Threatening
Jericho W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 18 21 Fall Fireball League
Memorial SW Basura Gang 17 14 Significant Otters
Memorial SW ERR’DAY 21 19 Ruby & Friends
Memorial SW Frisbros (C112) Panic with the disc(o)
Memorial SW Nap Life 10 21 Darts YVR
Trillium E Cold Cuts (D111) W: D111
Trillium E Disc Monkeys 14 10 Monday Hat Team Competitive
Trillium E Disconnect 21 16 Discin' Around
Trillium E DUMP truckers (D112) gian and friends
Trillium W Flamingos at Bingo 25 27 Full Send Cat
Trillium W LeVibes 21 6 Flickin' Freezin'
Trillium W Payday (A111) Tea Time
Trillium W Sports (A109) Midnight Monday