
Day: All | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Wed
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Date & Time Location Home Team Score Away Team
Mon Jun 28
6:30 pm
Balaclava G-raff A-ttack Cancelled Arbutus Anubis
Balaclava Mastadon - Monday Postponed Cheese and Toasted
Kingcrest Marty Cancelled #DiscsOutForHarambe
Kingcrest WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 12 17 New Disc Who Dis?
Memorial O Jellybeans500 17 7 huck, huck, goose
Memorial O Unbounce Cancelled Kandisc
Oak Meadows Discpicable Me Cancelled CF
Oak Meadows huckaholics 4 11 Kev N' Friends
Slocan C Disconnect 7 17 Ulti-Mates
Slocan C Weeble Postponed Skywalkers
Winona C Absolute Chaos Cancelled Tofu Stack
Winona C Flatten the Curve Cancelled Bigger Disc Energy
Winona N Egregious Cancelled Disc it for the Biscuit
Winona N Super Duper Friends Cancelled Pac-Man and friends
7:15 pm Trillium W Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program Cancelled Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Trillium W MY L3G Postponed Hammer Beats Rabbit
Tue Jun 29
6:30 pm
Balaclava Huck E Cheese Postponed Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Balaclava The Hucking Fooligans 1 17 DR4G
Kingcrest H-Bar 7 17 Fire Fishies
Kingcrest The Greendale 7 17 9 Critters
Memorial O Dragon Sound Cancelled Huck It
Memorial O Sharknado Cancelled Go the Disc-tance
Oak Meadows Café Gloucester Forfeited Forrest Dump.
Oak Meadows Gritty in Pink 13 12 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Slocan C Chinzillas Forfeited Lager Buddies
Slocan C Discs I'd Like to Flick 17 13 Pretty Kitties
Winona C Kingsway's Finest 7 13 Ruby & Friends
Winona C Piper Palooza Forfeited Cloud9 Black
Winona N Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday) 9 15 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona N Scarebears Cancelled The Ultimates
Winona S Gentle Warriors 17 5 Flickle Me Elmo
Winona S Plaid to the Bone 17 10 Zoomers
7:15 pm Trillium E Identity Crisis Cancelled Fieri's Hot Dogs
Wed Jun 30
6:30 pm
Balaclava Discturbed 12 17 Risky Frizzness
Balaclava zoi 17 9 90's Throwback
Jericho E Ernest and Friends 7 13 Team name Pending
Jericho E Lynx 11 21 No Shot
Killarney C Basura Gang 17 8 Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers
Killarney C Hat Trick 17 6 Princess Layout
Kingcrest Gen Z(oom) 5 12 Send Disc Picss
Kingcrest Panic with the disc(o) 17 13 Lost and Found
Memorial O Permission to Hammer 10 17 The Part Timers
Memorial O Throwtatoes 8 17 Bahalalala
Oak Meadows Hammer Time! 7 13 Here for the Beer
Slocan C Mind the Gap 16 17 D.C.
Slocan C Ultimate Tossers 6 20 The Dream Team
Slocan SW Bumble Bees 17 10 Talk Nerdy To Me
Winona C Dark Side Of The Disc 16 18 Break Side
Winona C Fullmetal 21 14 ReTox
Winona S Down Astronomical 16 16 Emotional Gameplay
Winona S Dump Trucks 15 6 Spray and Pray
Thu Jul 1
6:30 pm
Balaclava BEARHAWKS 17 10 Tremble
Balaclava Mastadon Thurs 18 17 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Killarney C Neon Disc-zaster! 16 21 Teamocil
Killarney C Wrists of Fury 15 9 Salt shakers
Kingcrest blueberries 18 11 Full Send Cat
Kingcrest GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 17 11 Too Full to Run
Memorial O East Van Halen 11 21 Social Disc-tancing
Memorial O Spinister Motives 7 21 Disc Infernos
Oak Meadows Jedi Force 17 10 The Gino Odj-discs
Oak Meadows Tosstitos 17 14 Goal Mountain
Rupert C Friends of Henry 17 8 Try, Catch, Throw
Rupert C Sideways Shoe Forfeited Herniated Discs
Slocan C Diamond Hands 6 17 Jeremy's Disc
Slocan C Down 16 11 Loaf
Winona C Big Flick Energy 11 15 Not in the Face
Winona C Yu Ting 17 7 Threwbacca
7:15 pm Empire S BigBootyBatch 17 3 Hand of Chal
Empire S The Marauders 17 13 Sky Hoes
Trillium W a bunch of discheads 17 13 Hehe XD
Trillium W Cardio Crew Forfeited The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Mon Jul 5
6:30 pm
Balaclava Disc it for the Biscuit 4 17 Super Duper Friends
Balaclava Pac-Man and friends 17 11 Egregious
Kingcrest Bigger Disc Energy 17 11 Absolute Chaos
Kingcrest Tofu Stack 17 16 Flatten the Curve
Memorial O Skywalkers 17 13 Disconnect
Memorial O Ulti-Mates 17 7 Weeble
Oak Meadows Arbutus Anubis 10 17 Mastadon - Monday
Oak Meadows Cheese and Toasted 13 17 G-raff A-ttack
Slocan C #DiscsOutForHarambe 8 21 WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness
Slocan C New Disc Who Dis? 17 3 Marty
Winona C CF 17 7 huckaholics
Winona C Kev N' Friends 17 8 Discpicable Me
Winona N Hammer Beats Rabbit 12 17 Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program
Winona N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 12 15 MY L3G
7:15 pm Trillium W huck, huck, goose 17 3 Unbounce
Trillium W Kandisc 8 17 Jellybeans500
Tue Jul 6
6:30 pm
Balaclava Lager Buddies 13 17 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Balaclava Pretty Kitties 13 17 Chinzillas
Kingcrest Flickle Me Elmo 12 17 Plaid to the Bone
Kingcrest Zoomers 17 11 Gentle Warriors
Memorial O DiscThrow Inferno 14 17 Fieri's Hot Dogs
Memorial O Identity Crisis 12 17 The Ultimates
Oak Meadows Go the Disc-tance 17 8 Dragon Sound
Oak Meadows Huck It 10 17 Sharknado
Slocan C Forrest Dump. 14 6 Gritty in Pink
Slocan C Scoober-Dooby-Doo 17 6 Café Gloucester
Winona C Critters 17 12 H-Bar
Winona C Fire Fishies 12 17 The Greendale 7
Winona N Cloud9 Black 17 12 Kingsway's Finest
Winona N Ruby & Friends 12 13 Piper Palooza
Winona S Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 17 2 The Hucking Fooligans
Winona S DR4G 8 12 Huck E Cheese
7:15 pm Trillium E Scarebears 11 16 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Wed Jul 7
6:30 pm
Balaclava Hammer Time! 8 14 Permission to Hammer
Balaclava The Part Timers 7 9 Bahalalala
Empire N 90's Throwback 3 17 Discturbed
Empire N Risky Frizzness 12 17 zoi
Jericho E Bumble Bees 11 17 Mind the Gap
Jericho E Throwtatoes 12 17 Here for the Beer
Killarney C Break Side 16 18 Fullmetal
Killarney C ReTox 17 10 Dark Side Of The Disc
Kingcrest No Shot 17 4 Ernest and Friends
Kingcrest Team name Pending 6 17 Lynx
Memorial O Princess Layout 8 17 Basura Gang
Memorial O Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 12 13 Hat Trick
Oak Meadows Emotional Gameplay 16 17 Dump Trucks
Oak Meadows Spray and Pray 10 17 Down Astronomical
Slocan C Lost and Found 13 6 Gen Z(oom)
Slocan C Send Disc Picss 4 17 Panic with the disc(o)
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Winona S D.C. 17 8 The Dream Team
Winona S Ultimate Tossers Forfeited Talk Nerdy To Me
Thu Jul 8
6:30 pm
Balaclava Not in the Face 10 17 Yu Ting
Balaclava Threwbacca 15 8 Big Flick Energy
Killarney C Hand of Chal 14 17 The Marauders
Killarney C Sky Hoes 5 17 BigBootyBatch
Kingcrest Salt shakers 17 6 Neon Disc-zaster!
Kingcrest Teamocil 11 15 Wrists of Fury
Memorial O Full Send Cat 9 21 GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT
Memorial O Too Full to Run 9 17 blueberries
Oak Meadows Disc Infernos 21 8 East Van Halen
Oak Meadows Social Disc-tancing 16 13 Spinister Motives
Rupert C Goal Mountain 7 17 Jedi Force
Rupert C The Gino Odj-discs 11 17 Tosstitos
Slocan C Herniated Discs 12 14 Friends of Henry
Slocan C Try, Catch, Throw 9 13 Sideways Shoe
Winona C Hehe XD 13 15 Cardio Crew
Winona C The BIG ZUCK HUCK 3 14 a bunch of discheads
7:15 pm Empire S Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 17 15 BEARHAWKS
Empire S Tremble 15 15 Mastadon Thurs
Trillium W Jeremy's Disc 9 12 Down
Trillium W Loaf 14 8 Diamond Hands
Mon Jul 12
6:30 pm
Balaclava Skywalkers 8 10 Disconnect
Balaclava Weeble 8 13 Ulti-Mates
Kingcrest Hammer Beats Rabbit 9 12 Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program
Kingcrest MY L3G 8 6 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Memorial O New Disc Who Dis? 13 7 Marty
Memorial O WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 11 10 #DiscsOutForHarambe
Oak Meadows huck, huck, goose 8 4 Unbounce
Oak Meadows Jellybeans500 13 4 Kandisc
Slocan C Pac-Man and friends 12 8 Egregious
Slocan C Super Duper Friends 12 5 Disc it for the Biscuit
Winona C Arbutus Anubis 8 13 Mastadon - Monday
Winona C G-raff A-ttack 13 11 Cheese and Toasted
Winona N Bigger Disc Energy 10 5 Absolute Chaos
Winona N Flatten the Curve 4 7 Tofu Stack
7:15 pm Trillium W huckaholics 6 13 CF
Trillium W Kev N' Friends 13 7 Discpicable Me
7:55 pm Balaclava Skywalkers 5 13 Ulti-Mates
Balaclava Weeble 11 7 Disconnect
Kingcrest Hammer Beats Rabbit 8 10 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Kingcrest MY L3G 10 6 Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program
Memorial O New Disc Who Dis? 13 8 #DiscsOutForHarambe
Memorial O WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 13 8 Marty
Oak Meadows huck, huck, goose 13 11 Kandisc
Oak Meadows Jellybeans500 13 2 Unbounce
Slocan C Pac-Man and friends 12 6 Disc it for the Biscuit
Slocan C Super Duper Friends 13 4 Egregious
Winona C Arbutus Anubis 4 13 Cheese and Toasted
Winona C G-raff A-ttack 13 10 Mastadon - Monday
Winona N Bigger Disc Energy 11 5 Tofu Stack
Winona N Flatten the Curve 10 8 Absolute Chaos
8:40 pm Trillium W huckaholics 9 13 Discpicable Me
Trillium W Kev N' Friends 13 7 CF
Tue Jul 13
6:30 pm
Balaclava Café Gloucester 9 6 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Balaclava Forrest Dump. 11 3 Gritty in Pink
Kingcrest Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 12 4 The Hucking Fooligans
Kingcrest Huck E Cheese 12 9 DR4G
Memorial O Plaid to the Bone 11 9 Flickle Me Elmo
Memorial O Zoomers 11 9 Gentle Warriors
Oak Meadows Critters 8 8 H-Bar
Oak Meadows The Greendale 7 11 8 Fire Fishies
Slocan C Go the Disc-tance 9 5 Dragon Sound
Slocan C Sharknado 9 4 Huck It
Winona C Fieri's Hot Dogs 9 4 Scarebears
Winona C The Ultimates 10 9 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Winona N Discs I'd Like to Flick 12 6 Lager Buddies
Winona N Pretty Kitties 8 13 Chinzillas
Winona S Identity Crisis 10 13 DiscThrow Inferno
7:15 pm Trillium E Cloud9 Black 6 7 Kingsway's Finest
Trillium E Piper Palooza 9 7 Ruby & Friends
7:55 pm Balaclava Café Gloucester 10 5 Gritty in Pink
Balaclava Forrest Dump. 12 6 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Kingcrest Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 12 12 DR4G
Kingcrest Huck E Cheese 13 3 The Hucking Fooligans
Memorial O Plaid to the Bone 13 9 Gentle Warriors
Memorial O Zoomers 13 9 Flickle Me Elmo
Oak Meadows Critters 4 13 Fire Fishies
Oak Meadows The Greendale 7 12 8 H-Bar
Slocan C Go the Disc-tance 1 13 Huck It
Slocan C Sharknado 9 6 Dragon Sound
Winona C Fieri's Hot Dogs 13 7 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Winona C The Ultimates 7 11 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona N Discs I'd Like to Flick 8 8 Chinzillas
Winona N Pretty Kitties 13 8 Lager Buddies
Winona S Identity Crisis 11 11 Scarebears
8:40 pm Trillium E Cloud9 Black 6 7 Ruby & Friends
Trillium E Piper Palooza 9 5 Kingsway's Finest
Wed Jul 14
6:30 pm
Balaclava Lynx 13 10 Team name Pending
Balaclava No Shot 13 5 Ernest and Friends
Jericho E Basura Gang 10 9 Princess Layout
Jericho E Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 4 8 Hat Trick
Killarney C D.C. 17 9 Talk Nerdy To Me
Kingcrest Mind the Gap 17 4 The Dream Team
Kingcrest Ultimate Tossers 0 18 Bumble Bees
Memorial O Fullmetal 12 9 Break Side
Memorial O ReTox 11 10 Dark Side Of The Disc
Oak Meadows Discturbed 5 5 90's Throwback
Oak Meadows Risky Frizzness 5 9 zoi
Slocan C Bahalalala 10 7 Hammer Time!
Slocan C Here for the Beer 13 5 Permission to Hammer
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Slocan SW Throwtatoes 4 9 The Part Timers
Winona C Down Astronomical 10 7 Spray and Pray
Winona C Emotional Gameplay 9 11 Dump Trucks
Winona S Lost and Found 4 8 Gen Z(oom)
Winona S Panic with the disc(o) 13 5 Send Disc Picss
7:55 pm Balaclava Lynx 13 7 Ernest and Friends
Balaclava No Shot 13 11 Team name Pending
Jericho E Basura Gang 8 11 Hat Trick
Jericho E Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 8 5 Princess Layout
Memorial O Fullmetal 13 8 Dark Side Of The Disc
Memorial O ReTox 11 10 Break Side
Oak Meadows Discturbed 5 13 zoi
Oak Meadows Risky Frizzness 13 5 90's Throwback
Slocan C Bahalalala 11 8 Permission to Hammer
Slocan C Here for the Beer 9 9 The Part Timers
Slocan SW Throwtatoes 8 2 Hammer Time!
Winona C Down Astronomical 8 10 Dump Trucks
Winona C Emotional Gameplay 10 8 Spray and Pray
Winona S Lost and Found 7 11 Send Disc Picss
Winona S Panic with the disc(o) 10 5 Gen Z(oom)
Thu Jul 15
6:30 pm
Balaclava a bunch of discheads 9 5 The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Balaclava Hehe XD 4 7 Cardio Crew
Killarney C BEARHAWKS 11 7 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Killarney C Tremble 8 10 Mastadon Thurs
Kingcrest BigBootyBatch 13 3 Sky Hoes
Kingcrest Hand of Chal 8 10 The Marauders
Memorial O Salt shakers 13 6 Neon Disc-zaster!
Memorial O Wrists of Fury 10 6 Teamocil
Oak Meadows blueberries 10 6 Too Full to Run
Oak Meadows Full Send Cat 13 7 GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT
Rupert C Disc Infernos 13 8 East Van Halen
Rupert C Spinister Motives 3 13 Social Disc-tancing
Slocan C Goal Mountain 10 9 Jedi Force
Slocan C Tosstitos 13 5 The Gino Odj-discs
Winona C Down 5 3 Jeremy's Disc
Winona C Loaf 10 5 Diamond Hands
7:15 pm Empire S Big Flick Energy 7 7 Threwbacca
Empire S Not in the Face 3 11 Yu Ting
Trillium W Herniated Discs 6 4 Friends of Henry
Trillium W Sideways Shoe 8 9 Try, Catch, Throw
7:55 pm Balaclava a bunch of discheads 10 6 Cardio Crew
Balaclava Hehe XD 9 8 The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Killarney C BEARHAWKS 10 8 Mastadon Thurs
Killarney C Tremble 9 10 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Kingcrest BigBootyBatch 13 5 The Marauders
Kingcrest Hand of Chal 12 7 Sky Hoes
Memorial O Salt shakers 13 7 Teamocil
Memorial O Wrists of Fury 12 8 Neon Disc-zaster!
Oak Meadows blueberries 11 10 GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT
Oak Meadows Full Send Cat 9 10 Too Full to Run
Rupert C Disc Infernos 3 8 Social Disc-tancing
Rupert C Spinister Motives 13 3 East Van Halen
Slocan C Goal Mountain 6 10 The Gino Odj-discs
Slocan C Tosstitos 9 8 Jedi Force
Winona C Down 13 2 Diamond Hands
Winona C Loaf 11 5 Jeremy's Disc
8:40 pm Empire S Big Flick Energy 4 11 Yu Ting
Empire S Not in the Face 9 8 Threwbacca
Trillium W Herniated Discs 9 2 Try, Catch, Throw
Trillium W Sideways Shoe 6 9 Friends of Henry
Mon Jul 19
6:30 pm
Balaclava Arbutus Anubis 9 9 Super Duper Friends
Balaclava WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 9 13 Pac-Man and friends
Kingcrest #DiscsOutForHarambe 13 7 Egregious
Kingcrest Marty 5 13 Kev N' Friends
Memorial O Absolute Chaos 13 8 Kandisc
Memorial O huck, huck, goose 8 11 Unbounce
Oak Meadows huckaholics 6 12 Weeble
Oak Meadows Skywalkers 5 12 MY L3G
Slocan C Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program 13 5 Bigger Disc Energy
Slocan C Disconnect 11 6 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Winona C Hammer Beats Rabbit 3 10 Flatten the Curve
Winona C Tofu Stack 9 13 Jellybeans500
Winona N CF 9 13 Ulti-Mates
Winona N Disc it for the Biscuit 3 10 Discpicable Me
7:15 pm Trillium W G-raff A-ttack 13 11 Cheese and Toasted
Trillium W Mastadon - Monday 13 4 New Disc Who Dis?
7:55 pm Balaclava Arbutus Anubis 11 7 Pac-Man and friends
Balaclava WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 10 13 Super Duper Friends
Kingcrest #DiscsOutForHarambe 7 13 Kev N' Friends
Kingcrest Marty 13 9 Egregious
Memorial O Absolute Chaos 12 14 Unbounce
Memorial O huck, huck, goose 12 5 Kandisc
Oak Meadows huckaholics 3 13 MY L3G
Oak Meadows Skywalkers 13 6 Weeble
Slocan C Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program 13 2 Technicolour Narwhal Explosion
Slocan C Disconnect 13 6 Bigger Disc Energy
Winona C Hammer Beats Rabbit 9 13 Jellybeans500
Winona C Tofu Stack 7 9 Flatten the Curve
Winona N CF 13 7 Discpicable Me
Winona N Disc it for the Biscuit 6 13 Ulti-Mates
8:40 pm Trillium W G-raff A-ttack 13 8 New Disc Who Dis?
Trillium W Mastadon - Monday 12 13 Cheese and Toasted
Tue Jul 20
6:30 pm
Balaclava Lager Buddies 7 7 Piper Palooza
Balaclava Ruby & Friends 9 6 Kingsway's Finest
Kingcrest Chinzillas 7 9 Cloud9 Black
Kingcrest Gritty in Pink 5 8 Pretty Kitties
Memorial O Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 9 8 DR4G
Memorial O Huck E Cheese 13 4 Plaid to the Bone
Oak Meadows Gentle Warriors 2 13 DiscThrow Inferno
Oak Meadows Zoomers Default Fieri's Hot Dogs
Slocan C Fire Fishies 10 3 Sharknado
Slocan C Scarebears 8 7 Critters
Winona C The Hucking Fooligans 2 13 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Winona C The Ultimates 3 13 Identity Crisis
Winona N Go the Disc-tance 6 11 Forrest Dump.
Winona N H-Bar 11 9 Huck It
Winona S Flickle Me Elmo 9 13 The Greendale 7
7:15 pm Trillium E Café Gloucester 4 10 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Trillium E Dragon Sound 1 10 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
7:55 pm Balaclava Lager Buddies 11 9 Kingsway's Finest
Balaclava Ruby & Friends 7 9 Piper Palooza
Kingcrest Chinzillas 5 13 Pretty Kitties
Kingcrest Gritty in Pink 8 9 Cloud9 Black
Memorial O Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 11 13 Plaid to the Bone
Memorial O Huck E Cheese 13 8 DR4G
Oak Meadows Gentle Warriors 11 13 Fieri's Hot Dogs
Oak Meadows Zoomers Default DiscThrow Inferno
Slocan C Fire Fishies 13 9 Critters
Slocan C Scarebears 8 9 Sharknado
Winona C Flickle Me Elmo 5 9 Identity Crisis
Winona C The Hucking Fooligans 1 13 The Ultimates
Winona N Go the Disc-tance 13 10 Huck It
Winona N H-Bar 9 7 Forrest Dump.
Winona S Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday) 7 10 The Greendale 7
8:40 pm Trillium E Café Gloucester 13 10 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Trillium E Dragon Sound 3 11 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Wed Jul 21
6:30 pm
Balaclava Basura Gang 10 8 Dump Trucks
Balaclava Ernest and Friends 13 5 Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers
Empire N Down Astronomical 9 5 Here for the Beer
Empire N Princess Layout 9 8 Emotional Gameplay
Jericho E Hammer Time! 5 9 Send Disc Picss
Jericho E Lost and Found 7 11 Gen Z(oom)
Kingcrest Bumble Bees 7 17 D.C.
Kingcrest Mind the Gap 17 10 The Dream Team
Memorial O Talk Nerdy To Me Forfeited Ultimate Tossers
Oak Meadows Fullmetal 12 9 Break Side
Oak Meadows ReTox 10 9 zoi
Slocan C Spray and Pray 13 7 Permission to Hammer
Slocan C The Part Timers 8 8 Throwtatoes
Slocan SW Bahalalala 3 13 Panic with the disc(o)
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Winona C Dark Side Of The Disc 13 6 Discturbed
Winona C Risky Frizzness 10 13 No Shot
Winona S 90's Throwback 10 9 Team name Pending
Winona S Lynx 13 4 Hat Trick
7:50 pm Empire N Down Astronomical 6 5 Emotional Gameplay
Empire N Princess Layout 6 8 Here for the Beer
7:55 pm Balaclava Basura Gang 9 7 Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers
Balaclava Ernest and Friends 6 11 Dump Trucks
Jericho E Hammer Time! 4 9 Gen Z(oom)
Jericho E Lost and Found 9 6 Send Disc Picss
Oak Meadows Fullmetal 13 1 zoi
Oak Meadows ReTox 5 13 Break Side
Slocan C Bahalalala 6 8 Throwtatoes
Slocan C Spray and Pray 10 11 The Part Timers
Slocan SW Permission to Hammer 6 12 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona C Dark Side Of The Disc 7 13 No Shot
Winona C Risky Frizzness 5 13 Discturbed
Winona S 90's Throwback 8 7 Hat Trick
Winona S Lynx 12 7 Team name Pending
Thu Jul 22
6:30 pm
Balaclava Loaf 6 12 a bunch of discheads
Balaclava Try, Catch, Throw 4 12 Jeremy's Disc
Killarney C The BIG ZUCK HUCK 11 6 Not in the Face
Killarney C Threwbacca 11 4 Big Flick Energy
Kingcrest BEARHAWKS 10 11 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Kingcrest Mastadon Thurs 9 8 BigBootyBatch
Memorial O The Marauders 8 9 Wrists of Fury
Memorial O Tremble 13 8 Hand of Chal
Oak Meadows Salt shakers 7 11 blueberries
Oak Meadows Sky Hoes 13 8 Teamocil
Rupert C GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 5 8 Social Disc-tancing
Rupert C Neon Disc-zaster! 13 6 Full Send Cat
Slocan C Disc Infernos 13 5 Tosstitos
Slocan C Too Full to Run 8 9 Spinister Motives
Winona C Herniated Discs 3 9 Down
Winona C The Gino Odj-discs 10 11 Sideways Shoe
7:15 pm Empire S Cardio Crew 12 2 Yu Ting
Empire S Diamond Hands 8 9 Hehe XD
Trillium W East Van Halen 3 13 Goal Mountain
Trillium W Jedi Force 9 4 Friends of Henry
7:55 pm Balaclava Loaf 9 5 Jeremy's Disc
Balaclava Try, Catch, Throw 4 12 a bunch of discheads
Killarney C The BIG ZUCK HUCK 8 7 Big Flick Energy
Killarney C Threwbacca 9 11 Not in the Face
Kingcrest BEARHAWKS 9 8 BigBootyBatch
Kingcrest Mastadon Thurs 10 9 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Memorial O The Marauders 10 9 Hand of Chal
Memorial O Tremble 7 8 Wrists of Fury
Oak Meadows Salt shakers 12 11 Teamocil
Oak Meadows Sky Hoes 12 11 blueberries
Rupert C GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 11 13 Full Send Cat
Rupert C Neon Disc-zaster! 4 9 Social Disc-tancing
Slocan C Disc Infernos 13 7 Spinister Motives
Slocan C Too Full to Run 11 10 Tosstitos
Winona C Herniated Discs 4 9 Sideways Shoe
Winona C The Gino Odj-discs 6 13 Down
8:40 pm Empire S Cardio Crew 12 6 Hehe XD
Empire S Diamond Hands 5 7 Yu Ting
Trillium W East Van Halen 7 13 Friends of Henry
Trillium W Jedi Force 13 9 Goal Mountain
Mon Jul 26
6:30 pm
Balaclava huck, huck, goose 8 11 Absolute Chaos
Balaclava Kandisc 12 13 Unbounce
Kingcrest Cheese and Toasted 11 7 New Disc Who Dis?
Kingcrest Mastadon - Monday 11 13 G-raff A-ttack
Memorial O Flatten the Curve 5 12 Jellybeans500
Memorial O Tofu Stack 10 9 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Oak Meadows Egregious 6 13 Kev N' Friends
Oak Meadows Marty 9 13 #DiscsOutForHarambe
Slocan C CF Disc it for the Biscuit
Slocan C Discpicable Me 3 13 Ulti-Mates
Winona C Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program 10 13 Disconnect
Winona C Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 8 7 Bigger Disc Energy
Winona N Super Duper Friends 3 7 Pac-Man and friends
Winona N WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 4 13 Arbutus Anubis
7:15 pm Trillium W Skywalkers 12 8 huckaholics
Trillium W Weeble 10 9 MY L3G
7:55 pm Balaclava huck, huck, goose 13 6 Unbounce
Balaclava Kandisc 9 7 Absolute Chaos
Kingcrest Cheese and Toasted 5 13 G-raff A-ttack
Kingcrest Mastadon - Monday 11 7 New Disc Who Dis?
Memorial O Flatten the Curve 12 10 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Memorial O Tofu Stack 10 12 Jellybeans500
Oak Meadows Egregious 5 13 #DiscsOutForHarambe
Oak Meadows Marty 9 13 Kev N' Friends
Slocan C CF 8 13 Ulti-Mates
Slocan C Discpicable Me 8 13 Disc it for the Biscuit
Winona C Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program 13 4 Bigger Disc Energy
Winona C Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 10 Disconnect
Winona N Super Duper Friends 10 11 Arbutus Anubis
Winona N WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 10 12 Pac-Man and friends
8:40 pm Trillium W Skywalkers 9 12 MY L3G
Trillium W Weeble 12 9 huckaholics
Tue Jul 27
6:30 pm
Balaclava Chinzillas 10 7 Gritty in Pink
Balaclava Pretty Kitties 9 12 Cloud9 Black
Kingcrest Critters 7 9 Sharknado
Kingcrest Fire Fishies 13 6 Scarebears
Oak Meadows DR4G 13 6 Plaid to the Bone
Oak Meadows Huck E Cheese 12 7 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Slocan C Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday) 12 10 Identity Crisis
Slocan C Flickle Me Elmo 13 8 The Ultimates
Slocan SW The Hucking Fooligans 3 13 The Greendale 7
Winona C Café Gloucester 11 5 Dragon Sound
Winona C Scoober-Dooby-Doo 13 9 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Winona N Piper Palooza Forfeited Kingsway's Finest
Winona N Ruby & Friends 6 9 Lager Buddies
Winona S Fieri's Hot Dogs 13 12 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona S Gentle Warriors 13 4 Zoomers
7:15 pm Trillium E Go the Disc-tance 8 10 H-Bar
Trillium E Huck It 9 10 Forrest Dump.
7:55 pm Balaclava Chinzillas 10 9 Cloud9 Black
Balaclava Pretty Kitties 12 6 Gritty in Pink
Kingcrest Critters 13 6 Scarebears
Kingcrest Fire Fishies 13 4 Sharknado
Oak Meadows DR4G 12 8 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Oak Meadows Huck E Cheese 12 7 Plaid to the Bone
Slocan C Flickle Me Elmo 10 5 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Slocan C The Hucking Fooligans 6 13 Identity Crisis
Slocan SW The Ultimates 7 8 The Greendale 7
Winona C Café Gloucester 13 9 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Winona C Scoober-Dooby-Doo 13 4 Dragon Sound
Winona N Piper Palooza Cancelled Lager Buddies
Winona N Ruby & Friends 8 9 Kingsway's Finest
Winona S Fieri's Hot Dogs 13 4 Zoomers
Winona S Gentle Warriors 13 8 DiscThrow Inferno
8:40 pm Trillium E Go the Disc-tance 11 5 Forrest Dump.
Trillium E Huck It 5 13 H-Bar
Wed Jul 28
6:30 pm
Empire N Break Side 13 7 zoi
Empire N ReTox 9 13 Fullmetal
Jericho E Discturbed 9 10 No Shot
Jericho E Risky Frizzness 10 13 Dark Side Of The Disc
Killarney C Lynx 12 8 90's Throwback
Killarney C Team name Pending 12 8 Hat Trick
Kingcrest Down Astronomical 13 2 Princess Layout
Kingcrest Emotional Gameplay 8 9 Here for the Beer
Memorial O Lost and Found 8 7 Hammer Time!
Memorial O Send Disc Picss 7 10 Gen Z(oom)
Oak Meadows Ultimate Tossers 3 17 Bumble Bees
Slocan C Basura Gang 13 4 Ernest and Friends
Slocan C Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 7 9 Dump Trucks
Slocan SW D.C. 17 15 Mind the Gap
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Slocan SW The Dream Team 9 17 Talk Nerdy To Me
Winona C Bahalalala 9 7 The Part Timers
Winona C Permission to Hammer 8 5 Throwtatoes
Winona S Spray and Pray 5 13 Panic with the disc(o)
7:50 pm Empire N Break Side 9 7 Fullmetal
Empire N ReTox 13 7 zoi
7:55 pm Jericho E Discturbed 5 13 Dark Side Of The Disc
Jericho E Risky Frizzness 12 10 No Shot
Killarney C Lynx 13 8 Hat Trick
Killarney C Team name Pending 10 8 90's Throwback
Kingcrest Down Astronomical 10 5 Here for the Beer
Kingcrest Emotional Gameplay 13 6 Princess Layout
Memorial O Lost and Found 6 5 Gen Z(oom)
Memorial O Send Disc Picss 6 8 Hammer Time!
Slocan C Basura Gang 13 7 Dump Trucks
Slocan C Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 8 12 Ernest and Friends
Winona C Bahalalala 6 12 Permission to Hammer
Winona C Spray and Pray 4 13 Throwtatoes
Winona S The Part Timers 7 12 Panic with the disc(o)
Thu Jul 29
6:30 pm
Balaclava Herniated Discs 10 8 The Gino Odj-discs
Balaclava Sideways Shoe 5 11 Down
Killarney C Cardio Crew 13 8 Diamond Hands
Killarney C Hehe XD 7 10 Yu Ting
Kingcrest Not in the Face 13 4 Big Flick Energy
Kingcrest Threwbacca 4 7 The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Memorial O Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 5 11 BigBootyBatch
Memorial O Mastadon Thurs 10 7 BEARHAWKS
Oak Meadows Hand of Chal 9 7 Wrists of Fury
Oak Meadows The Marauders 9 7 Tremble
Rupert C Salt shakers 9 10 Sky Hoes
Rupert C Teamocil 6 13 blueberries
Slocan C Full Send Cat 7 12 Social Disc-tancing
Slocan C GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 10 8 Neon Disc-zaster!
Winona C Goal Mountain 9 11 Friends of Henry
Winona C Jedi Force 9 6 East Van Halen
7:15 pm Empire S Jeremy's Disc 6 9 a bunch of discheads
Empire S Loaf 9 2 Try, Catch, Throw
Trillium W Disc Infernos 7 6 Too Full to Run
Trillium W Spinister Motives 10 6 Tosstitos
7:55 pm Balaclava Herniated Discs 8 9 Down
Balaclava Sideways Shoe 11 10 The Gino Odj-discs
Killarney C Cardio Crew 13 7 Yu Ting
Killarney C Hehe XD 8 7 Diamond Hands
Kingcrest Not in the Face 7 7 The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Kingcrest Threwbacca 8 6 Big Flick Energy
Memorial O Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 7 13 BEARHAWKS
Memorial O Mastadon Thurs 6 11 BigBootyBatch
Oak Meadows Hand of Chal 7 12 Tremble
Oak Meadows The Marauders 10 9 Wrists of Fury
Rupert C Salt shakers 9 13 blueberries
Rupert C Teamocil 8 10 Sky Hoes
Slocan C Full Send Cat 12 10 Neon Disc-zaster!
Slocan C GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 6 13 Social Disc-tancing
Winona C Goal Mountain 9 5 East Van Halen
Winona C Jedi Force 10 8 Friends of Henry
8:40 pm Empire S Jeremy's Disc 11 8 Try, Catch, Throw
Empire S Loaf 6 8 a bunch of discheads
Trillium W Disc Infernos 13 10 Tosstitos
Trillium W Spinister Motives 7 12 Too Full to Run
Mon Aug 2
6:30 pm
Balaclava Flatten the Curve 8 8 Tofu Stack
Balaclava Hammer Beats Rabbit 9 13 Jellybeans500
Kingcrest Absolute Chaos Forfeited Unbounce
Kingcrest Kandisc 7 13 huck, huck, goose
Memorial O Disc it for the Biscuit 5 13 Ulti-Mates
Memorial O Discpicable Me 11 10 CF
Oak Meadows Arbutus Anubis 11 7 Pac-Man and friends
Oak Meadows Super Duper Friends 13 7 WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness
Slocan C Cheese and Toasted 6 12 Mastadon - Monday
Slocan C G-raff A-ttack 13 7 New Disc Who Dis?
Winona C #DiscsOutForHarambe 6 13 Kev N' Friends
Winona C Egregious 7 13 Marty
Winona N huckaholics 6 13 MY L3G
Winona N Weeble 12 11 Skywalkers
7:15 pm Trillium W Disconnect 13 4 Bigger Disc Energy
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 6 13 Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program
7:55 pm Balaclava Flatten the Curve 11 11 Jellybeans500
Balaclava Hammer Beats Rabbit 13 7 Tofu Stack
Kingcrest Absolute Chaos 8 10 huck, huck, goose
Kingcrest Kandisc Forfeited Unbounce
Memorial O Disc it for the Biscuit 11 10 CF
Memorial O Discpicable Me 6 11 Ulti-Mates
Oak Meadows Arbutus Anubis 13 5 WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness
Oak Meadows Super Duper Friends 8 11 Pac-Man and friends
Slocan C Cheese and Toasted 10 5 New Disc Who Dis?
Slocan C G-raff A-ttack 13 9 Mastadon - Monday
Winona C #DiscsOutForHarambe 13 11 Marty
Winona C Egregious 6 13 Kev N' Friends
Winona N huckaholics 7 12 Skywalkers
Winona N Weeble 5 13 MY L3G
8:40 pm Trillium W Disconnect 10 8 Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program
Trillium W Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 9 9 Bigger Disc Energy
Tue Aug 3
6:30 pm
Balaclava Dragon Sound 5 13 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Balaclava Scoober-Dooby-Doo 13 10 Café Gloucester
Kingcrest H-Bar Cancelled Forrest Dump.
Kingcrest Huck It Cancelled Go the Disc-tance
Oak Meadows Critters 8 12 Fire Fishies
Oak Meadows Scarebears 9 9 Sharknado
Slocan C Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back 13 8 Plaid to the Bone
Slocan C DR4G 11 13 Huck E Cheese
Slocan SW Fieri's Hot Dogs 9 6 Gentle Warriors
Slocan SW Zoomers 5 13 DiscThrow Inferno
Winona C The Hucking Fooligans 10 9 Flickle Me Elmo
Winona C The Ultimates 10 13 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Winona N Identity Crisis 10 13 The Greendale 7
Winona S Gritty in Pink 8 11 Cloud9 Black
Winona S Pretty Kitties 10 11 Chinzillas
7:15 pm Trillium E Lager Buddies 11 7 Kingsway's Finest
Trillium E Piper Palooza 4 9 Ruby & Friends
7:55 pm Balaclava Dragon Sound 2 13 Café Gloucester
Balaclava Scoober-Dooby-Doo 10 11 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Kingcrest H-Bar Cancelled Go the Disc-tance
Kingcrest Huck It Cancelled Forrest Dump.
Oak Meadows Critters 13 6 Sharknado
Oak Meadows Scarebears 11 8 Fire Fishies
Slocan C Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back Huck E Cheese
Slocan C DR4G 13 6 Plaid to the Bone
Slocan SW Fieri's Hot Dogs 13 6 DiscThrow Inferno
Slocan SW Zoomers 2 13 Gentle Warriors
Winona C The Hucking Fooligans 10 11 Identity Crisis
Winona C The Ultimates 2 13 The Greendale 7
Winona N Flickle Me Elmo 13 9 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Winona S Gritty in Pink 11 3 Chinzillas
Winona S Pretty Kitties 8 11 Cloud9 Black
8:40 pm Trillium E Lager Buddies 7 12 Ruby & Friends
Trillium E Piper Palooza 9 4 Kingsway's Finest
Wed Aug 4
6:30 pm
Balaclava Bumble Bees 17 15 Talk Nerdy To Me
Balaclava D.C. 17 8 The Dream Team
Empire N Mind the Gap 17 5 Ultimate Tossers
Jericho E Break Side 9 7 ReTox
Jericho E Fullmetal 13 5 zoi
Killarney C Emotional Gameplay 7 7 Down Astronomical
Killarney C Princess Layout 6 9 Here for the Beer
Kingcrest Dark Side Of The Disc 13 3 No Shot
Kingcrest Discturbed 8 8 Risky Frizzness
Memorial O 90's Throwback 8 13 Hat Trick
Memorial O Team name Pending 11 9 Lynx
Oak Meadows Ernest and Friends 5 13 Dump Trucks
Oak Meadows Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 8 12 Basura Gang
Slocan C Spray and Pray 7 10 Bahalalala
Slocan C The Part Timers 6 9 Permission to Hammer
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Slocan SW Throwtatoes 3 13 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona C Hammer Time! 9 5 Gen Z(oom)
Winona C Send Disc Picss 7 8 Lost and Found
7:55 pm Jericho E Break Side 13 5 zoi
Jericho E Fullmetal 13 10 ReTox
Killarney C Emotional Gameplay 10 7 Here for the Beer
Killarney C Princess Layout 2 13 Down Astronomical
Kingcrest Dark Side Of The Disc 11 10 Risky Frizzness
Kingcrest Discturbed 7 13 No Shot
Memorial O 90's Throwback 6 12 Lynx
Memorial O Team name Pending 9 10 Hat Trick
Oak Meadows Ernest and Friends 8 9 Basura Gang
Oak Meadows Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 7 13 Dump Trucks
Slocan C Bahalalala 9 4 Permission to Hammer
Slocan C Spray and Pray 9 4 Throwtatoes
Slocan SW The Part Timers 8 13 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona C Hammer Time! 2 11 Lost and Found
Winona C Send Disc Picss 6 7 Gen Z(oom)
Thu Aug 5
6:30 pm
Balaclava East Van Halen 2 13 Friends of Henry
Balaclava Goal Mountain 7 12 Jedi Force
Killarney C Jeremy's Disc 9 11 Loaf
Killarney C Try, Catch, Throw 10 11 a bunch of discheads
Kingcrest Diamond Hands 8 9 Yu Ting
Kingcrest Hehe XD 8 10 Cardio Crew
Memorial O Not in the Face 4 9 Threwbacca
Memorial O The BIG ZUCK HUCK 10 4 Big Flick Energy
Oak Meadows BEARHAWKS 9 5 BigBootyBatch
Oak Meadows Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 9 11 Mastadon Thurs
Rupert C Hand of Chal 6 12 The Marauders
Rupert C Tremble 11 9 Wrists of Fury
Slocan C Sky Hoes 13 6 blueberries
Slocan C Social Disc-tancing 7 13 Salt shakers
Winona C Spinister Motives 7 13 Disc Infernos
Winona C Too Full to Run 11 12 Tosstitos
7:15 pm Empire S Sideways Shoe 8 9 Herniated Discs
Empire S The Gino Odj-discs 6 11 Down
Trillium W Full Send Cat 8 10 GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT
Trillium W Neon Disc-zaster! 13 2 Teamocil
7:55 pm Balaclava East Van Halen 6 10 Jedi Force
Balaclava Goal Mountain 6 9 Friends of Henry
Killarney C Jeremy's Disc 8 9 a bunch of discheads
Killarney C Try, Catch, Throw 4 12 Loaf
Kingcrest Diamond Hands 6 7 Cardio Crew
Kingcrest Hehe XD 8 8 Yu Ting
Memorial O Not in the Face 3 11 Big Flick Energy
Memorial O The BIG ZUCK HUCK 9 2 Threwbacca
Oak Meadows BEARHAWKS 8 7 Mastadon Thurs
Oak Meadows Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 10 11 BigBootyBatch
Rupert C Hand of Chal 5 6 Wrists of Fury
Rupert C Tremble 8 5 The Marauders
Slocan C Sky Hoes 12 10 Salt shakers
Slocan C Social Disc-tancing 11 11 blueberries
Winona C Spinister Motives 9 8 Tosstitos
Winona C Too Full to Run 7 11 Disc Infernos
8:40 pm Empire S Sideways Shoe 6 13 Down
Empire S The Gino Odj-discs 3 10 Herniated Discs
Trillium W Full Send Cat 10 7 Teamocil
Trillium W Neon Disc-zaster! 9 10 GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT
Mon Aug 9
6:30 pm
Balaclava CF 12 10 Disc it for the Biscuit
Balaclava Discpicable Me 2 13 Ulti-Mates
Kingcrest Skywalkers 10 13 huckaholics
Kingcrest Weeble 9 13 MY L3G
Memorial O Cheese and Toasted 12 6 New Disc Who Dis?
Memorial O Mastadon - Monday 11 12 G-raff A-ttack
Oak Meadows Flatten the Curve 11 5 Bigger Disc Energy
Oak Meadows Tofu Stack 10 12 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Slocan C huck, huck, goose 9 8 Absolute Chaos
Slocan C Kandisc 13 9 Unbounce
Winona C Super Duper Friends 10 12 Pac-Man and friends
Winona C WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 8 11 Arbutus Anubis
Winona N Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program 13 8 Disconnect
Winona N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 6 13 Jellybeans500
7:15 pm Trillium W Egregious 9 13 Kev N' Friends
Trillium W Marty 5 13 #DiscsOutForHarambe
7:55 pm Balaclava CF 8 12 Ulti-Mates
Balaclava Discpicable Me 7 10 Disc it for the Biscuit
Kingcrest Skywalkers 8 10 MY L3G
Kingcrest Weeble 11 7 huckaholics
Memorial O Cheese and Toasted 8 13 G-raff A-ttack
Memorial O Mastadon - Monday 11 9 New Disc Who Dis?
Oak Meadows Flatten the Curve 8 13 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Oak Meadows Tofu Stack 6 10 Bigger Disc Energy
Slocan C huck, huck, goose 10 5 Unbounce
Slocan C Kandisc 10 8 Absolute Chaos
Winona C Super Duper Friends 10 9 Arbutus Anubis
Winona C WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 3 10 Pac-Man and friends
Winona N Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program 6 13 Jellybeans500
Winona N Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 5 13 Disconnect
8:40 pm Trillium W Egregious 3 8 #DiscsOutForHarambe
Trillium W Marty 11 13 Kev N' Friends
Tue Aug 10
6:30 pm
Balaclava Go the Disc-tance 7 13 H-Bar
Balaclava Huck It Forfeited Forrest Dump.
Empire N DR4G 8 9 Plaid to the Bone
Empire N Huck E Cheese 9 7 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Jericho E Critters 5 11 Sharknado
Jericho E Fire Fishies 13 3 Scarebears
Kingcrest Chinzillas 9 11 Gritty in Pink
Kingcrest Pretty Kitties 9 7 Cloud9 Black
Slocan C Flickle Me Elmo 9 8 The Ultimates
Slocan C The Hucking Fooligans 6 13 The Greendale 7
Slocan SW Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday) 10 13 Identity Crisis
Winona C Piper Palooza 7 8 Kingsway's Finest
Winona C Ruby & Friends 12 7 Lager Buddies
Winona N Fieri's Hot Dogs DiscThrow Inferno
Winona N Gentle Warriors Zoomers
Winona S Café Gloucester 10 6 Dragon Sound
Winona S Scoober-Dooby-Doo 10 8 Discs I'd Like to Flick
7:50 pm Balaclava Go the Disc-tance Forfeited Forrest Dump.
Balaclava Huck It 6 12 H-Bar
Empire N DR4G 6 10 Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Empire N Huck E Cheese 9 9 Plaid to the Bone
Kingcrest Chinzillas 5 10 Cloud9 Black
Kingcrest Pretty Kitties 5 10 Gritty in Pink
Winona S Café Gloucester 12 13 Discs I'd Like to Flick
Winona S Scoober-Dooby-Doo 9 6 Dragon Sound
7:55 pm Jericho E Critters 7 6 Scarebears
Jericho E Fire Fishies 10 9 Sharknado
Slocan C Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday) 8 12 The Greendale 7
Slocan C The Hucking Fooligans 8 5 The Ultimates
Slocan SW Flickle Me Elmo 6 10 Identity Crisis
Winona C Piper Palooza 5 6 Lager Buddies
Winona C Ruby & Friends 10 6 Kingsway's Finest
Winona N Fieri's Hot Dogs Zoomers
Winona N Gentle Warriors DiscThrow Inferno
Wed Aug 11
6:30 pm
Balaclava Lost and Found 6 5 Hammer Time!
Balaclava Send Disc Picss 4 13 Gen Z(oom)
Empire N Basura Gang 9 8 Ernest and Friends
Empire N Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 9 10 Dump Trucks
Jericho E Down Astronomical 13 4 Princess Layout
Jericho E Emotional Gameplay 8 7 Here for the Beer
Killarney C Bumble Bees 14 15 The Dream Team
Killarney C Mind the Gap 17 8 Talk Nerdy To Me
Kingcrest Break Side 13 10 zoi
Kingcrest ReTox 10 11 Fullmetal
Rupert C Lynx 10 9 90's Throwback
Rupert C Team name Pending 4 13 Hat Trick
Slocan C Discturbed 6 10 No Shot
Slocan C Risky Frizzness 6 13 Dark Side Of The Disc
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Winona C Bahalalala 13 8 The Part Timers
Winona C Permission to Hammer 9 7 Throwtatoes
Winona S D.C. Ultimate Tossers
Winona S Spray and Pray 7 11 Panic with the disc(o)
7:50 pm Empire N Basura Gang 7 6 Dump Trucks
Empire N Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers 13 3 Ernest and Friends
7:55 pm Balaclava Lost and Found 5 6 Gen Z(oom)
Balaclava Send Disc Picss 2 6 Hammer Time!
Jericho E Down Astronomical 6 4 Here for the Beer
Jericho E Emotional Gameplay 13 5 Princess Layout
Kingcrest Break Side 10 7 Fullmetal
Kingcrest ReTox 11 4 zoi
Rupert C Lynx 10 13 Hat Trick
Rupert C Team name Pending 10 8 90's Throwback
Slocan C Discturbed 8 8 Dark Side Of The Disc
Slocan C Risky Frizzness 9 10 No Shot
Winona C Bahalalala 5 9 Throwtatoes
Winona C Spray and Pray 8 7 The Part Timers
Winona S Permission to Hammer 10 11 Panic with the disc(o)
Thu Aug 12
6:30 pm
Killarney C Herniated Discs 4 9 The Gino Odj-discs
Killarney C Sideways Shoe 6 13 Down
Kingcrest Jeremy's Disc 3 8 a bunch of discheads
Kingcrest Loaf Try, Catch, Throw
Memorial O Cardio Crew 12 3 Diamond Hands
Memorial O Hehe XD 9 13 Yu Ting
Oak Meadows Not in the Face Forfeited Big Flick Energy
Oak Meadows Threwbacca 5 12 The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Rupert C Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 9 7 BigBootyBatch
Rupert C Mastadon Thurs 9 8 BEARHAWKS
Slocan C Hand of Chal 9 10 Wrists of Fury
Slocan C The Marauders 8 13 Tremble
Winona C Full Send Cat 9 9 Teamocil
Winona C GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 10 8 Neon Disc-zaster!
7:15 pm Andy Livingstone E Disc Infernos 11 12 Too Full to Run
Andy Livingstone E Spinister Motives 10 9 Tosstitos
Andy Livingstone W Salt shakers 12 13 Sky Hoes
Andy Livingstone W Social Disc-tancing 10 8 blueberries
Empire S Goal Mountain 8 10 Friends of Henry
Empire S Jedi Force 11 6 East Van Halen
7:55 pm Killarney C Herniated Discs 3 10 Down
Killarney C Sideways Shoe 8 13 The Gino Odj-discs
Kingcrest Jeremy's Disc Try, Catch, Throw
Kingcrest Loaf 12 6 a bunch of discheads
Memorial O Cardio Crew Yu Ting
Memorial O Hehe XD 10 8 Diamond Hands
Oak Meadows Not in the Face Default The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Oak Meadows Threwbacca 3 8 Big Flick Energy
Rupert C Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 8 6 BEARHAWKS
Rupert C Mastadon Thurs 9 7 BigBootyBatch
Slocan C Hand of Chal 3 11 Tremble
Slocan C The Marauders 7 6 Wrists of Fury
Winona C Full Send Cat 6 4 Neon Disc-zaster!
8:40 pm Andy Livingstone E Disc Infernos Postponed Tosstitos
Andy Livingstone E Spinister Motives 2 4 Too Full to Run
Andy Livingstone W Salt shakers Cancelled blueberries
Andy Livingstone W Social Disc-tancing Cancelled Sky Hoes
Empire S Goal Mountain 13 4 East Van Halen
Empire S Jedi Force 10 7 Friends of Henry
Mon Aug 16
6:30 pm
Balaclava New Disc Who Dis? 7 12 Super Duper Friends
Balaclava Pac-Man and friends (B102) Kev N' Friends
Kingcrest #DiscsOutForHarambe (C102) Ulti-Mates
Kingcrest WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 13 7 Marty
Memorial O Hammer Beats Rabbit 11 5 Bigger Disc Energy
Memorial O Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 8 9 Tofu Stack
Oak Meadows Discpicable Me 9 11 Skywalkers
Oak Meadows Weeble 9 13 Jellybeans500
Slocan C Disconnect (F102) Flatten the Curve
Slocan C huckaholics 11 10 Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program
Winona C huck, huck, goose Forfeited Unbounce
Winona C Kandisc Forfeited Absolute Chaos
Winona N Disc it for the Biscuit (D102) MY L3G
Winona N Egregious (D101) CF
7:15 pm Trillium W G-raff A-ttack 10 13 Cheese and Toasted
Trillium W Mastadon - Monday (A102) Arbutus Anubis
7:45 pm Balaclava New Disc Who Dis? (B202) L: B202
Balaclava Super Duper Friends 5 5 Pac-Man and friends
Kingcrest Marty (C202) L: C202
Kingcrest WTF: Witness The (un)Fitness 11 10 Ulti-Mates
Memorial O Technicolour Narwhal Explosion 11 5 Bigger Disc Energy
Memorial O Tofu Stack 9 8 Hammer Beats Rabbit
Oak Meadows Discpicable Me 8 6 Weeble
Oak Meadows Skywalkers 9 7 Jellybeans500
Slocan C Disc Golf Rehabilitation Program (F202) L: F202
Slocan C huckaholics 9 4 Flatten the Curve
Winona C huck, huck, goose 15 13 Absolute Chaos
Winona C Unbounce (h202) Kandisc
Winona N W: D201 (D201) W: D201
Winona N L: D202 (D202) Disc it for the Biscuit
8:40 pm Trillium W Cheese and Toasted 3 13 Mastadon - Monday
Trillium W G-raff A-ttack (A202) L: A202
Tue Aug 17
6:30 pm
Balaclava DR4G 6 11 Fieri's Hot Dogs
Balaclava Huck E Cheese (r101) Disc Wars Episode V: The Empire Hucks Back
Memorial O Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday) 6 11 Fire Fishies
Memorial O DiscThrow Inferno (t101) The Ultimates
Slocan C Lager Buddies 8 8 Kingsway's Finest
Slocan C Ruby & Friends 8 7 Piper Palooza
Winona N Discs I'd Like to Flick 9 13 Pretty Kitties
Winona N Dragon Sound 9 10 Chinzillas
Winona S H-Bar 11 8 Forrest Dump.
Winona S Scarebears 7 11 Go the Disc-tance
7:45 pm Balaclava L: r202 (r202) DR4G
Balaclava Huck E Cheese 10 7 Fieri's Hot Dogs
Memorial O W: t201 (t201) Fire Fishies
Memorial O The Ultimates 6 11 Adolescent Variation Fighting Reptiles (Tuesday)
Slocan C Piper Palooza (x202) L: x202
Slocan C Ruby & Friends (x201) W: x201
Winona N Discs I'd Like to Flick 8 7 Dragon Sound
Winona N Pretty Kitties 11 9 Chinzillas
Winona S Go the Disc-tance 5 10 H-Bar
Winona S Scarebears 7 8 Forrest Dump.
Wed Aug 18
6:30 pm
Balaclava Break Side 10 11 ReTox
Balaclava Fullmetal 13 6 Dark Side Of The Disc
Memorial O Bumble Bees (404-496-83) D.C.
Memorial O Mind the Gap 17 11 Talk Nerdy To Me
Rupert C Gen Z(oom) Forfeited Hammer Time!
Rupert C Lost and Found (p102) Send Disc Picss
Slocan C The Dream Team (404-496-84) Ultimate Tossers
Slocan C Throwtatoes 8 9 The Part Timers
Slocan SW Bahalalala 8 12 Spray and Pray
Slocan SW Princess Layout (q101) Permission to Hammer
Trafalgar NW No Shot 13 12 Lynx
Trafalgar NW zoi 8 9 Discturbed
Winona C Risky Frizzness 12 11 Hat Trick
Winona C Team name Pending 6 13 Basura Gang
Winona N Emotional Gameplay 13 8 Panic with the disc(o)
Winona N Super Genius Athletic Win Yes Good Team Bonkers (o101) Here for the Beer
Winona S 90's Throwback 8 12 Ernest and Friends
Winona S Dump Trucks 12 7 Down Astronomical
7:45 pm Balaclava Break Side 9 5 Dark Side Of The Disc
Balaclava ReTox 1 13 Fullmetal
Rupert C Gen Z(oom) (p201) W: p201
Rupert C Hammer Time! Default Send Disc Picss
Slocan C The Part Timers 6 2 Princess Layout
Slocan SW W: q201 (q201) Spray and Pray
Slocan SW Throwtatoes 4 6 Bahalalala
Trafalgar NW Discturbed (l201) No Shot
Trafalgar NW zoi 10 5 Lynx
Winona C Hat Trick 11 5 Team name Pending
Winona C Risky Frizzness 11 5 Basura Gang
Winona N L: o202 (o202) Panic with the disc(o)
Winona N Here for the Beer 7 9 Emotional Gameplay
Winona S 90's Throwback (n202) Down Astronomical
Winona S Ernest and Friends 7 9 Dump Trucks
Thu Aug 19
6:30 pm
Memorial O Cardio Crew (I102) Hehe XD
Memorial O Jeremy's Disc 12 3 Yu Ting
Rupert C Diamond Hands 7 6 Threwbacca
Rupert C The BIG ZUCK HUCK 8 2 Not in the Face
Slocan C Friends of Henry 10 8 Down
Slocan C Jedi Force (F101) Goal Mountain
Slocan SW Herniated Discs 5 9 The Gino Odj-discs
Slocan SW Sideways Shoe 8 12 Loaf
Winona C BEARHAWKS (A101) Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
Winona C BigBootyBatch (A102) Tremble
Winona N Sky Hoes 10 6 Full Send Cat
Winona N Wrists of Fury (C101) Social Disc-tancing
Winona S GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 9 6 Too Full to Run
Winona S Teamocil (E102) Spinister Motives
7:45 pm Memorial O Jeremy's Disc (I201) W: I201
Memorial O Yu Ting 8 7 Hehe XD
Rupert C Diamond Hands 11 3 The BIG ZUCK HUCK
Rupert C Threwbacca 10 4 Not in the Face
Slocan C W: F201 (F201) Friends of Henry
Slocan C Goal Mountain 10 9 Down
Slocan SW Herniated Discs 5 8 Sideways Shoe
Slocan SW The Gino Odj-discs 4 10 Loaf
Winona C W: A201 (A201) BigBootyBatch
Winona C L: A203 (A203) L: A203
Winona N W: C201 (C201) Sky Hoes
Winona N Wrists of Fury 7 10 Full Send Cat
Winona S GETTING RIPPED TONIGHT 9 4 Spinister Motives
Winona S Too Full to Run (E203) L: E203
Tue Aug 24
6:30 pm
Balaclava Gentle Warriors 13 12 The Greendale 7
Balaclava Plaid to the Bone (s101) Zoomers
Memorial O Flickle Me Elmo (u102) Sharknado
Memorial O Identity Crisis 9 6 Critters
Winona C Huck It 11 12 Café Gloucester
Winona C The Hucking Fooligans 8 11 Scoober-Dooby-Doo
Winona N Cloud9 Black 11 8 Gritty in Pink
7:45 pm Balaclava L: s202 (s202) The Greendale 7
Balaclava Plaid to the Bone 4 8 Gentle Warriors
Memorial O Critters (u202) L: u202
Memorial O Identity Crisis 8 10 Sharknado
Winona C Gritty in Pink 7 6 Huck It
Winona C Scoober-Dooby-Doo (y201) Café Gloucester
Winona N Cloud9 Black (y203) The Hucking Fooligans
Wed Aug 25
6:30 pm
Slocan SW Open Road 2021 PRACTICE
Thu Aug 26
6:30 pm
Memorial O a bunch of discheads 12 8 Big Flick Energy
Memorial O East Van Halen (h101) Try, Catch, Throw
Oak Meadows Neon Disc-zaster! (D102) Tosstitos
Oak Meadows Salt shakers 9 8 Disc Infernos
Winona N Mastadon Thurs Default Hand of Chal
Winona N The Marauders 10 7 blueberries
7:45 pm Memorial O L: h203 (h203) Big Flick Energy
Memorial O East Van Halen 4 9 a bunch of discheads
Oak Meadows Disc Infernos (D203) L: D203
Oak Meadows Salt shakers 4 2 Neon Disc-zaster!
Winona N Hand of Chal 8 6 The Marauders
Winona N Mastadon Thurs (B203) blueberries