Mon Sep 25 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Bold Bees |
14 |
– |
11 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Empire N |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
19 |
– |
18 |
Counting Crows |
Empire N |
Heinous Horses |
8 |
– |
12 |
Babbling Baboons |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
10 |
– |
21 |
Serious Swans |
Empire S |
Ferocious Frogs |
21 |
– |
16 |
Radical Racoons |
Empire S |
Lively Lemurs |
21 |
– |
11 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Empire S |
Mad Moose |
21 |
– |
12 |
Playful Penguins |
Memorial SW |
Fabulous Foxes |
21 |
– |
16 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Memorial SW |
Sensational Spiders |
21 |
– |
6 |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium E |
Amazing Aardvarks |
21 |
– |
12 |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Trillium E |
Drop Bears |
5 |
– |
21 |
Dirty Direwolves |
Trillium W |
Bonkers Buffalo |
16 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Trillium W |
Debonair Dolphins |
16 |
– |
15 |
Outrageous Otters |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
21 |
– |
19 |
Serious Swans |
Empire N |
Heinous Horses |
18 |
– |
14 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
5 |
– |
15 |
Bold Bees |
Empire N |
Lively Lemurs |
13 |
– |
6 |
Counting Crows |
Empire S |
Ferocious Frogs |
21 |
– |
8 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Empire S |
Mad Moose |
21 |
– |
14 |
Babbling Baboons |
Empire S |
Radical Racoons |
15 |
– |
13 |
Playful Penguins |
Memorial SW |
Fabulous Foxes |
21 |
– |
14 |
Wailing Whales |
Memorial SW |
Sensational Spiders |
21 |
– |
13 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Trillium E |
Amazing Aardvarks |
21 |
– |
15 |
Dirty Direwolves |
Trillium E |
Drop Bears |
13 |
– |
21 |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Trillium W |
Bonkers Buffalo |
20 |
– |
22 |
Outrageous Otters |
Trillium W |
Debonair Dolphins |
17 |
– |
17 |
Hangry Hippos |
Thu Sep 28 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Crazy Cobras |
21 |
– |
9 |
Spicy Calamari |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
20 |
– |
11 |
Sassy Skunks |
Empire N |
Livid Leopards |
16 |
– |
21 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire N |
Prancing Pandas |
14 |
– |
19 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire S |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
14 |
– |
14 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
6 |
– |
21 |
Tactful Turtles |
Empire S |
Gregarious Gorillas |
19 |
– |
10 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
15 |
– |
21 |
Logical Lizzards |
Memorial SW |
Brave Boars |
13 |
– |
21 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Memorial SW |
21 |
– |
12 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Manic Monkeys |
21 |
– |
16 |
Curious Camels |
Memorial SW |
Sneaky Snakes |
12 |
– |
21 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
17 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium E |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
17 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium W |
Dreaded Dingoes |
12 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Trillium W |
Raging Rhinos |
13 |
– |
19 |
Crispy Calamari |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Crazy Cobras |
21 |
– |
15 |
Sassy Skunks |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
7 |
Spicy Calamari |
Empire N |
Livid Leopards |
15 |
– |
16 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire N |
Prancing Pandas |
19 |
– |
17 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire S |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
6 |
– |
12 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
7 |
– |
15 |
Logical Lizzards |
Empire S |
Gregarious Gorillas |
11 |
– |
19 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
13 |
– |
21 |
Tactful Turtles |
Memorial SW |
Brave Boars |
15 |
– |
21 |
Curious Camels |
Memorial SW |
12 |
– |
21 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Manic Monkeys |
14 |
– |
10 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Memorial SW |
Sneaky Snakes |
21 |
– |
10 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
14 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium E |
Pouncing Penguins |
16 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium W |
Dreaded Dingoes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Raging Rhinos |
6 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Mon Oct 2 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dirty Direwolves |
16 |
– |
21 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Empire N |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
17 |
– |
21 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Empire S |
Hangry Hippos |
21 |
– |
18 |
Sensational Spiders |
Empire S |
Outrageous Otters |
21 |
– |
18 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Memorial SW |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
9 |
– |
21 |
Amazing Aardvarks |
Memorial SW |
Wailing Whales |
21 |
– |
14 |
Drop Bears |
Trillium E |
Bold Bees |
12 |
– |
17 |
Playful Penguins |
Trillium E |
Laughing Lions |
9 |
– |
21 |
Counting Crows |
Trillium E |
Serious Swans |
15 |
– |
21 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Trillium E |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
13 |
– |
21 |
Babbling Baboons |
Trillium W |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
20 |
– |
15 |
Radical Racoons |
Trillium W |
Heinous Horses |
16 |
– |
21 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Trillium W |
Lively Lemurs |
18 |
– |
13 |
Mad Moose |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dirty Direwolves |
15 |
– |
19 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Empire N |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
16 |
– |
19 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Empire S |
Hangry Hippos |
21 |
– |
14 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Empire S |
Outrageous Otters |
21 |
– |
18 |
Sensational Spiders |
Memorial SW |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
21 |
– |
8 |
Drop Bears |
Memorial SW |
Wailing Whales |
11 |
– |
21 |
Amazing Aardvarks |
Trillium E |
Ferocious Frogs |
21 |
– |
17 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Trillium E |
Laughing Lions |
7 |
– |
21 |
Lively Lemurs |
Trillium E |
Mad Moose |
16 |
– |
21 |
Heinous Horses |
Trillium E |
Radical Racoons |
15 |
– |
6 |
Bold Bees |
Trillium W |
Adventurous Antelopes |
18 |
– |
18 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium W |
Babbling Baboons |
21 |
– |
8 |
Counting Crows |
Trillium W |
Playful Penguins |
16 |
– |
20 |
Serious Swans |
Thu Oct 5 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dreaded Dingoes |
15 |
– |
18 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Empire N |
Giant Giraffes |
19 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
19 |
Crispy Calamari |
Empire N |
Raging Rhinos |
18 |
– |
19 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Empire S |
Brave Boars |
11 |
– |
21 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Empire S |
21 |
– |
18 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Empire S |
Manic Monkeys |
20 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Empire S |
Sneaky Snakes |
17 |
– |
21 |
Curious Camels |
Memorial SW |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
11 |
– |
21 |
Llovable Llamas |
Memorial SW |
Graceful Geese |
14 |
– |
21 |
Sociable Sloths |
Memorial SW |
Gregarious Gorillas |
14 |
– |
20 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Memorial SW |
Insane Impalas |
20 |
– |
8 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Trillium E |
Livid Leopards |
16 |
– |
19 |
Sassy Skunks |
Trillium E |
Prancing Pandas |
9 |
– |
15 |
Spicy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Crazy Cobras |
5 |
– |
21 |
Logical Lizzards |
Trillium W |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
18 |
Tactful Turtles |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dreaded Dingoes |
21 |
– |
19 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Empire N |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
11 |
Crispy Calamari |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
13 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Empire N |
Raging Rhinos |
12 |
– |
21 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Empire S |
Brave Boars |
12 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Empire S |
20 |
– |
18 |
Curious Camels |
Empire S |
Manic Monkeys |
21 |
– |
13 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Empire S |
Sneaky Snakes |
9 |
– |
21 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Memorial SW |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
14 |
– |
17 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Memorial SW |
Graceful Geese |
10 |
– |
21 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Memorial SW |
Gregarious Gorillas |
20 |
– |
21 |
Llovable Llamas |
Memorial SW |
Insane Impalas |
22 |
– |
20 |
Sociable Sloths |
Trillium E |
Livid Leopards |
19 |
– |
11 |
Spicy Calamari |
Trillium E |
Prancing Pandas |
11 |
– |
21 |
Sassy Skunks |
Trillium W |
Crazy Cobras |
6 |
– |
21 |
Tactful Turtles |
Trillium W |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
20 |
Logical Lizzards |
Thu Oct 12 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Crazy Cobras |
16 |
– |
14 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
16 |
– |
10 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire N |
Livid Leopards |
13 |
– |
16 |
Tactful Turtles |
Empire N |
Prancing Pandas |
5 |
– |
21 |
Logical Lizzards |
Empire S |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
4 |
– |
21 |
Sassy Skunks |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
13 |
– |
17 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire S |
Gregarious Gorillas |
18 |
– |
9 |
Spicy Calamari |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
17 |
– |
8 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Memorial SW |
Dreaded Dingoes |
18 |
– |
16 |
Curious Camels |
Memorial SW |
Giant Giraffes |
14 |
– |
12 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
9 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Raging Rhinos |
— |
Methodical Meerkats |
Trillium E |
21 |
– |
17 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium E |
Sneaky Snakes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium W |
Brave Boars |
21 |
– |
11 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Manic Monkeys |
18 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Crazy Cobras |
8 |
– |
18 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
19 |
– |
12 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Empire N |
Livid Leopards |
19 |
– |
20 |
Logical Lizzards |
Empire N |
Prancing Pandas |
8 |
– |
21 |
Tactful Turtles |
Empire S |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
8 |
– |
20 |
Spicy Calamari |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
16 |
– |
19 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire S |
Gregarious Gorillas |
10 |
– |
21 |
Sassy Skunks |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
21 |
– |
9 |
Llovable Llamas |
Memorial SW |
Dreaded Dingoes |
— |
Methodical Meerkats |
Memorial SW |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
11 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
19 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Raging Rhinos |
6 |
– |
21 |
Curious Camels |
Trillium E |
21 |
– |
18 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium E |
Sneaky Snakes |
18 |
– |
21 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium W |
Brave Boars |
18 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Trillium W |
Manic Monkeys |
21 |
– |
8 |
Crispy Calamari |
Mon Oct 16 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Ferocious Frogs |
21 |
– |
17 |
Serious Swans |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
5 |
– |
11 |
Heinous Horses |
Empire N |
Lively Lemurs |
11 |
– |
21 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Empire N |
Mad Moose |
15 |
– |
16 |
Bold Bees |
Empire S |
Adventurous Antelopes |
7 |
– |
15 |
Babbling Baboons |
Empire S |
Playful Penguins |
8 |
– |
12 |
Counting Crows |
Empire S |
Radical Racoons |
11 |
– |
11 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium E |
Amazing Aardvarks |
20 |
– |
11 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Trillium E |
Drop Bears |
10 |
– |
16 |
Sensational Spiders |
Trillium W |
Bonkers Buffalo |
21 |
– |
6 |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium W |
Debonair Dolphins |
14 |
– |
11 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Trillium W |
Dirty Direwolves |
6 |
– |
16 |
Hangry Hippos |
Trillium W |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
8 |
– |
16 |
Outrageous Otters |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Adventurous Antelopes |
21 |
– |
13 |
Radical Racoons |
Empire N |
Babbling Baboons |
10 |
– |
15 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Empire N |
Counting Crows |
8 |
– |
16 |
Mad Moose |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
15 |
– |
13 |
Playful Penguins |
Empire S |
Bold Bees |
11 |
– |
21 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Empire S |
Serious Swans |
21 |
– |
15 |
Heinous Horses |
Empire S |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
12 |
– |
15 |
Lively Lemurs |
Trillium E |
Amazing Aardvarks |
21 |
– |
15 |
Sensational Spiders |
Trillium E |
Drop Bears |
7 |
– |
15 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Trillium W |
Bonkers Buffalo |
17 |
– |
13 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Trillium W |
Debonair Dolphins |
19 |
– |
11 |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium W |
Dirty Direwolves |
14 |
– |
15 |
Outrageous Otters |
Trillium W |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
17 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Thu Oct 19 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dreaded Dingoes |
8 |
– |
11 |
Garish Geckos |
Empire N |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Curious Camels |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
16 |
– |
18 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Empire N |
Raging Rhinos |
21 |
– |
9 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Empire S |
17 |
– |
15 |
Crispy Calamari |
Empire S |
Sneaky Snakes |
16 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Jericho W |
Brave Boars |
21 |
– |
16 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Jericho W |
Manic Monkeys |
21 |
– |
18 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Crazy Cobras |
9 |
– |
20 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Memorial SW |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
8 |
Llovable Llamas |
Memorial SW |
Livid Leopards |
18 |
– |
16 |
Sociable Sloths |
Memorial SW |
Prancing Pandas |
16 |
– |
21 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Trillium E |
Graceful Geese |
10 |
– |
16 |
Sassy Skunks |
Trillium E |
Insane Impalas |
21 |
– |
9 |
Spicy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
12 |
– |
14 |
Tactful Turtles |
Trillium W |
Gregarious Gorillas |
7 |
– |
21 |
Logical Lizzards |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dreaded Dingoes |
— |
Belligerent Badgers |
Empire N |
Giant Giraffes |
16 |
– |
21 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
13 |
Curious Camels |
Empire N |
Raging Rhinos |
13 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Empire S |
9 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Empire S |
Sneaky Snakes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Crispy Calamari |
Jericho W |
Brave Boars |
13 |
– |
19 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Jericho W |
Manic Monkeys |
17 |
– |
14 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Crazy Cobras |
16 |
– |
21 |
Llovable Llamas |
Memorial SW |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
11 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Memorial SW |
Livid Leopards |
17 |
– |
21 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Memorial SW |
Prancing Pandas |
19 |
– |
16 |
Sociable Sloths |
Trillium E |
Graceful Geese |
6 |
– |
14 |
Spicy Calamari |
Trillium E |
Insane Impalas |
21 |
– |
9 |
Sassy Skunks |
Trillium W |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
17 |
– |
21 |
Logical Lizzards |
Trillium W |
Gregarious Gorillas |
10 |
– |
21 |
Tactful Turtles |
Mon Oct 23 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Amazing Aardvarks |
19 |
– |
21 |
Outrageous Otters |
Empire N |
Drop Bears |
15 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Empire S |
Bonkers Buffalo |
20 |
– |
14 |
Sensational Spiders |
Empire S |
Debonair Dolphins |
21 |
– |
17 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Memorial SW |
Dirty Direwolves |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Memorial SW |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
20 |
– |
15 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Trillium E |
Ferocious Frogs |
20 |
– |
16 |
Lively Lemurs |
Trillium E |
Laughing Lions |
15 |
– |
12 |
Mad Moose |
Trillium E |
Playful Penguins |
16 |
– |
21 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Trillium E |
Radical Racoons |
11 |
– |
21 |
Heinous Horses |
Trillium W |
Adventurous Antelopes |
16 |
– |
15 |
Bold Bees |
Trillium W |
Babbling Baboons |
18 |
– |
15 |
Serious Swans |
Trillium W |
Counting Crows |
16 |
– |
19 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Amazing Aardvarks |
16 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Empire N |
Drop Bears |
16 |
– |
21 |
Outrageous Otters |
Empire S |
Bonkers Buffalo |
17 |
– |
13 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Empire S |
Debonair Dolphins |
18 |
– |
21 |
Sensational Spiders |
Memorial SW |
Dirty Direwolves |
— |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Memorial SW |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
18 |
– |
8 |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium E |
Counting Crows |
— |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Trillium E |
Laughing Lions |
6 |
– |
15 |
Babbling Baboons |
Trillium E |
Serious Swans |
18 |
– |
11 |
Radical Racoons |
Trillium E |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
20 |
– |
7 |
Playful Penguins |
Trillium W |
Bold Bees |
15 |
– |
21 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Trillium W |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
22 |
– |
21 |
Mad Moose |
Trillium W |
Heinous Horses |
8 |
– |
16 |
Lively Lemurs |
Thu Oct 26 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Sassy Skunks |
11 |
– |
14 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire N |
Spicy Calamari |
9 |
– |
12 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
17 |
– |
19 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
16 |
– |
10 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire S |
Jaded Jellyfish |
20 |
– |
18 |
Logical Lizzards |
Empire S |
Sociable Sloths |
14 |
– |
16 |
Tactful Turtles |
Memorial SW |
Crispy Calamari |
14 |
– |
21 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Memorial SW |
Curious Camels |
21 |
– |
19 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Methodical Meerkats |
21 |
– |
20 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Pleasant Platypus |
21 |
– |
17 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
20 |
– |
18 |
Dreaded Dingoes |
Trillium E |
Livid Leopards |
15 |
– |
16 |
Killer Kiwis |
Trillium E |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
14 |
Raging Rhinos |
Trillium E |
Prancing Pandas |
17 |
– |
11 |
Crazy Cobras |
Trillium W |
21 |
– |
16 |
Brave Boars |
Trillium W |
Sneaky Snakes |
20 |
– |
21 |
Manic Monkeys |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Sassy Skunks |
10 |
– |
21 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire N |
Spicy Calamari |
12 |
– |
16 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
15 |
– |
16 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
15 |
– |
8 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire S |
Jaded Jellyfish |
21 |
– |
17 |
Tactful Turtles |
Empire S |
Sociable Sloths |
11 |
– |
16 |
Logical Lizzards |
Memorial SW |
Crispy Calamari |
7 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Memorial SW |
Curious Camels |
19 |
– |
20 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Methodical Meerkats |
12 |
– |
21 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Pleasant Platypus |
21 |
– |
7 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
4 |
Raging Rhinos |
Trillium E |
Livid Leopards |
21 |
– |
16 |
Crazy Cobras |
Trillium E |
Pouncing Penguins |
18 |
– |
19 |
Dreaded Dingoes |
Trillium E |
Prancing Pandas |
13 |
– |
12 |
Killer Kiwis |
Trillium W |
12 |
– |
21 |
Manic Monkeys |
Trillium W |
Sneaky Snakes |
21 |
– |
20 |
Brave Boars |
Mon Oct 30 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Babbling Baboons |
12 |
– |
4 |
Playful Penguins |
Empire N |
Counting Crows |
18 |
– |
18 |
Radical Racoons |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
5 |
– |
15 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Empire N |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
14 |
– |
12 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Empire S |
Bold Bees |
9 |
– |
13 |
Lively Lemurs |
Empire S |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
13 |
– |
17 |
Heinous Horses |
Empire S |
Serious Swans |
11 |
– |
13 |
Mad Moose |
Memorial SW |
Hangry Hippos |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Memorial SW |
Outrageous Otters |
18 |
– |
14 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Trillium E |
Amazing Aardvarks |
21 |
– |
16 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Trillium E |
Drop Bears |
20 |
– |
21 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Trillium W |
Dirty Direwolves |
17 |
– |
21 |
Sensational Spiders |
Trillium W |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
17 |
– |
21 |
Fabulous Foxes |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Bold Bees |
10 |
– |
12 |
Babbling Baboons |
Empire N |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
18 |
– |
18 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
8 |
– |
21 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Empire N |
Serious Swans |
21 |
– |
16 |
Counting Crows |
Empire S |
Heinous Horses |
20 |
– |
11 |
Playful Penguins |
Empire S |
Lively Lemurs |
15 |
– |
9 |
Radical Racoons |
Empire S |
Mad Moose |
20 |
– |
21 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Memorial SW |
Hangry Hippos |
21 |
– |
9 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Memorial SW |
Outrageous Otters |
21 |
– |
17 |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium E |
Amazing Aardvarks |
17 |
– |
13 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Trillium E |
Drop Bears |
20 |
– |
14 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Trillium W |
Dirty Direwolves |
15 |
– |
16 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Trillium W |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
17 |
– |
21 |
Sensational Spiders |
Thu Nov 2 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Colourful Coyotes |
12 |
– |
12 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire N |
Spicy Calamari |
10 |
– |
16 |
Sassy Skunks |
Empire S |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
12 |
– |
9 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
14 |
– |
9 |
Insane Impalas |
Empire S |
Jaded Jellyfish |
12 |
– |
15 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire S |
Logical Lizzards |
11 |
– |
14 |
Tactful Turtles |
Memorial SW |
Belligerent Badgers |
13 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Memorial SW |
Crispy Calamari |
8 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Memorial SW |
Methodical Meerkats |
18 |
– |
14 |
Curious Camels |
Memorial SW |
Sophisticated Sharks |
10 |
– |
16 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Trillium E |
Dreaded Dingoes |
— |
Raging Rhinos |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
12 |
– |
15 |
Pouncing Penguins |
Trillium E |
Killer Kiwis |
16 |
– |
11 |
Crazy Cobras |
Trillium E |
Livid Leopards |
11 |
– |
13 |
Prancing Pandas |
Trillium W |
Manic Monkeys |
17 |
– |
21 |
Brave Boars |
Trillium W |
Sneaky Snakes |
22 |
– |
20 |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Sassy Skunks |
7 |
– |
21 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire N |
Spicy Calamari |
14 |
– |
7 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire S |
Graceful Geese |
12 |
– |
11 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire S |
Insane Impalas |
13 |
– |
7 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire S |
Jaded Jellyfish |
15 |
– |
12 |
Logical Lizzards |
Empire S |
Sociable Sloths |
21 |
– |
5 |
Tactful Turtles |
Memorial SW |
Crispy Calamari |
13 |
– |
20 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Memorial SW |
Curious Camels |
8 |
– |
16 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Memorial SW |
Methodical Meerkats |
21 |
– |
14 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Memorial SW |
Pleasant Platypus |
16 |
– |
16 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
18 |
– |
17 |
Dreaded Dingoes |
Trillium E |
Livid Leopards |
16 |
– |
21 |
Killer Kiwis |
Trillium E |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
13 |
Raging Rhinos |
Trillium E |
Prancing Pandas |
14 |
– |
15 |
Crazy Cobras |
Trillium W |
17 |
– |
19 |
Brave Boars |
Trillium W |
Sneaky Snakes |
18 |
– |
12 |
Manic Monkeys |
Mon Nov 6 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Bonkers Buffalo |
21 |
– |
19 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Empire N |
Hangry Hippos |
21 |
– |
15 |
Outrageous Otters |
Empire S |
Sensational Spiders |
21 |
– |
11 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Empire S |
Wailing Whales |
— |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Memorial SW |
Dirty Direwolves |
20 |
– |
18 |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Memorial SW |
Drop Bears |
15 |
– |
21 |
Amazing Aardvarks |
Trillium E |
Heinous Horses |
15 |
– |
11 |
Bold Bees |
Trillium E |
Laughing Lions |
8 |
– |
14 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Trillium E |
Lively Lemurs |
20 |
– |
12 |
Serious Swans |
Trillium E |
Mad Moose |
21 |
– |
13 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium W |
Ferocious Frogs |
21 |
– |
15 |
Counting Crows |
Trillium W |
Playful Penguins |
16 |
– |
8 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Trillium W |
Radical Racoons |
12 |
– |
21 |
Babbling Baboons |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Bonkers Buffalo |
15 |
– |
21 |
Outrageous Otters |
Empire N |
Debonair Dolphins |
15 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Empire S |
Fabulous Foxes |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Empire S |
Sensational Spiders |
21 |
– |
12 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Memorial SW |
Amazing Aardvarks |
21 |
– |
14 |
Dirty Direwolves |
Memorial SW |
Drop Bears |
21 |
– |
10 |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Trillium E |
Adventurous Antelopes |
10 |
– |
16 |
Heinous Horses |
Trillium E |
Laughing Lions |
4 |
– |
21 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Trillium E |
Playful Penguins |
11 |
– |
21 |
Lively Lemurs |
Trillium E |
Radical Racoons |
9 |
– |
12 |
Mad Moose |
Trillium W |
Babbling Baboons |
21 |
– |
15 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Trillium W |
Counting Crows |
10 |
– |
21 |
Bold Bees |
Trillium W |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
16 |
– |
21 |
Serious Swans |
Thu Nov 9 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Crazy Cobras |
17 |
– |
15 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
5 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire N |
Livid Leopards |
9 |
– |
16 |
Graceful Geese |
Empire N |
Prancing Pandas |
15 |
– |
15 |
Insane Impalas |
Empire S |
Jaded Jellyfish |
17 |
– |
12 |
Spicy Calamari |
Empire S |
Sociable Sloths |
12 |
– |
18 |
Sassy Skunks |
Memorial SW |
Dreaded Dingoes |
— |
Manic Monkeys |
Memorial SW |
Giant Giraffes |
19 |
– |
17 |
Sneaky Snakes |
Memorial SW |
Pouncing Penguins |
18 |
– |
16 |
Memorial SW |
Raging Rhinos |
21 |
– |
18 |
Brave Boars |
Trillium E |
Curious Camels |
16 |
– |
21 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Trillium E |
Logical Lizzards |
18 |
– |
17 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Trillium E |
Methodical Meerkats |
21 |
– |
19 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium E |
Tactful Turtles |
— |
Llovable Llamas |
Trillium W |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
17 |
– |
8 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium W |
Sophisticated Sharks |
15 |
– |
21 |
Belligerent Badgers |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Crazy Cobras |
12 |
– |
12 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
2 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire N |
Livid Leopards |
21 |
– |
13 |
Insane Impalas |
Empire N |
Prancing Pandas |
15 |
– |
13 |
Graceful Geese |
Empire S |
Jaded Jellyfish |
— |
Sassy Skunks |
Empire S |
Sociable Sloths |
10 |
– |
6 |
Spicy Calamari |
Memorial SW |
Dreaded Dingoes |
— |
Brave Boars |
Memorial SW |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
11 |
Memorial SW |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
17 |
Sneaky Snakes |
Memorial SW |
Raging Rhinos |
8 |
– |
21 |
Manic Monkeys |
Trillium E |
Curious Camels |
21 |
– |
16 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium E |
Logical Lizzards |
19 |
– |
16 |
Llovable Llamas |
Trillium E |
Methodical Meerkats |
29 |
– |
31 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Trillium E |
Tactful Turtles |
12 |
– |
7 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Trillium W |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
21 |
– |
12 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium W |
Sophisticated Sharks |
21 |
– |
20 |
Garish Geckos |
Mon Nov 13 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Adventurous Antelopes |
13 |
– |
21 |
Mad Moose |
Empire N |
Babbling Baboons |
8 |
– |
16 |
Lively Lemurs |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
13 |
– |
15 |
Radical Racoons |
Empire N |
Playful Penguins |
11 |
– |
12 |
Ferocious Frogs |
Empire S |
Counting Crows |
11 |
– |
17 |
Heinous Horses |
Empire S |
Serious Swans |
21 |
– |
16 |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Empire S |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
16 |
– |
15 |
Bold Bees |
Memorial SW |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Memorial SW |
Dirty Direwolves |
21 |
– |
6 |
Drop Bears |
Trillium E |
Hangry Hippos |
14 |
– |
19 |
Amazing Aardvarks |
Trillium E |
Outrageous Otters |
— |
Sensational Spiders |
Trillium W |
Bonkers Buffalo |
— |
Fabulous Foxes |
Trillium W |
Debonair Dolphins |
21 |
– |
19 |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Bold Bees |
15 |
– |
16 |
Counting Crows |
Empire N |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
21 |
– |
15 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Empire N |
Heinous Horses |
21 |
– |
16 |
Babbling Baboons |
Empire N |
Laughing Lions |
5 |
– |
21 |
Serious Swans |
Empire S |
Ferocious Frogs |
15 |
– |
11 |
Radical Racoons |
Empire S |
Lively Lemurs |
21 |
– |
7 |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Empire S |
Mad Moose |
21 |
– |
12 |
Playful Penguins |
Memorial SW |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
21 |
– |
10 |
Drop Bears |
Memorial SW |
Dirty Direwolves |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium E |
Hangry Hippos |
17 |
– |
21 |
Sensational Spiders |
Trillium E |
Outrageous Otters |
— |
Amazing Aardvarks |
Trillium W |
Bonkers Buffalo |
— |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Trillium W |
Debonair Dolphins |
15 |
– |
14 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Thu Nov 16 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dreaded Dingoes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Sneaky Snakes |
Empire N |
Giant Giraffes |
7 |
– |
21 |
Manic Monkeys |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
21 |
– |
15 |
Brave Boars |
Empire N |
Raging Rhinos |
9 |
– |
21 |
Empire S |
Curious Camels |
21 |
– |
20 |
Garish Geckos |
Empire S |
Methodical Meerkats |
18 |
– |
21 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Memorial SW |
Crazy Cobras |
5 |
– |
21 |
Insane Impalas |
Memorial SW |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
15 |
Graceful Geese |
Memorial SW |
Livid Leopards |
18 |
– |
18 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Memorial SW |
Prancing Pandas |
17 |
– |
20 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Trillium E |
Jaded Jellyfish |
21 |
– |
11 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Trillium E |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
18 |
– |
15 |
Pleasant Platypus |
Trillium E |
Sociable Sloths |
12 |
– |
11 |
Llovable Llamas |
Trillium E |
Sophisticated Sharks |
12 |
– |
21 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Logical Lizzards |
16 |
– |
11 |
Spicy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Tactful Turtles |
21 |
– |
5 |
Sassy Skunks |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Dreaded Dingoes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Empire N |
Giant Giraffes |
21 |
– |
13 |
Brave Boars |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
15 |
– |
20 |
Manic Monkeys |
Empire N |
Raging Rhinos |
8 |
– |
21 |
Sneaky Snakes |
Empire S |
Curious Camels |
19 |
– |
18 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Empire S |
Methodical Meerkats |
— |
Garish Geckos |
Memorial SW |
Crazy Cobras |
21 |
– |
12 |
Graceful Geese |
Memorial SW |
Killer Kiwis |
11 |
– |
21 |
Insane Impalas |
Memorial SW |
Livid Leopards |
17 |
– |
17 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Memorial SW |
Prancing Pandas |
16 |
– |
17 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Trillium E |
Jaded Jellyfish |
21 |
– |
15 |
Llovable Llamas |
Trillium E |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
20 |
– |
21 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium E |
Sociable Sloths |
11 |
– |
12 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Trillium E |
Sophisticated Sharks |
— |
Pleasant Platypus |
Trillium W |
Logical Lizzards |
21 |
– |
17 |
Sassy Skunks |
Trillium W |
Tactful Turtles |
21 |
– |
11 |
Spicy Calamari |
Mon Nov 20 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Fabulous Foxes |
20 |
– |
14 |
Dirty Direwolves |
Empire N |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
— |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Empire S |
Drop Bears |
17 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Empire S |
Wailing Whales |
— |
Outrageous Otters |
Memorial SW |
Amazing Aardvarks |
14 |
– |
21 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Memorial SW |
Sensational Spiders |
10 |
– |
21 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Trillium E |
Ferocious Frogs |
18 |
– |
17 |
Heinous Horses |
Trillium E |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
21 |
– |
10 |
Serious Swans |
Trillium E |
Lively Lemurs |
16 |
– |
9 |
Babbling Baboons |
Trillium E |
Mad Moose |
16 |
– |
20 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium W |
Adventurous Antelopes |
14 |
– |
16 |
Counting Crows |
Trillium W |
Bold Bees |
19 |
– |
21 |
Radical Racoons |
Trillium W |
Laughing Lions |
— |
Playful Penguins |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Fabulous Foxes |
15 |
– |
13 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Empire N |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
— |
Dirty Direwolves |
Empire S |
Drop Bears |
— |
Outrageous Otters |
Empire S |
Wailing Whales |
— |
Hangry Hippos |
Memorial SW |
Amazing Aardvarks |
13 |
– |
21 |
Debonair Dolphins |
Memorial SW |
Sensational Spiders |
21 |
– |
20 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Trillium E |
Ferocious Frogs |
20 |
– |
16 |
Babbling Baboons |
Trillium E |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
21 |
– |
10 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium E |
Lively Lemurs |
11 |
– |
14 |
Heinous Horses |
Trillium E |
Mad Moose |
3 |
– |
21 |
Serious Swans |
Trillium W |
Adventurous Antelopes |
15 |
– |
18 |
Bold Bees |
Trillium W |
Counting Crows |
21 |
– |
11 |
Playful Penguins |
Trillium W |
Radical Racoons |
20 |
– |
9 |
Laughing Lions |
Thu Nov 23 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Colourful Coyotes |
15 |
– |
16 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
9 |
– |
15 |
Logical Lizzards |
Empire N |
Llovable Llamas |
21 |
– |
11 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire N |
Tactful Turtles |
10 |
– |
12 |
Insane Impalas |
Empire S |
Livid Leopards |
21 |
– |
13 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire S |
Prancing Pandas |
11 |
– |
11 |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Empire S |
Sassy Skunks |
16 |
– |
10 |
Crazy Cobras |
Empire S |
Spicy Calamari |
17 |
– |
12 |
Graceful Geese |
Trillium E |
Garish Geckos |
21 |
– |
19 |
Trillium E |
Manic Monkeys |
16 |
– |
15 |
Giant Giraffes |
Trillium E |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
20 |
– |
15 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Trillium E |
Pleasant Platypus |
(A001) |
Pouncing Penguins |
Trillium W |
Brave Boars |
21 |
– |
7 |
Raging Rhinos |
Trillium W |
Dreaded Dingoes |
21 |
– |
18 |
Curious Camels |
Trillium W |
Sneaky Snakes |
21 |
– |
15 |
Belligerent Badgers |
Trillium W |
Sophisticated Sharks |
14 |
– |
21 |
Crispy Calamari |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Insane Impalas |
21 |
– |
11 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Empire N |
Killer Kiwis |
21 |
– |
5 |
Sociable Sloths |
Empire N |
Logical Lizzards |
16 |
– |
18 |
Llovable Llamas |
Empire N |
Tactful Turtles |
19 |
– |
21 |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Empire S |
Crazy Cobras |
21 |
– |
7 |
Spicy Calamari |
Empire S |
Gregarious Gorillas |
19 |
– |
12 |
Livid Leopards |
Empire S |
Prancing Pandas |
21 |
– |
4 |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
Empire S |
Sassy Skunks |
21 |
– |
14 |
Graceful Geese |
Trillium E |
Giant Giraffes |
18 |
– |
15 |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Trillium E |
Manic Monkeys |
19 |
– |
13 |
Methodical Meerkats |
Trillium E |
Pleasant Platypus |
21 |
– |
16 |
Trillium E |
Pouncing Penguins |
17 |
– |
21 |
Garish Geckos |
Trillium W |
Belligerent Badgers |
20 |
– |
15 |
Brave Boars |
Trillium W |
Curious Camels |
21 |
– |
16 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Trillium W |
Dreaded Dingoes |
21 |
– |
18 |
Crispy Calamari |
Trillium W |
Sneaky Snakes |
21 |
– |
8 |
Raging Rhinos |
Mon Nov 27 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Babbling Baboons |
13 |
– |
8 |
Heinous Horses |
Empire N |
Ferocious Frogs |
14 |
– |
21 |
Lively Lemurs |
Empire N |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
21 |
– |
15 |
Mad Moose |
Empire N |
Serious Swans |
19 |
– |
19 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Empire S |
Adventurous Antelopes |
— |
Radical Racoons |
Empire S |
Bold Bees |
— |
Counting Crows |
Empire S |
Laughing Lions |
1 |
– |
18 |
Playful Penguins |
Memorial SW |
Amazing Aardvarks |
16 |
– |
21 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Memorial SW |
Sensational Spiders |
— |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Trillium E |
Bonkers Buffalo |
17 |
– |
19 |
Drop Bears |
Trillium E |
Debonair Dolphins |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium W |
Hangry Hippos |
— |
Dirty Direwolves |
Trillium W |
Outrageous Otters |
18 |
– |
15 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Babbling Baboons |
19 |
– |
15 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Empire N |
Ferocious Frogs |
21 |
– |
15 |
Mad Moose |
Empire N |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
21 |
– |
15 |
Lively Lemurs |
Empire N |
Serious Swans |
18 |
– |
10 |
Heinous Horses |
Empire S |
Adventurous Antelopes |
— |
Laughing Lions |
Empire S |
Bold Bees |
8 |
– |
17 |
Playful Penguins |
Empire S |
Radical Racoons |
21 |
– |
10 |
Counting Crows |
Memorial SW |
Amazing Aardvarks |
— |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Memorial SW |
Sensational Spiders |
21 |
– |
11 |
Fabulous Foxes |
Trillium E |
Bonkers Buffalo |
— |
Wailing Whales |
Trillium E |
Debonair Dolphins |
9 |
– |
14 |
Drop Bears |
Trillium W |
Hangry Hippos |
21 |
– |
10 |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Trillium W |
Outrageous Otters |
— |
Dirty Direwolves |
Thu Nov 30 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Garish Geckos |
(A106) |
Manic Monkeys |
Empire N |
(A107) |
Obnoxiously Obscene Owls |
Empire N |
Pleasant Platypus |
(A105) |
Giant Giraffes |
Empire N |
Pouncing Penguins |
(A108) |
Methodical Meerkats |
Empire S |
Crispy Calamari |
16 |
– |
13 |
Brave Boars |
Empire S |
Curious Camels |
14 |
– |
21 |
Sneaky Snakes |
Empire S |
Dreaded Dingoes |
(B105) |
Belligerent Badgers |
Empire S |
Sophisticated Sharks |
21 |
– |
11 |
Raging Rhinos |
Trillium E |
Killer Kiwis |
12 |
– |
21 |
Insane Impalas |
Trillium E |
Llovable Llamas |
(C106) |
Jaded Jellyfish |
Trillium E |
Logical Lizzards |
21 |
– |
10 |
Tactful Turtles |
Trillium E |
Sociable Sloths |
15 |
– |
9 |
Colourful Coyotes |
Trillium W |
Crazy Cobras |
21 |
– |
12 |
Prancing Pandas |
Trillium W |
Graceful Geese |
12 |
– |
21 |
Livid Leopards |
Trillium W |
Sassy Skunks |
(D105) |
Gregarious Gorillas |
Trillium W |
Spicy Calamari |
(D108) |
Dangerous Dinosaurs |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
W: A109 |
(A109) |
W: A109 |
Empire N |
L: A110 |
(A110) |
L: A110 |
Empire N |
L: A112 |
(A112) |
Pouncing Penguins |
Empire N |
(A111) |
W: A111 |
Empire S |
L: B110 |
(B110) |
Curious Camels |
Empire S |
Brave Boars |
21 |
– |
15 |
Raging Rhinos |
Empire S |
Crispy Calamari |
21 |
– |
13 |
Sophisticated Sharks |
Empire S |
Dreaded Dingoes |
(B109) |
Sneaky Snakes |
Trillium E |
Colourful Coyotes |
19 |
– |
21 |
Tactful Turtles |
Trillium E |
Insane Impalas |
(C109) |
W: C109 |
Trillium E |
Killer Kiwis |
(C110) |
L: C110 |
Trillium E |
Sociable Sloths |
8 |
– |
21 |
Logical Lizzards |
Trillium W |
W: D109 |
(D109) |
Crazy Cobras |
Trillium W |
Graceful Geese |
(D112) |
L: D112 |
Trillium W |
Gregarious Gorillas |
(D110) |
Prancing Pandas |
Trillium W |
Livid Leopards |
(D111) |
W: D111 |
Mon Dec 4 8:00 pm |
Empire N |
Debonair Dolphins |
15 |
– |
17 |
Bonkers Buffalo |
Empire N |
Dirty Direwolves |
(A103) |
Amazing Aardvarks |
Empire N |
Fabulous Foxes |
(A104) |
Outrageous Otters |
Empire N |
Sensational Spiders |
17 |
– |
21 |
Hangry Hippos |
Empire S |
Drop Bears |
(A105) |
Cheerful Cheetahs |
Empire S |
Wailing Whales |
(A106) |
Troi and Ted's Totally Tantalizing Tumultuous Tigers |
Trillium E |
Babbling Baboons |
19 |
– |
7 |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium E |
Counting Crows |
(B103) |
Bold Bees |
Trillium E |
Radical Racoons |
(B101) |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
Trillium E |
Serious Swans |
(B102) |
Ferocious Frogs |
Trillium W |
Heinous Horses |
18 |
– |
12 |
Mad Moose |
Trillium W |
Laughing Lions |
4 |
– |
21 |
Playful Penguins |
Trillium W |
Lively Lemurs |
(B105) |
Adventurous Antelopes |
9:00 pm |
Empire N |
Adventurous Antelopes |
(A205) |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Empire N |
Amazing Aardvarks |
(A202) |
W: A202 |
Empire N |
Bonkers Buffalo |
21 |
– |
10 |
Hangry Hippos |
Empire N |
Debonair Dolphins |
18 |
– |
21 |
Sensational Spiders |
Empire S |
L: A206 |
(A206) |
L: A206 |
Empire S |
Adventurous Antelopes |
(A203) |
Adventurous Antelopes |
Trillium E |
L: B204 |
(B204) |
L: B204 |
Trillium E |
L: B205 |
(B205) |
These Hippos Don't Lie |
Trillium E |
Bold Bees |
9 |
– |
21 |
Babbling Baboons |
Trillium E |
Gorgeous Grizzlies |
(B201) |
W: B201 |
Trillium W |
W: B203 |
(B203) |
Mad Moose |
Trillium W |
L: B206 |
(B206) |
Laughing Lions |
Trillium W |
Heinous Horses |
17 |
– |
16 |
Playful Penguins |